Chapter 8

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"Misty!" Tracey exclaimed as he gazed upon her.

She was chained up on the opposite side on the room, dismay written on her face. She had given up, until her eyes met Tracey's and she became worried.

"Tracey, what are you doing here?" Misty asked.

"Well, I came to try to save you, but..." Tracey replied sheepishly.

"You shouldn't have come." Misty whispered, looking away from him.

Before another word could be exchanged between the two, the door opened once again. In walked Paul, with a jeweled orb and a Ninjask by his side. Misty and Tracey glared at him, but he payed no mind to it.

"What do you want?" Misty hissed.

"I only want your powers." Paul answered, holding the orb out towards her.

"Why should I give them to you?" Misty spat.

"I thought you might say that." Paul smirked. He waved to his Pokémon and it turned toward Tracey. "If you don't give me what I want, then I will tell Ninjask to attack." Misty stared at him in fear. "But, if you give me your power, I will release him." Misty looked back and forth, between Paul and Tracey. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't let the power fall into the wrong hands, but she also couldn't stand Tracey getting hurt. "Ninjask."

"Wait! I...I'll give you my powers." Misty gave in.

"No! Misty, don't do it!" Tracey begged.

Paul's smirk grew and held the orb out to her. Misty closed her eyes, a few tears escaping. She began to glow a bright blue and sent the power into the orb. Her Pokémon ears and tail began to fade as her power was drained, until their was nothing left in her. She fell to the floor, weak and exhausted.

"Thank you. A promise is a promise. Ninjask release them with Slash" Paul commanded and left the room. The Pokémon freed them and left with his master.

"Misty!" Tracey raced to her side. "Are you ok? Please be okay...I'm begging you." Tears formed in his eyes as he cradled her delicate form.

"T...Tracey..." Misty managed. Now that the magic was gone, her life was fading. "Go..."

"! I'm not leaving...and neither are you. Stay with me, please. I'll do anything." Tracey begged.

"Tracey." Misty whispered.

"Please stay with me." He leaned forward and, in a desperate attempt to help, placed his mouth on hers. It wasn't meant to be a kiss, but it turned into one. One filled with love.

A blinding light filled the room as they kissed. Flashes of blue light swirling around her. When Tracey noticed, he pulled back in shock. The light dissipated, and Misty opened her eyes.

"Tracey?" Misty beamed. "Tracey you did it!" She sat up and captured him in a hug. "You broke my curse." Misty cried.

Tracey hugged her back, just as tight, happy that he was able to save her. A Marill slept soundly next to them, to tired from all the excitement.

In another room, May and Drew were chained on either side of the room.

"Drew, what are doing here? Why did you come? You shouldn't be here. This has nothing to do with you. You could get hurt." May said in one breath.

"I had to come and save you." Drew replied, with a smile.

"And it shall be in vain." A knight stated, releasing Paul's Gliscor. "You, young lady, will give up your powers by order of the king, or else."

"Or else what?" May frowned.

"Or else, your friend here will take the fall." The knight answered. "Gliscor, get ready."

"No! Don't you dare lay a finger or a claw or whatever on him!" May boomed. She had never felt such strong emotions like this. It was causing her powers to go haywire. "I care about him, so much and I won't let you hurt him!" May stood up, the chains falling off of her with ease.

"Quickly, Gliscor use-" But it was to late. A huge flash of light engulfed the room and when it faded, Drew and May were gone.

When Drew opened his eyes, he was laying in a flowery meadow. As he sat up he began to think all of this was a dream, until he was tackled back to the ground.

"You have some questions to answer mister." May pouted, looking down at him.

"Ask away." Drew remarked, not at all mind the position he was in.

"Why on earth would you risk that! You could have been hurt or worse! I...I love you...even if you can't break the curse...I love you." May whimpered, covering her face with her hands.

Drew sat up, putting May in his lap. He didn't like seeing her in distress. He wanted her smile to never fade. "Then let's just see if I can."

"What?" May muttered, looking back at him just as he pressed his lips on hers.

May froze for a moment, wondering if this was to good to be true. When she kissed him back, beams of light surrounded her. Drew jumped a bit at the sight and pulled back from the kiss. The light went away, and May no longer had Eevee ears or a tail, but did have the Pokémon in her lap.

"Eevee! You're back!" May squealed in delight, hugging the little Pokémon.

"Vee!" Eevee cooed, rubbing against her cheek.

Drew simply smiled at the overjoyed girl. May suddenly lunged to Drew and planted another kiss upon his lips.

"Thank you so much." May smiled, tears of joy running down her face.

"I'd do anything for the girl I love." Drew gently pulled her to his chest. May let out a content sigh and complied, resting her head against him, listening to his heartbeat.

In yet another room, Serena and Clemont struggled in their binds.

"Fighting against this is pointless." A knight declared with an orb and a rather large Magmotar next to him. "Now, let's hurry this along. Give up your power girl, or your Prince Charming here will be burnt to a crisp."

Serena glanced worriedly at Clemont. Even though she didn't mean to, even though she tried so hard not to, she did. She cared about him and fell for him, hard. Serena didn't want anything bad to happen to him, especially because of her.

"You wouldn't dare!" Serena growled, her powers becoming overwhelmed with her emotions.

"I would. Magmotar." The knight challenged. The Pokémon turned toward Clemont and aimed its arm at him, ready to obey any command.

Little did they know, Clemont was picking the lock of his chains with one of his trinkets. His new plan, get out of his chains and protect Serena at all costs.

"Stop!" Serena screamed.

Both Serena and Clemont's chains were unlocked at the same time. The two ran to each other in desperation to save the other.

"Magmotar, flamethrower!" The knight demanded.

Just as the flames were released, the two had disappeared in a flash of light, but not without doing some damage. They appeared in the cover of the forest, holding each other.

To be continued...

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