Chapter 5

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"What do you mean you live in a waterfall?" Tracey asked.

"Well, not exactly in it. More like, behind it. Follow us." Dawn motioned for them to follow.

The guys hesitantly followed the girls around the rocky caverns that lead to a space behind the waterfall. It was a little cramped in some spots, but them and their Pokémon made in through safely.

When everyone entered the cave behind the waterfall, they were met by two other girls. One with short red hair, in a blue dress with a white oval over her stomach, with a Marill tail and blue mouse ears. The other girl had a lot of dark purple hair, a white dress with thick yellow lines going down the sides, emolga ears and a tail. They hugged their missing friends, so relieved that they were back safe and sound.

"Thank goodness you are ok!" Iris gushed.

"We thought something horrible happened." Misty added. She then noticed the new comers. "Who are they?"

All five girls then began talking in Pokémon.

"They are going to break our curse." May beamed.

" you really think...after all this time..." Iris muttered, becoming emotional.

"Yes, but I think it would be best to bring them in. Show them who and what we really are." Dawn stated.

"Ok, let's do it. But you three are taking the blame if the guardians find out." Misty agreed.

Although, before Misty could approach the group, May and Daw stopped her.

"The boys with dirty blonde and greenish hair don't know about...the curse." Dawn informed. "So, just be aware."

Iris and Misty nodded. May and Dawn happily placed them in front of the guy they believed to be the one for them. Dawn, May, and Serena then stood in front of their chosen guy. Still speaking in Pokémon, the girls asked the Pikachu, Absol, Shinx, Squirtel, and Patrat if they would allow their trainers to use their bodies to enter the sanctuary. All their Pokémon agreed.

"Your Pokémon have agreed help you enter." Dawn announced, talking in English again.

"What does that mean?" Trip asked. "How will our Pokémon help us enter."

All of their Pokémon, minus Absol, climbed into their trainers shoulder. Instead, May and Drew knelt down to the Pokémon's level. The girls then began to glow, alarming even the three who were aware of the curse. In the palm of the girl's hands a small glowing sphere appeared. Drawn to the light, the Pokémon and their trainers touched the sphere. What happened next was a shock to the five males.

"What just happened?" Tracey questioned in shock, seeing his arms were now that of his Pokémon partner, Squirtle.

"We are Pokémon." Ash stated, a little weirded out to be a Pikachu.

The girls then changed into their Pokémon forms as the guys were processing their new forms.

"Ok...what is going on! We are Pokémon! How are they Pokémon! Why are we our Pokémon!" Trip exclaimed, staring at his small Patrat hands.

"Just come on in and we will explain everything." May assured.

They were lead to a small opening that at first didn't seem like much, but the closer they got, a portal opened. The girls managed to coax the guys into the portal and once on the other side, they were met with a beautiful view. Endless fields of fluffy emerald green grass, all kinds of trees filled with yummy berries, sparkling lakes of fresh clean water and the perfect weather. It was a Pokémon paradise and all the Pokémon living there took full advantage of the secret hiding place.

The Pokégirls curseWhere stories live. Discover now