Chapter 3

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After some time, the girls were given the opportunity to leave the tent, once the guys were such they were ok enough. They instantly gathered together to talk about what happened. Absol, Pikachu, and Shinx appeared to be standing guard.

"Ok, what happened with you two?" Dawn asked, her voice low for only her friends to hear.

"Drew was...very understanding. He didn't prey about what happened and when I was uncomfortable about something...he dropped it. He is different." May whispered.

"Yeah, Clemont made sure I felt safe around him. None of the others have gone this far." Serena added.

"I know. These boys are definitely different...and there are two more." Dawn stated, looking over her shoulder for a moment, watching the five boys busy themselves. "I guess the only thing we can do is wait for night to come."

"What! Are you crazy!" Serena exclaimed, gaining the five guys attention.

"Shhh!" May hushed. "You want the whole forest to here you."

"Sorry, but we can't wait. Once they know what we are then..." Serena trailed off. "Our only option is to go back to the sanctuary right now."

"We can't do that either. What if we run into those hunters again? Now that they know we are the cursed girls and won't stop until they have us. Plus, it's too late in the day to make it back before dark." Dawn argued.

"Fine." Serena stood up. "Then I'm staying in the tent until bed time."

"Serena, I know you're upset but please don't do anything. Not until we absolutely have to." Dawn urged.

Serena said nothing as she reentered Clemont's tent.

"Don't worry, she is just stressed out. It's what happens when we stray to far from the sanctuary. It will pass by morning." May assured.

"If we can last out here that long." Dawn muttered under her breath.

Dawn went back into Ash's tent and May went back into Drew's tent. The girls rested as much as they possible. However, Serena wasn't able to sleep. Not being at the sanctuary where she knew it was safe was driving her crazy. Even though she did like Clemont and knew he wouldn't hurt her, she didn't want to stay out in the forest. Not when she would show the curse and be left behind yet again.

A little while later, the guys also turned in for the evening. They all entered their tents ready for a goodnights sleep. However, this was not the end of the night. Clemont screamed when he entered his tent, causing everyone to ran out of their tents. Clemont ran out quickly after too.

"Clemont, what happened?" Tracey asked.

"It's Serena. She's gone." Clemont worried.

May and Dawn exchanged a look, knowing where she was headed. They nodded in agreement and left the small campsite to go find their friend.

"We have to go after her!" Ash boomed.

"Um...where did the other two go?" Trip asked, noticing that they had gone as well.

Drew and Ash turned to see they had run off.

"Ok, Trip, Tracey you two guard the camp, Ash, Clemont and me are going after them." Drew instructed. They all nodded in agreement and Ash, Drew, and Clemont ran to go find the girls, with their Pokémon close behind.

Meanwhile, May and Dawn had finally caught up with Serena. They tackled her to the ground to stop her and try to reason with her.

"Serena! What were you thinking?" Dawn growled angrily.

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