Chapter 7

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"Good work Witch." The young king stated to Ursula as he looked upon the magical cursed girls. "Now bring them to the West Wing and make sure they can't escape."

"Yes, you're highness." The knights obeyed their kings commanded.

"My name is Ursula." She snapped as followed him out of the room. "And seeing as I brought you those girls, I think I deserve some respect, Paul."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself." Paul rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me!" Ursula exclaimed. "In case you forgot, I'm the one responsible for bringing them here. You wouldn't have them without me."

"Maybe, but you still needed the help of my men to accomplish the task. So, maybe you should give more respect to your king and figure out a way to access their power." Paul retorted. Ursula glared at him furiously. Before she could return a snide comment of her own, there was a knock. "Enter."

The door opened and in walked Gary, Kenny, and Conway pulling on the ropes that held Ash, Drew, Clemont, Trip, and Tracey.

"Oh, look what we have here. Little knights in dirty rags thought they could save their special ladies." Ursula remarked sarcastically. "It's so...revolting."

"Weren't you three suppose to guard those other witches." Paul stated.

"Please, those three can't use their magic. They are good as captured." Conway assured.

"What would you like us to do with these runts?" Kenny asked, pulling on the rope.

"Just throw them in the dungeon and-" Paul answered.

"Wait." Ursula grabbed his shoulder to gain his attention. Ursula rolled her eyes under his intense gaze. "I have an idea about how to get the girls to be more, willing to give us their powers."

"And that is?" Paul questioned.

"Those girls seem to care an awful lot about these bums. I do believe they would be more willing, maybe even beg us to take their powers, if there was a threat upon these guys." Ursula replied.

"I like the way you think witch." Paul smirked slyly, looking back at the tethered prisoners.

"It's Ursula." She hissed.

"Leave them with me. I have some arrangements that need to be made." Paul commanded the three hunters. Kenny, Conway, and Gary hesitated to hand over the ropes. This was not part of the plan. "What are you waiting for. You are dismissed." The used to be hunters reluctantly handed the prisoners over and left. "Can you handle them?" Paul asked Ursula.

"Of course I can." Ursula boasted, tapping her staff on the floor, her dark magic sparking from the jeweled top.

"Good. I just need to take care of something." Paul then secured the ropes and left the room to tend to his other business.

"I do hope you are comfortable." Ursula remarked with obvious fake sincerity. She yanked on the rope, nearly causing them to fall. "And that you weren't planning on escaping with the girls, because the power that is in those girls is going to be mine."

"Why do you even want their power? With all the emptiness and darkness in this kingdom, why become more corrupt?" Drew questioned.

"You don't know?" Ursula cackled. "Well, I guess I can tell you the tale. It's quite the story, so be ready to listen. It all started 17 years ago. Five girls were born on the same day, to a group of close nit respected, wealthy families. However, the babies were born very weak, with little promise of survival. The families feared the lost of their new borns, so they sought the help of legendary Pokémon. After many tiring days, they had come in contact with Mew, Victini, and Jirachi. The Pokémon saw the love in their hearts and all three of them agreed and lent their power to save the baby girls. With the power given, the babies were healed and as a result, were granted powers of their own. Word spread quickly, and many sorcerers wanted that power for themselves. So, when the families refused to give up their daughters for their power, a group of very strong and talented sorceresses cast a very powerful curse over the girls, bonding them with a Pokémon. Although the curse was only meant to affect the five families, there were other unforeseen affects of it. Which is to be expected with a curse as powerful as this one. That is were we are now. Only the magic in those girls will fix the damage that has been done."

"But what will happen to the girls if the magic is taken from them?" Clemont asked.

"It will be a worthy sacrifice." Ursula replied with paused.

This news sent a chill of fear down the guys spines. Even though they had not known the girls long, it felt like they had known them forever. They felt drown to them, as if it was destiny. A deafening silence filled the room, until a new question popped up.

"Why are the ones who left traitors?" Trip broke the silence.

"Because they are! Just because they found 'true love' doesn't not mean they can leave me high and dry! We were a team and they left me!" Ursula barked. "Enough questions."

"Hey, witch it's time." Paul informed from the doorway.

"Finally. Now let's get this over with." Ursula hissed.

The guys were pulled along to the West Wing and separated into different rooms. To their surprise, they were locked in a room with one of the girls chained on the opposite side.

"Now, let's get this over with." Paul stated.

Meanwhile, just outside the castle, the three guardians and all their Pokémon waited in case of assistants. Much to their surprise, Gary, Conway, and Kenny came running out of the castle and into the small patch of forest they were hiding in.

"What are you doing here?" Miette asked, worried.

"The plan was for you to stay with them and help them find the girls." Zoey grunted.

"It's not our fault." Conway argued. "Paul told us to leave."

"If we had stayed, then he would have found us out." Gary added.

There was a brief silence as the guardians thought over the circumstances.

"What do you think Brianna? Can you scene anything?" Miette questioned.

Brianna closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. She began to glow a light pink, using her power to see if the outcome will result in true love. There was a short silence as they waited for her response.

"Anything?" Kenny asked.

Suddenly her eyes shot open and she gasped. Her expression held worry but also hope.

"What is it? What did you see?" Zoey demanded, becoming impatient and worried.

"I...I...can't see anything...there is no definitive outcome. This...this is a critical point." Brianna replied, her voice a bit shaky.

"What does that mean?" Conway asked.

"There are a few special circumstances that can not be predicted, no matter how powerful a witch or wizard is or how powerful of magic. We can only know once it happens." Miette informed.

"'re saying..." Gary trailed off.

"It could go either way. This could end in great joy or terrible tragedy." Brianna finished for him.

So, now it was all up to them. The cured Pokégirls and the boys with good hearts. They all looked sorrowful towards the castle, hoping that everything would turn out ok in the end. Only time will tell.

To be continued...

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