Chapter 2

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 In Ash's tent, a little while later, Dawn had woken up. 'Where am I? What happened?' She sat up, noticing some bandages on her arms.

"Thank goodness you're awake." Ash breathed in relief. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm fine now." Dawn answered hesitantly. "Thank you."

"That's a relief. What were you doing out there and why were those guys chasing after you?" Ash quizzed.

Dawn looked away, not sure if she should answer. While she could feel his good heart, there have been others and none of them could handle such an answer. Why would he be any different?

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me. I'm sure you're still freaked out and I don't want to scare you. Take your time. I'll get you home as soon as you're well enough." Ash gave a reassuring smile.

Dawn met his gaze, surprised by his kindness. She smiled to herself, feeling something different that she hadn't felt with the others.

'No! I can't let myself hope. I'll have to wait and see if he stays when he learns of my curse.' Dawn thought. "Thank you." Dawn smiled.

"Can I at least know your name?" Ash quizzed.

"Dawn. My names Dawn." Dawn answered.

"Well Dawn, I'm Ash. Do you need anything?" Ash asked. "We have berries and fresh water."

"Yes, please. Whatever you have is fine." Dawn replied.

Ash nodded and handed her a few berries and a bottle of water. He stepped back, hoping to make her feel more at ease. Dawn quickly ate and drank what she was given. Having not eaten in quite a few hours, she was quite hungry.

"Thank you, again." Dawn muttered.

She set the bottle down next to the bed. Pikachu woke up from his nap and jumped on the bed with Dawn. Before Ash could stop his little buddy, Pikachu climbed on Dawn's lap. She smiled and began to affectionately pet the Pokémon.

"Wow. Usually Pikachu doesn't let others get to close." Ash remarked, surprised.

"Well, I guess you could say that I have this...special bond with them." Dawn replied.

"What do you mean?" Ash questioned.

"Nothing." Dawn responded quickly, as she continued to pet the Pokémon.

It grew silent between them. Ash just watched her play with Pikachu. There was something about this girl that Ash found himself to be drawn to. Maybe it was her beauty, but it felt like something more than that. He just couldn't put his finger on it. After a few attempts, Ash finally got some small talk going between them.

In Drew's tent, May slowly sat up and looked around her new environment, lazily. She then noticed all the badges.

'What happened to me?' May thought, examining herself to find all her wounds were tended to.

"Glad you're awake. I thought you might be hungry, so I got you some food and fresh water." Drew announced, setting a tray in front of her.

May stared at him for a long moment before diving into the food and water. Drew blinked in surprise at her sudden hunger, but smiled nonetheless. Once the food was gone, May licked her fingers and looked back at him.

"Thank you. That was really yummy. I haven't eaten since...I haven't eaten in a while." May remarked, titling her head.

"You're welcome." Drew replied. He sat down, and asked "So, what is your name?"

"My name is May." May answered.

"I'm Drew. So, May, where are you from?" Drew asked.

"Why! What have you heard?" May squealed, suddenly becoming defensive.

"Nothing. I just want to know where you live so we can bring you back when you are well enough." Drew assured. He held his hands up in surrender to show he meant no harm. "I don't mean any harm, I promise you."

"Well...thank you...for helping me." May replied slowly.

"Of course." Drew remarked, with a flip of his hair. "Now rest up, you've had a ruff day." May nodded. Absol then entered the tent and approached May as if they had met hundreds of times.

"Hi there." May greeted, reaching her hand out.

"Wait!" Drew boomed.

But, to Drew's surprise, Absol let May pet him. "What's wrong?" May tilted her head, as her hand glided over the Pokémon's smooth white coat.

"Nothing, it's just...Absol has never let anyone but me be that close to him. I'm surprised." Drew answered.

"Really? Well, I guess he just likes me. Don't you?" May chirped, rubbing the horn on Absol's head. The Pokémon cooed in agreement. Absol then climbed onto the bed and rested his head in May's lap. "Aw! He is such a sweetly."

'Wow.' Drew thought. He was blown away by this beautiful girl before him. She was sweet and had this way with Pokémon unlike anything he had ever seen. No one in the kingdom did, and it fascinated Drew. "So, May, how are you so good with Pokémon?" Drew asked.

"'s a bit of a long story...I'd rather not get into it." May muttered.

"I understand." Drew stated, surprising May. "You will share things with me when you're ready. Take you time."

May looked away, rubbing her arm, a slight blush dusted her cheeks. 'Maybe he is the one. Maybe I should give him a chance? But, there is still the curse. I'll just have to see how he reacts after sunset.' May thought. "Thank you. I really appreciate that." 'More than you can imagine.'

"Of course." Drew flipped his hair.

The two continued on with small talk. Nothing to big, so Drew could keep her talking. He wanted to get to know her, no matter how long it took.

In Clemont's tent, Serena woke up with a jump. Her eyes darting to every corner of the tent, trying to figure out where she was.

"Shinx?" The little blue sounded.

"Ahhh!" Serena yelped, jumping back. She calmed down once she realized it was only the little Pokémon. "Oh, it's just you." She breathed in relief. "Come here." Shinx nodded and joined her on the bed. Serena began to pet the Shinx. "Your really sweet."

"What happened?" Clemont voiced, entering the tent. Serena screams again and cowered in fright, behind his Pokémon.

Shinx glanced between the girl and his trainer. "Shinx?" He titled his head in confusion at the Serena.

Clemont shrugged, to his Pokémon.

"Hey, it's ok...I just want to help you. I promise, I'm a friend." Clemont assured. Serena peaked up at him and scened no danger. She sat up, but scooted as far away as possible, just incase. "I understand your scared. I would be too after what happened. I just want to help you and I can't do that unless you trust me. At least a little bit."

"I...I'm Serena." Serena murmured.

"Hi Serena. My name is Clemont. Are you ok? Do you some food or something? I'm sure your hungry." Clemont asked. She nodded and Clemont gave her some food and water. "If you need something, please don't be afraid to ask. We should get you and your friends home safe and sound as soon as possible."

Serena stiffened for a moment, but continued eating. Once she finished eating Clemont managed to get her to talk with him. The more they talked, the more comfortable she got around him.

To be continued...

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