Chapter 6

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The carriage carrying the girls moved quickly along the dirt path to the kingdom. The three guardian sorceresses dragging their feet beside them. The five girls had woken up and gotten some of their strength back, but it wasn't enough to do anything. Especially with the bars of the cage that zap if touched.

"What are we going to do now?" Serena whispered.

"Nothing." Dawn sighed sadly.

The girls stared at the bluenette in horror. She was usually the one with the plan or encouraged words.

"What do you mean nothing?" Misty worried.

"I mean there is nothing we can do. We are too weak, still cursed, and the sanctuary is destroyed...because of us." Dawn answered, sadly.

"Yeah. Serena, you were right. We shouldn't have believing the curse was going to be broken." May replied, every ounce of happiness gone from the usually joyful, optimistic girl. "Now...we are prisoners...and...there is no one to break our curse. I should have known better than to believe there was a chance."

The girls grew silent and in dismay. If the two most cheery girls in their group had lost hope, then what chance did they have. The rest of the ride quiet with the ever present looming of grief and sadness. Not even the hunters or the guardians dared to make a sound.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, the guys were still chained to tree. Ash still struggled against the chains, even if the others had given up.

"Ash, can you please stop. You aren't going to break the chains." Trip grumbled.

"I have to do something." Ash grunted, yanking on the chains again.

"I know you want to help, but if you don't stop and take a breath we won't get anywhere." Drew reasoned. "So just relax for a minute."

"But if we don't do something now it might be to late. I'm not going to risk it." Ash argued.

"Ash, look at our Pokémon and us. There's nothing to do right now we are all to exhausted." Clemont added.

Ash huffed in defeat. He knew they were right. They'd be useless with how tired they are and wouldn't stand a chance. He slumped back forcefully against the tree in frustration. Which caused two small objects to fall from the tree and hit him on the head before rolling off onto the ground.

"Ow! What was that?" Ash hissed at the pain. Their eyes grew wide. They still had some luck, for it was two Sitrus berries that had fallen from the tree. "Are those...what I think they are?" Everyone nodded, still in shock. "This is perfect! Pikachu come over here and get one of these berries."

Pikachu nodded tiredly and crawled over to the closest berry.

"Hey, why does your Pokémon get the berry?" Trip questioned, almost offended.

"It's just a couple bites. Besides Pikachu can use iron tail to get us out of these chains." Ash replied.

Pikachu took a few bites of the berry and instantly felt more energized.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu boomed.

"Great job buddy. Now, use iron tail and brake off these chains." Ash instructed. Pikachu nodded and jumped up, his tail glowing with energy. He hit all the cuffs on the chains, breaking them off with ease. "Thanks pikachu." Ash petted his Pokémon.

Once the guys and their Pokémon all had some of the Sitrus Berry and regained at least some of their energy, they set off to recuse the girls.

After a long ride, the carriage entered the kingdom. The atmosphere only added to the girls dismay. The sky was full of dark clouds, looking like it was ready for a downpour, but held in the water. The kingdom's villagers passing by trudged on like zombies. The gloom was so thick, a knife would have difficulty cutting through.

The Pokégirls curseWhere stories live. Discover now