Chapter 11: Double Trouble...

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Rip Blair...basically the reader's suspicion of twins is confirmed. And Andrew is shook. We're all shook. Am an evil bitch. K let's do this hoes.

February 12, 2020

You were now roughly 4 months pregnant, but despite slightly showing, still had a hard time believing it was actually happening. Both you and Andrew were still relatively shocked, but little did you know, you were in for an even bigger shock. You had been waiting in the doctor's office for relatively half an hour for another routine check-up and Andrew had been there by your side the whole time. Husband of the year, ladies and gentlemen. He only proved himself to be even more deserving of that title when the words, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Bryson! You're expecting twins!" left your OBGYN's lips. You grabbed Andrew's hand and looked at him with big eyes, small pupils and a medium amount of shock. "Called it." You said, your voice made breathy by said shock. Andrew couldn't stop smiling, squeezing your hand or internally screaming. "You okay?" You asked Andrew, laughing. "Better than I've ever been, Y/N." He said, smiling. When you got home, he literally attacked you with all the kisses. It was a good feeling, knowing you made someone so happy, someone who made you so happy. In this case, Andrew was that someone. You were lucky to have him. Through everything. Unsure of whether hormones had any influence, just thinking of this made you want to burst out crying. When you actually did, Andrew, being the fucking sweetheart he was hugged you and told you you could blame him as much as you wanted, causing you to laugh, still crying, but laugh nonetheless. "You handled the news pretty well, love." You said, referring to the news of your twins. "How could I not? Yeah, it's a lot of work, but it would be a lot of work with just one baby. And yeah, it'll be harder, but we can do it! We've made it through crazier things than raising twins, Y/N." Andrew reasoned. "Fair point...god, isn't it crazy though? The doctor said they were are we gonna tell them apart?" You asked, genuinely feeling screwed over, but more so blessed, not to be cheesy. "Fuck I didn't think about that! Well, we'll figure it out!" He said cheerfully. "Like we always do?" You said, smiling. "Like we always do." He smiled back.

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