Chapter 13: 7/7/20- Stars Are Born

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look at this smol boi ^^^^

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look at this smol boi ^^^^

Welcome to the world, Connor Andrew and Owen Sean! And on your due date...thanks nature/Rose being impatient!

July 7, 2020

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Followed by ow. OW." you said, tired as fuck and in an obviously very extreme amount of pain. But WHAT did the doctor, who looked completely clueless, say? "We're going to have to wait a bit longer, Mrs. Bryson." That bitch better run, you thought. Andrew, meanwhile, had a "God help us all" look on his face the whole time. Let's first back up to how this all started.

July 5, 2020

Just after 9:30 that night, you started having very mild, very irregular contractions. You called your doctor anyway, given you weren't scheduled to go in for surgery for two days. Your doctor told you to hang on for as long as you could, given they were booked solid that day. That and, even when babies are scheduled to be delivered one day, some parents come in the day/night before. You thanked your doctor, hung up and tried to get some sleep. You woke up at 10:15, finding that contractions were now coming every thirty minutes. Great, you thought to yourself sarcastically. You tried to wake up Andrew, just to give him a head's up. "Andrew!" you whispered, shaking him by the shoulder. "Y/N, go to sleep." He said into the pillow groggily. "I can't, I'm getting contractions every thirty minutes, stupid." You said, slightly pissed off. And with that, Andrew shot straight up and turned on a bedside lamp. "Are you serious?" He asked, tired but clearly excited. "Yeah, I think, at least!" You responded, smiling as though to reassure him you weren't in that much pain. Oh boy, were you in for a change.

July 6, 2020

Gasping and panting for air, repeated cries of "I can't do this! Andrew, I can't fucking do this!" at half past two in the morning were all that you were capable of saying in a sentence. You had been in what your doctor referred to as "early labor" when you were on the phone earlier that morning for about six hours now. But yet, the stupid bitch told you to try to hold on until that evening. "Yeah, I don't think you can hold on for 14-15 hours, love." was what Andrew had to say on the matter. Truth be told, he hated seeing you like this more than anything. And just as much, you hated putting him through this. "I hate seeing you like this Y/N. Your doctor's a bimbo if she thinks you can hold on any longer. Give me your phone, dear." He said firmly. Quite touched, you handed him your phone, almost instantly collapsing back onto the bed in the worst pain you'd ever felt.

"Hello, You've reached the front desk at Sibley Memorial Hospital. My name's Tess, how may I help you?" Came the stupidly sweet voice on the other line. "Hi Tess. This is Andrew Bryson calling to at least pass a message to my wife's OBGYN. She's scheduled for a C-section tomorrow, but has been in early labor for around six hours." Andrew said, handling it quite professionally in your opinion. "Alright Andrew. What is your wife's name?" Tess asked, sounding more serious with these words. "Y/N Bryson." Andrew said, looking at you to make sure you were doing alright. "Okay Andrew, we've found her in our database. I can connect you to her doctor if you like?" Tess said. Thank god your doctor wasn't too busy or some shit. "That'd be great. Thank you, Tess." Andrew thanked the operator. "Hello?" Came your doctor's voice from the other line. "Doctor, hi. It's Andrew, Y/N's husband. Listen, I think she might need to come in within the next few hours. Contractions are coming more often and I'm starting to get worried." Andrew said. "Alright Andrew. I can fit her in within a 5-7 o'clock window. Has her water broken yet?" Your doctor asked. You shook your head. "No ma'am, nothing yet." Andrew responded. "Okay. Within the next couple hours, it should break, if not, haul ass, for lack of a better expression" Your doctor responded. Andrew laughed nervously. You could tell he was very nervous, the only other emotion he had been feeling so strongly over this time being excitement. "Alright, thank you doctor." Andrew said as he hung up.

At this point, you were sweating, leaning against Andrew for support. It had been an hour and a half since that phone call, and not much had happened. Until you felt a gush of fluid run down your legs as you stood up. Noticing that your face had begun to pale, Andrew raised an eyebrow and asked, "Y/N? You okay, honey?" "Unless that was piss, I think my water just broke." You said, your voice slightly higher pitched and breathy from shock. That's when Andrew's calmness got thrown out the window. The look on your husband's face as he stared at you in shock, while kind of worrying, was priceless. "I'm okay, you know that right?" You said. "I know, your doctor just said to "haul ass" once your water broke. I don't wanna crash the car, that's how anxious I am." Andrew said, his voice being the shock-affected one this time. "Okay, you pull yourself together for a minute, I'll get changed, put the bag in the car, and then we'll go. Okay?" You reasoned. "M'kay. Just think, within the next twenty-four hours, we're going to be holding our boys..." He said, starting to visibly pale. And even tear up. "I know...It seems like I found out only yesterday. Well, we're here now, huh?" "Yeah. Let's do this." He said, regaining a bit more composure.

Back to present day

Now, here you are, over a day later, about to get a c-section. Time flies when you're in enough pain. Oh wait, that's not the saying. Oh well. It is now. Once you had all the necessary injections and IVs, the surgery started relatively quickly. You were numb from the waist down, except slight pressure. Andrew really didn't want to see even a mildly pained look on your face, so his eyes begin to wander, until he accidentally *looks down*, if you know what I mean. As his eyes widen, you look at him and say, "You looked, didn't you?" "Yep." He said, looking back at you, seeming to be confused as to how you had no feeling in that part of your body. "All I can say can you not feel that?" He asked. "Lots of anethstesia." You responded. The room went quiet for what felt like hours (it was really twenty minutes) before the shrill cries of one of your sons filled the room. Andrew burst into tears when he was handed the screaming Baby A, who you later named Connor Andrew Bryson. Another ten minutes later, Baby B was in the arms of one of the nurses, later named by his parents Owen Sean Bryson. Your boys were so beautiful that Andrew was actually sobbing while he held Connor. And with that, these highly emotional 48 hours come to an end, resulting in two beautiful sons, who would prove to be a fair handful over the next eighteen years. 

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