Chapter 16: They did something!

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The twins start attempting crawling while Blair and the reader aren't looking and neither knows what the hell to do, say or think. February of 2021

Blair stumbled through the door, coming back from a drag brunch in D.C at around noon, seemingly exhausted- and understandably, having been gone for two hours and not sitting down for a single minute. So, when she practically fell onto the couch, starting to fall asleep instantly, you were kind of worried-but also you really, really wanted to laugh at this sight. "You okay, honey?" You asked, slightly laughing. "Don't you dare laugh at me!" Blair said, smiling. "You look dead and you're about to fall asleep in full drag. You expect me to not laugh?" You snickered. "Shut it! I'm too tired to de-drag..." she responded, leaning on your shoulder, still looking half-asleep. You looked at Blair with an expression of concern. "Okay, I'm taking you upstairs." You said sternly. "Babe-" Blair said, looking to the back of the living room where the boys were. "No objections." "No, look!" Blair frantically pointed to your sons, who were-crawling?! "Holy shit!" You cried, taking out your phone to film this. Connor, being all about Blair, was moving towards Blair quickly, Owen looking at his brother as if he was taking mental notes. You looked at Blair, then at Connor, who was at Blair's feet. "You did it, baby!" Blair said in a babyish voice as she looked at her son. Connor babbled triumphantly while sticking his arms up, signaling he wanted Blair to hold him. You smiled at the sight behind you, before turning your attention to Owen, who wasn't having as easy of a time as Connor, but nonetheless, he was doing it! When Owen caught up, crawling to you this time, neither you or Blair could stop smiling. You stopped recording to send the video to your family, before making good on your promise to make sure she at least de-dragged before falling asleep. By two o'clock, Andrew, now fully out of drag had fallen asleep as you set the boys down on your bed. You had burst out laughing when those same little boys crawled over to their half-asleep father. Before leaving to let Andrew (and hopefully the boys) get some sleep, you smiled and kissed your spouse on the forehead before turning to leave. Now, had he had the energy, Andrew would've probably questioned if you left him with the boys on purpose, but he didn't have the energy to even raise a finger. Instead, all three Brysons blacked out within the hour, you checking to see if they were alive periodically. "Well, at least they did something." You thought to yourself upon seeing your boys were out cold for at least two hours. 

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