Chapter 20: What'd I Miss?

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Blair comes back (yes, Blair. The bitch was off a plane and went straight to a show because show biz is brutal like that) after being gone a couple of months and the reader shares some rather...interesting news. Sidenote: No, it's not twins again I'd never do that to someone I liked.

Word Count: 2,696

It was a rare occasion that Blair would walk in the door as opposed to Andrew, but here you were, moreover, here she was. It had been about two months of practically being a single mom, all while your mother and mother-in-law fussed over your pregnancy. Honestly, it had been the most stressful experience of your life, but as long as it led to the love of said life eventually coming home, you were honestly fine. "What'd I Miss?" Blair asked with a smile. "You're blind, aren't you?" You asked facetiously, even though it was fairly obvious what, in question, your spouse missed. "Nope!" Blair said, popping the 'p'. "Then I think you can see for yourself..." you said, moving her gloved hand onto your bump. Blair looked as if she'd burst into tears, right then, right there. "Well, that's something..." Blair said, her voice wavering in a way that almost screamed "I'm going to cry..." "I think you mean someone." You said, smiling as you tried to make Blair smile. Blair pulled you in for a hug, showing no intent of letting go. "I missed you..." Blair said, her voice muffled by her face being buried in your shoulder. "I missed you too...more than anything." You said, holding her tight. Blair had leaned in for a kiss when suddenly, your parents had arrived with the boys. "You guys are life savers, thank you!" You thanked your parents. "No problem sweetheart. This one texted us saying she wanted to be alone with you for a bit, so we took action." Your mother said, gesturing to Blair, then turning her attention to Owen, who she held in her arms. "What?" You said confused, looking at Blair with a "What's going on?" look on your face. "Uh...whoops?" Blair said. "You're not in trouble, honey." You said, putting your hand on Blair's forearm to reassure her. "Oh thank god!" Blair said, relieved."Quit it. Anyway, thanks guys!" You thanked your parents once more. They were getting good at this whole grandparent thing. "No problem, Y/N. You wanna go to momma, Owen?" Your mother cooed as she handed Owen to you. "Hi baby! Were you and Connor good?" You asked your son in a babyish voice. "They're little angels, I tell you." Your mother said, pinching Owen's cheek, causing your son to giggle. "Hah, for now." You laughed. "Dada!" Connor said as your father put him down. "Hey little man! I missed you. You too, baby." Blair cooed at Connor, then Owen, who seemed to be getting a little jealous. Your parents left within the hour, leaving your family alone together, for the first time in what felt like years to all of you- well, maybe except the baby...they probably don't know what's going on. Or should I say she probably doesn't know what's going on? That's right, you were having a baby girl, who was due not long after Connor and Owen's second birthday, if not the same day. That'd save money, huh? I digress. You'd set Owen down, who instantly toddled over to Blair. Blair smiled as she picked Owen up with her free arm, Connor happily being balanced on her hip. You'd never seen her smile like that...unless she was home. When she was with you and your sons, she was...complete...with you three by her side (or in her arms), and it showed. Connor and Owen clung to Blair, and she let them. After awhile, they began to fell asleep, which Blair took as her chance to go upstairs and de-drag. You went upstairs to check whether or not the boys were in their cribs, but instead, you found them asleep on your bed while the hushed sound of running water came from the master bathroom. You sat beside the sleeping toddlers. Owen rolled closer to you and you ran your fingers through his light brown hair, the sides of which cascaded over rosy cheeks. "He looked so much like Andrew..." was all you could think. The water stopped, and after what must've been another half an hour, you were met, for the first time in months, with the face of your husband. Whenever you saw that face, it was an instant trigger for that surge of vulnerability, and just about every other emotion in existance, to come rushing through your mind and body, all the way through to your heart. Love like this, had it been anyone else that made you feel this way, it would've scared you. But Andrew was different, and he always had been. You had been friends since college, you supported him through nearly every negative experience, and him you. Now you had children with this man, and you knew you wouldn't have with anyone else. Whenever he'd been gone for this long, then the first time you'd look into his eyes or feel his touch since his had a way of backing you into a corner, essentially. Perhaps it was only this extreme this time around because you were pregnant and dealing with several hormones rushing through your body? Yep, sounds about right! Andrew knew this, and you, all too well. He looked at you with a knowing smile, making his way over to you carefully, as though to not wake the boys. "Hey." he whispered, still smiling, not that he could do much else. You could tell he was happy to be home, with no intention of leaving anytime soon. "Hi..." you whispered, smiling. "Did they do anything while I was gone?" He asked, looking at the sleeping toddlers. "Not much...not much that I'd know of, anyway. The first week was rough for them...they didn't want to leave home at all. They just wanted to sleep in our bed, get ready in our bathroom...I think it comforted them, knowing you had been there." "Jesus, you make it sound like they thought I was dead." Andrew said, looking a little pale. "I mean...they probably did." You said with a shrug. "That's not unsettling..." Andrew said facetiously. "Um...sorry?" You said. "It's fine...they're so cute...I can't stop looking at them." Andrew said, getting distracted. "I know...they've really started to look like you since you've been gone." You said, smiling at Andrew, then at your sons. "Not entirely like me...Connor has your nose." He responded, just barely touching the older twin's nose, causing the little boy to stir. "Wow, that makes a difference!" You said sarcastically, but quietly, given the twins were still asleep...somehow. "I try, okay?" He said. "I know...and I appreciate it." You said, kissing him on the forehead. "Well, did I miss anything else?" Andrew asked. You knew what he was getting at almost instantly. "I'd think it's missed quite a bit with this one." You said simply. "I can tell." He said, then later looking down as if he were hiding from you. "I didn't even tell the boys what we're having, but they're really hoping for a sister." You said, attempting to drop a small hint. Though, it wasn't completely a lie. "Oh my god...they agreed on something?" Andrew said, genuinely shocked. "That's what I said!" You said, exasperated. "Well, are they getting what they want?" Andrew asked. You laughed. "You really want me to tell you?" You asked. Andrew nodded enthusiastically. "You're going to be the second person to know..." You said. "Who's the first?" He inquired, a slight tinge of jealousy in his voice. "Your mother." You said. "I can't believe she managed to keep that to herself..." Andrew said, genuinely shocked. "Me either. She was really excited when I told her." you said, attempting to drop another hint. "You're making me nervous..." He said. "Don't be." You said, holding his hands to calm him down. "I won't be when you stop dodging my question. Deal?" He asked. "I don't like you." You pouted. "No, you love me." Andrew said, smiling. That bastard...he knew you couldn't say no to that smile. "I can't argue for shit when you give me that face...and I do love you..." You said, completely defensless. "I know. So?" Andrew said. "Promise you'll be happy?" You asked. "As long as the kid is healthy, consider me the happiest man in the world." He said. "Okay...well, I don't really know how to put it, but..." You started to say. "Just spit it out, Y/N!" Andrew almost yelled. "I'm trying!" You responded, frustrated. "I'm going to tickle you." He threatened. "Okay, okay! It's a girl!" You said, sticking your hands up defensively. "Really?" He asked, smiling. "Really!" You said, returning the smile. He practically pounced on you, leaving a trail of small, but loving kisses from your cheek to your collarbone. The comotion woke the twins. "Mama, Dada? Wha's goin' on?" Connor asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Without words, Andrew asked you with just one look if he could tell the twins. You nodded, although only enough for him to see. Owen crawled over to you, hugging your baby bump. "Aw...Andrew, look..." You said, on the verge of crying. Smiling, Andrew covered his mouth with one of his hands, Connor being supported by the other arm. "Owen, who are you hugging?" Andrew asked Owen, now holding Connor in both arms. "Baby." Owen answered. "Yeah, that is the baby. Do you know what the baby is?" Andrew asked. You smiled as he interacted with his son. Those two really missed him, and the feeling was most definitely mutual (No reference to Scarlet Envy intended...I know she practically has that phrase copyrighted)."Wittle pewson?" Owen inquired. "Yeah, a baby is a little person. You were a baby, too, you know." Andrew said. "We wewe in the'we?" Connor asked, pointing to your bump. You laughed, giggled, even. "You were." Andrew said, smiling over at you. "Bof' of us?" Owen asked, both twins looking shocked. They stared at you as if to say, "How did you manage?" "Yeah. You were hugging in every picture the doctor took of you." You recalled fondly. "How come jus' one baby this time? They all a'wone!" Owen said, concerned for his younger sibling. You stroked his hair as the little boy tried his hardest to reassure his new sibling that once they were born, they'd never be alone. "Mama and I'll explain when you're older." Andrew said, relatively calmly, despite how awkward that question could be made. "'Kay!" Owen and Connor chorused, seemingly forgetting all about it. "You wanna come over here, baby?" Andrew held out his other arm to Owen. "Mhm!" Owen hummed in response, crawling away from you, right to Andrew. Andrew took Owen onto his other knee, carefully balancing both boys. "Did you two have a nice nap?" Andrew asked. "Yeh!" The twins chorused cheerfully. "Did you hear anything when you were asleep?" You asked, anxiously looking over at Andrew. "Nuh uh!" They said, looking confused. "Good, because mama and I have a surprise for you." Andrew said. "Sup'wise?" Owen said, his excitement waking him right up. "Wha' is it?" Connor asked impatiently. "I'm getting there, I'm getting there!" Andrew said, slightly rushed by the clammoring toddlers. "Get thewe qwicker!" Connor said impatiently. "Y/N, that's your fault, right there." Andrew said, looking over at you as he gestured to your older son. "Shut up!" You swatted his arm lightly, which your sons couldn't help but giggle at. "Don't laugh, you two!" Andrew attempted to scold the children. It didn't come natural to him, to say the least. "Sowwy, dada, but mama a'ways right." Owen beamed at you. "Good boy." You said, smiling at the small boy. "Anyway, do you two wanna know your surprise, or not?" Andrew asked. "Sup'wise!" The excited toddlers clammored once more. "I'll take that as a yes..?" Andrew said, looking a little scared by such enthusiasm. "Get to the point, Andrew, or I will." You said. "Mama, te'w us!" Connor said. "Okay...well, you know how you two said you wanted the new baby to be a sister?" You asked the twins. "Yeh!" Connor nodded his head enthusiastically, on behalf of both twins. "Well...Andrew?" You nudged your husband, who smiled in response. "What your mother and I are trying to say is, and consider it your big birthday present this year, you're going to get your wish!" Andrew said, smiling at you, then at the twins. "W'eally?" Owen asked. "Really!" You reassured your son. "Mama, Dada?" Connor asked after you two. "Yeah?" You both asked. "We w'ove you..." The twins said, each twin wrapping his arms around either you or Andrew. "We love you, too, boys." Andrew said, speaking for both of you. "Mama?" Connor said, still practically hanging off your neck. "Yeah, baby?" You asked, repositioning him onto your lap. "You an' baby a'wone..." Connor said, looking sorry for you and his future sister. Andrew had to fight back a laugh while he held Owen, who was actually starting to laugh. "Yeah, I suppose we are outnumbered." You sighed. "That's why I was really excited when we found out you were both boys." Andrew laughed, causing you to glare at him. "Wha' 'bout her?" Owen asked, pointing at your bump. "I was really happy when mama told me about her, too. I love all my babies." Andrew said, smiling at the small boy. "Dada?" Connor looked at Andrew. "Yes, Connor?" Andrew asked. "You' babies wuv you!" the toddler smiled. "You'd better!" Andrew said with a smile. "Wha's that suppose' to mean?" Connor asked. "Just be quiet and hug him, Connor." You said, setting him free. Connor and Owen exchanged looks (twins are spooky like that), then pounced on Andrew, tackling their father the best two toddlers could, before settling down and wrapping their arms around him. The three of them were a giggling mess, with Andrew ending up hanging off the bed. You smiled, before explaining to the toddlers, "I didn't mean that!" "We kno'!" Owen said with a smile. "You're a little devil!" Andrew said, out of breath. Owen giggled, climbing off the bed. He began to toddle out of the room, while Connor began to fall asleep on Andrew's chest. "Honey, are you okay?" You asked. "Nope...head rush...child" Andrew said, beginning to get a little pale. You pulled him up as he secured Connor to his chest, in his arms. He leaned on your shoulder, Connor now wide awake, well at least that's what he called it. Owen toddled back into the room, dragging a blanket behind him. Andrew lifted up Owen, wrapping the twins in the blanket, setting them down on the other side of the bed before going back to the side where you sat, taking in the fact he was back home and with you and the twins, the same twins who not even three months ago were screaming their heads off because he wasn't home. He stared at those twins, the same way he did when they were born. Nothing but love for those boys was in his eyes. "You're such a softie..." You said. Andrew turned his attention to you, saying defensively, "Hey, these little monsters tackle-hugged me!" "Yeah, but you let them!" You said, laughing a little. "They're too cute, Y/N! Ten bucks says you're gonna have a soft spot for our daughter!" He said, pressing a small kiss to your forehead. "See? Dork." You teased. "Shut up and come here." He said, opening his arms. You settled into his arms. "Andrew?" You said, looking up at him. "Yeah?" He asked. "I missed you." You said, snuggling in even further. The twins, still wrapped in their blanket, were to your side, cuddled up to each other, sleeping. "I missed you, too, Y/N." He said. When, that same day, your husband came home asking what he missed while he was gone, you felt you showed him what, or who, he missed. And you did a pretty damn good job, in your opinion.

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