Chapter 17- One Hell Of A Day

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"Muh-" Owen stuttered while looking up at you with his beautiful baby blues that so resembled his father's in a way that made you extremely emotional to even think about. "I'm right here, baby. What do you want?" You asked your now one year old son. "Uh!" he said, smiling as he held his arms up. He had a few teeth now, as did Connor, but the smile was mostly pinkish-red gums with small bumps where you could tell teeth were about to cut through. "My poor baby...he's gonna teeth again..." You thought to yourself. He always got extremely clingy before he was about to cut a tooth. You brushed off the unpleasant thought of what was to come and scooped up your son. You smiled at the infant, who giggled ever so slightly, yet ever so happily. What a momma's boy he was...oh well. Aside from his eyes and nose, that was yet another thing he got from his dad. His dad in question, your husband, was upstairs, probably still asleep. You knew however, this wasn't the case. The first indication that Andrew was awake was Connor, the older twin, crying at the top of his little lungs. You knew the crying of either of your sons broke Andrew's heart, and so came your second indication. "Connor honey, I know you're not a morning person, but please don't cry!" You could hear this loud and clear, given the nursery wasn't far from the stairs. "Shit! Y/N, Connor's teething again!" Andrew yelled down the stairs over the screams of your older son. "God damnit! Hold on, I'll be right there!" You went to grab a teething ring, Owen still in your arms. You were a little scattered, but hey, what mother of twins isn't? You ran upstairs, handing Andrew the teething ring and kissing him on the cheek. "Muh!" Connor whimpered as he looked at you. Andrew looked about ready to lose his shit. Connor looked rather off put by the teething ring his father handed to him minutes ago. "Uh uh!" he muttered, tossing the thing over the crib railing. "Connor Andrew Bryson, you temperamental little devil..." Andrew said under his breath. Owen's lip started to quiver and the twins burst into tears at the exact same time, which by no means was unusual. "And so it begins..." you and Andrew thought to yourselves as you looked at your sons, then at each other. Fast forward an hour or so and you were thinking that this day couldn't get any more stressful. That was when you got a message from a number you just barely recognized.

Unknown: Y/N, it's dad. I know I'm probably the last person on the planet you wanna hear anything from, but your mother and I feel awful. We want to meet up with you and Andrew at this cafe whenever possible.

This...this couldn't be real. Your parents hadn't spoke to you, like they'd proper cut you off, since you married Andrew. They didn't even know they had grandchildren by you! That was another thing that made this even more stressful. You were pregnant, just found out a week ago, hadn't told Andrew and now this. What the hell, universe? Whatever, all of it was happening now, and the universe didn't seem to care about the speed. You knew you wouldn't be able to keep either thing from Andrew, not that he'd want you to. You started off with the stuff with your parents. Showing him your phone was all you needed to do. Andrew bit down on his lip a little, looking as if he was holding something back. You hadn't seen him look so...unsure...since-well, ever! "Y/N, I really don't know about this-" Andrew started. "Well you think I do? Andrew I'm really scared. What about the boys? What if they reacted poorly to having grandchildren?" You were rambling now, not far from crying. Andrew just took you in his arms and reassured you that it would all be fine. Well, if you hope for the best, then maybe the best will be that much closer to coming. That's all you could do- hope. Just hope.

You messaged your dad saying you'd be ready within the hour. You packed a diaper bag, put the boys in their car seats, got in the car and drove to the pinnacle of every bit of worry and dread you'd had for the entire afternoon. The faces of your mother and father stared at you and Andrew, rather blankly. They obviously didn't know what to say, and this wasn't helped when they saw the twins in your arms. Andrew had their diaper bag around one shoulder and his free arm around your waist. "Y/N,'re a mother?" Your own mother said, taken aback. "Mom, these are your grandsons. Connor, Owen, say hi." It was as if the twins sensed how things left off with your mother, for it took them awhile to not be afraid of her. You handed Owen to your mother cautiously, watching the look on her face as her grandson began to smile. You could tell that her icy little heart had melted. Andrew was a little worried about you-okay that's an understatement. When you were sitting down inside, Andrew kept squeezing your hand and asking if you were okay. When your father overheard anything, he looked at your mother. It's as if he was hinting at her to say something. "Alright, lay it on me, you two. What did you want me to be here for really? To criticize my marriage even more?" You said flatly, glaring at your mother. Your mother sighed before saying, "Y/N, Andrew, your father and I feel awful for how we've treated you as a couple, and that we never even bothered to reach out to you sooner, if for no one else's sake then for the twins. Y/N, you're our baby and we're going to be picky about who you end up with. This however, is something entirely else. I'm an awful mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, and it's perfectly understandable if you can't forgive me." Your mother began to cry for what was one of the first times you've ever seen her do so. You and Andrew looked at each other, unsure of what to say. "I knew that this wouldn't be easy, any of this, to say but you're my mother. You're the only mother I have and the only mother I will have. Even if you've been very cold over the past three years of my life, I'm willing to overlook that." You said. Andrew looked at you as if to say "Seriously?" In fact, he dragged you outside for a minute to talk this through. "Y/N, I love you dearly, but really? With all do respect, I don't trust your mother at all." "Andrew, I don't trust her right now either, but I want to try. For the sake of our family...that's another thing I want to talk about..." You started off, preparing to drop the second bomb of the day on your poor husband. "What about it? Our boys mean everything to me, you know that. If you're worried about your parents suddenly being in their lives-" Andrew started to say. You cut him off before he'd start rambling, "Andrew sweetie, give me a minute. Yes I'm worried about that, but we'll just talk about it later. What I'm telling you now, well, it's something kind of unexpected..." You struggled to say. "You know you can tell me anything, Y/N." Andrew said, holding your both your hands. "I know. It's just... a lot. Andrew, I know we didn't plan this, but...I'm pregnant. I was so worried about the way the stuff with my parents would effect this and-and-" Tears began to well up in your eyes as shock still spread across Andrew's facial expression. "Are you serious?" Andrew asked softly. "You think I wouldn't be about something like this?" You said, now truly crying. Andrew shushed you gently, holding you, running his fingers through your hair, just as he always did whenever you were upset. "Y/N, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you. Everything will be fine. Who knows? This may make things with your parents a bit easier." Andrew was still holding you, giving you any sense of comfort he knew how to muster. You sniffled, your tears stopping almost instantly. You smiled up at Andrew, knowing, however deep down that he was right. You went back inside, telling your parents soon after.

You'd gotten home about an hour ago and you and Andrew couldn't have been more relieved over how much better than expected today seemed to go. The boys were down for a nap relatively easier than normal, your parents seemed like they were alright, and of course, you and Andrew couldn't be happier, even after One Hell Of A Day.

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