Chapter 12: Gender Reveal

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One of very few  gender neutral things the Bryson twins are given by their parents

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One of very few gender neutral things the Bryson twins are given by their parents. What? You got excited!

Now roughly five months pregnant, you simply find out the gender of your twins at the next appointment. Featuring you sobbing and Andrew tearing up

March 17, 2020

Your doctor's words, "They're both boys!" hit you like a wave, causing an entire ocean to pour out of your eyes. "I'm not gonna cry." You heard Andrew say, tearing up as he said so. "Well I am, and it's your fault." You said, full on sobbing. Andrew hugged you tightly as your sobs died down, all while your face was buried in his chest. "Y/N, honey, you're okay." He comforted you while running his fingers through your H/L, H/C hair. "I know it's just...fucking crazy, for lack of a better phrase. It's that much more real now, and I'm just really excited but at the same time scared out of my mind..." You explained, sniffing as your sobs came to a stop. "I know, honey. I'm trying really hard not to have an emotional breakdown, that's how happy I am." He explained, looking at you with almost completely glassy eyes. "Andrew, don't cry..." You whispered, wiping away any tears that did fall, though there were few. "I just love you and our sons so much." He said, sniffing as though to hold back anymore tears. "You're going to cry when they're born, aren't you?" You asked, laughing. He laughed before responding, "You have no idea, my love." You couldn't tell whose foot it was, but as Andrew kissed you, one of the boy's feet pressed against his father's hand. "Yea, I'm going to cry." He said with certainty. After all, if a kick when one of your sons was a fetus teared Andrew up, holding your sons would leave him an emotional wreck. When you got home, you went a little ham on online shopping while cuddling. Truly, this was one of the happiest days of your life. Just think, when these twins are born, how many more love-filled days await your family. You could've cried just thinking about it, but you tried not to, saving your tears for countless other days and nights ahead of you.

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