Chapter 19: Everything He Does

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Andrew being an attentive bastard and the reader trying to look on the bright side and appreciate her cinnamon roll of a hubby. Dose of floof after the last couple of chapters.

Word count: 2,377 words

Dedication kids...dedication...

You slept late, later than usual. Usually, your alarm would wake you up at six thirty, but here you were, having just woken up at ten. "Andrew Bryson! Did you turn off my alarm?" You yelled down the stairs after getting out of bed. "Maybe?" He yelled back up. You sighed loudly, heading downstairs, despite not really wanting to move a muscle. The first thing you saw was Andrew on the floor with the twins, laughing at how they'd stumble over themselves or interact with each other. They were adorable, really. He loved them dearly, as did you. He also loved you dearly, and so it wasn't much of a surprise when his eyes lit up upon seeing you. "Morning, beautiful." Andrew said, smiling at you while he held Owen in his lap. Connor was toddling over to a baby gated door, attempting to open it, but you blocked him by picking him up. You laughed, before saying uncertainly, "You're talking to me right?" You said, eyebrow raised. You genuinely felt undeserving of the "beautiful", but hey, pregnancy is to self esteem issues as the Midwest is to tornadoes. Bound to happen. "Who else would I be talking to? Anyway, did you sleep okay?" Andrew said as he got up, setting Owen free in the process. "Yeah." You said, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.  "You're welcome." Andrew said with a wink.  "Don't get cocky, you know I would've turned it off anyway." You said, rolling your eyes as you set Connor down, who immediately set off for the baby gated door. "Yeah, but you wouldn't have slept longer than another hour." Andrew said. Checkmate.  "I got nothing..." you sighed, admitting to yourself once again, he truly did know you better than you knew yourself.  "Exactly." He said, smirking triumphantly. "You suck!" You said, beginning to pout. "I think we figured out where Owen got the pout from...." Andrew said, trying not to laugh, quite frankly for the fear of his safety. "Asshole." You said simply, glaring at Andrew. "Muh!" Owen said, pointing at you. Little shit. "Do as I say, son. Don't say what I say. You'll save us a lot of phone calls from school that way." You admonished your younger son. "Same goes for you, tiny." Andrew said, not quite poking your abdomen. "Oh right. I forgot they could at least kinda hear me...I'm a horrible influence on our children..." you said, burying your face in your hands. "Are not!" Andrew said with a "knock it off" tone to his voice.  "Bite me. I'm worse than Courtney Love!" You said, laughing for some reason. "I know hormones are going strong, but literally anybody is a better mom than Courtney Love." Andrew reasoned, or at least tried to reason, knowing you probably wouldn't listen. "Fair point. Seriously though, I think I need to chill." You said. "You're right, you do. That's why I'm taking the twins to daycare today and you can't stop me." Andrew said with an "I win" smirk on his face. "I was gonna-" you started to say before he cut you off,  "I know. But I wanted to buy you some extra time." He said simply. "For what?" You asked, genuinely confused. "Really? Pregnancy brain already, Y/N?" Andrew asked with a laugh. "Uh, duh. Now what were you- Oh right!" You said. You suddenly realized you had an appointment that day. "I'm going before you try and stop me." Andrew said, making a run for where the boys were playing.  "Andrew-" you tried to say. "Too late!" he said as he walked to the other side of the room. "Buh!" Connor said, waving at you.  "Bye bye, Connor. Owen, don't fall off of something...again." You cooed at your children with a smile.  "I have my phone just in case." Andrew reassured you. "Good boy. Don't crash the car, love." You said, kissing him on the cheek. "I won't. Don't fall asleep." He said with a smile.  "Believe me I won't. Now for god's sake, go!" You said, laughing, despite it being clear you might as well have said "Get out or you'll be late!" "Alright! C'mere, boys..." Andrew said, picking up the boys. You gave your boys last minute kisses before they left, leaving you, Y/N Bryson, the least prepared and most forgetful person you knew, to get yourself together. That being said, despite forgetting on multiple occasions what you needed to do, you were able to do it within the hour, Andrew getting home not long after. His nose was a little red from standing out in the cold, so you did what anybody who's had a child would do, walked up to him and just put a blanket around the poor man. "I have a jacket, Y/N, I'm not freezing-"Andrew said with a "I am a grown man, why do you do this to me?" look on his face. "Yeah right. Tell that to your freezing face, red nose and refusal to take off that jacket." You said with the authority of the mother you were. "Whatever, I'll take what I can get. At least it's not you, huh?" He said, smiling as though he felt accomplished. "That's not an excuse..." knowing full damn well what he meant by that. "Well it is right now." He said, pecking you on the cheek. "Just shut up and don't freeze to death, honey." You said. What you really meant by that was, "Don't argue with me and take the blanket. For fuck's sake man, it's east coast winter." "I'm inside, idiot." Andrew said, practically saying with just one look, "I don't need the god damn blanket, woman." and taking the blanket off, wrapping it around you in the process. "You're the idiot, just saying." You said with a laugh, despite how serious you were. The heat wasn't fully on, and he'd regret this. You were almost sure of it. After all, more often than not, you were right about most things. "That's fair. I'm your idiot though, right?" He shrugged, smiling at you. You couldn't resist that smile, and he knew that. You both knew full damn well what Andrew was trying to do. "Oh, you sly bastard. Yes, you are, and I love you anyway." You said with a sigh, wrapping your arms around him in an "I give up, I can't win here" fashion. "Do you love me enough to listen to me?" He asked, making it clear he wasn't giving up on the earlier argument. "I have my shoes on and that should be enough for you." You said, burying your face into his chest. You knew he was being paranoid, as he so often was now, and for that matter the last time you were pregnant."Nope. Try again. It's biting cold out and I'm not putting any pregnant woman out there for that matter, much less, you." He said, completely and totally not having it, in every sense of the phrase. Jesus, parenting changed you two. "That's sweet, but-" you started to say, before Andrew interrupted you, "No buts, go find a jacket." He said firmly. Again, Jesus christ, parenting changed both of you. "Mine's in the laundry..?" you said, nervously awaiting what was to come, as if you were a child that had just been scolded. "Well, here you go..." Andrew said, taking his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. Holding the jacket in place, you began to inquire, "But what about-" "I'll be fine." Andrew said simply, as if he could read your mind. He practically could, that being said. "You're literally hairless, I don't think you will..." You said with a small snicker. You weren't wrong, as per usual. "For god's sake woman just leave the jacket on!" Andrew said, raising his voice slightly. "We're not supposed to go for half an hour!" you almost yelled in response as you put the jacket on your body, so as to avoid further confrontation. "That's about as long as it takes to get there! Just listen to me!" Andrew said, running out of patience. "You're an ass, Andrew." you huffed as you conceded. "No, I'm just a Taurus and really, really...characteristically stubborn." he said, somewhat explaining himself (@idefinedrag don't hurt me). "Wow, what a difference!" you said sarcastically. "Shut up!" He said, rolling his eyes. "When have you ever known me to do that?" you said with a smirk that practically screamed "Checkmate". "You're just setting me up, now." Andrew said, looking at you as if to say, "This is unfair and you know it". "Maybe, maybe not." You said with a "we'll see" tone. "I hate you..." Andrew said, being unable to stop himself from cracking a smile as he looked away. "Clearly." you said, wrapping your arms around him from behind. And you say he's the sly bastard. "...Well shit." "That, my love, is the power of a wife." "You scare me sometimes." "Then I'm doing my job." "So am I..." he said with a smirk, grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door. "Andrew!" You attempted to protest, even though you knew it'd be in vain.

-Le time skip >>> you're sitting in the waiting room, and have been for over ten minutes at this point. -

You were a little huffy, but knew Andrew only did these things for you. You appreciated how sweet the gesture was, even if you were a grown woman and could do these things yourself. However, your household could get, and would get, pretty hectic, and the last thing you needed to do was run yourself ragged as you so often did- especially now, not that Andrew would let you. You'd been in the waiting room for fifteen minutes, although it felt more like an hour. You were extremely worried about this scan. You weren't sure if it could be twins again (god forbid), you weren't sure if everything was okay, you just were not sure. Of anything. The only thing you knew for sure is, you married either a complete fool or a total angel. This pregnancy wore you down so easily, it's as if you were battery operated. Over the past quarter-hour, you kept falling asleep, and Andrew gladly offered up his right shoulder as a pillow, and his arms as a blanket. Occasionally waking you up with a gentle kiss on the forehead and "Do you need anything?" to which the answer was almost always, "No, let me sleep." Andrew was, while not overbearing, attentive to say the least. After what, at that point, had been an hour (yes, an hour) in the waiting room, Andrew gently nudged you and gestured to an ultrasound technician, who despite her kind and patient smile, looked like she'd been standing there awhile. "How long was I out?" You whispered aside to Andrew. "Like half an hour but I didn't wanna wake you up. I haven't seen you sleep so well in a month." He said, before continuing, "That being said, we're not here to sleep. Even though you look like you really needed that..." "Rude!" "Just sayin'." "Why are you like this?" "I don't know!"

Timeskip Part Two >>> 10 minutes into your appointment (I'm lazy if you couldn't tell.)

Nerves. Nerves. Nerves. That's all you could feel. You had done this before, about eighteen months ago. Granted, that would not, not that anything could, spare you of a mother's worry. Andrew held your hand, and held it tight. He sat on a stool to the right of you while you sat on the almost-bed in that tiny room. You weren't claustrophobic, but you felt the walls closing in around you as you waited for your doctor. You hadn't had your scan yet but, per your (admittedly paranoid) request had a few blood tests. Now, if this baby was planned, you would've done that before getting pregnant, but the circumstances weren't so. Andrew personally thought you were being irrational, but didn't dare tell you this. Instead, he sat there awkwardly while you had blood drawn, biting his lip. "I know what you were thinking, babe." You said, smiling in a "caught you red handed" fashion. "What'd I think?" He asked, faking an aloof tone. "Oh come on!" You said, laughing as you rolled your eyes playfully. "Fine! You're being unreasonable babe. Anything wrong with the baby probably won't show up from those blood tests." "No, but what could happen might show up..." you said, sounding like a child that had just been scolded. "Probably not..." Andrew said.  "I'm just putting it out there..."

He persisted. "And I'm just saying there could be something wrong! I just want to know, if anything, what it could be!" You basically screamed, however, not wanting to be so loud that a nurse would come in and judge you. "Honey, I know, but for god's sake, don't stress yourself out, or something will go wrong." Andrew said, sounding exasperated. At his words, you burst into tears. "You're right. I'm crazy. Hormones, I guess..." you said with a sniff. "I know." Andrew said, holding both your hands, putting you at ease almost instantly. You hugged Andrew tightly, not intending to let go. Soon enough, your doctor came in. "Knock, knock." She said with a smile. "Hi!" You said with a nervous smile, even though you couldn't tell just how nervous you looked. "Let me guess...last baby nerves?" She asked sympathetically. "You have no idea..." Andrew said, causing you to swat him on the arm. Your doctor laughed, before asking you a few routine questions. Then, before you knew it, the most nerve-wracking part began-your scan. Andrew cried as soon as the doctor found the heartbeat. "I told you it'd be fine." he said between sobs. "Whatever. I knew you'd get it eventually." you said with a smile. The fact of the matter was, despite how often you teased each other, your relationship was a loving one, and your family meant everything to you and Andrew. Today, he proved that, in doing Everything He Does.

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