Emma Delaney Makes Her Debut

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Anyway, I know I never include the reader's pregnancy, but I'm impatient, uneducated, and don't ever intend to experience the "magic" of motherhood, so in a "push the button, Barbra" moment, I just skip straight to birth. Anyway, baby girl makes her debut, Blair cries, the boys turn two, and the reader...is tired. Same girl, same...

July 7, 2022 (3:09 AM)

"Kill me, kill me now, damnit!" You screamed. Andrew and his mother stared at you, concerned for not only you, but themselves as well. "No thanks." Andrew said in a "I-don't-want-to-die", cautionary tone. "I'm not used to this whole vaginal birth thing, Andrew! It's not my fault that we had twins first!" You said, bordering on hysterical. "You don't know that! Nevermind, I didn't say that, I did not say that-" Andrew said as he began to pale. "Get out!" You shreiked at your spouse. "Ok!" Andrew said, backing away slowly, beginning to run as he turned on his heels. And with that, your husband dashed out of the room for fear of you castrating him with your bare hands (or something equally terrifying), just as you prepared to give life to your third child...naturally. That being said, you didn't want to be alone, after all. Well, his mother was there, visiting for a while to help out (it's a long story, how she ended up in the hospital room with you), so you weren't technically alone. "You want him back in here?" your mother-in-law asked. "Uh huh..." You nodded. Peggy opened the door a crack, and you just barely saw the back of your husband's head as he began to nod off. "Drew!" she whispered to her son, and he jolted awake, looking at his mother, terrified. "Did it happen?" He asked, clearly on edge. "No, but Y/N's being a baby." She sighed, glancing back at you. She wasn't wrong. You were clutching the sides of the hospital cot for comfort as you started to completely crumble. You'd never felt this kind of pain in your entire life. "Mom!" Andrew might as well have yelled, causing a few people to stare. By a few people, I mean the twins, Peggy and a couple nurses who were passing by. "She's right." You said meekly, tears in your eyes. The sight broke Andrew's heart. "Don't cry, honey..." Andrew said, looking like he could cry too. It was a known fact that he couldn't stand seeing you upset. Peggy dragged her son back into the room and sat him down by your bed. He cracked a small smile at you, wiping your tears away with his thumb. "Don't leave me again, and I won't." You said, just barely being able to get any words out. "I wouldn't dream of it." Andrew said, holding you while you dug your nails into his back...and so it begins. Not unlike your labor with Connor and Owen, who were still sitting in the hallway playing with toys Andrew packed for them in backpacks, your labor with number three was nothing short of chaos. I'll start at the beginning...

July 4, 2022 (7:30 PM)

"Boys! Grandma's car gets here at eight. Do you rascals want to stay up so you can say hi?" You asked Connor and Owen, who were in their pajamas and otherwise ready for bed, with a smile. "Yeah! Yeah!" the youngsters piped up. "Alright, message recieved! I don't know how you two aren't tired..." You said, somewhat jealous of their energy. You sat in a chair in the living room, completely drained, somewhat due to the fact you were pregnant with the most active child you'd ever carried...and you carried Connor. "Well, they weren't the ones hosting a bunch of family and friends for five hours and cooking for over ten people, now were they?" Andrew chimed in. "Lay off, most of them were your family and friends!" You pouted. "Daddy's in the dog-house..." Connor said matter-of-factly, causing Owen to start laughing. Andrew sighed, "When am I not, Connor?" "Ever since you two came along, he's been an idiot." You smiled. "It's a right of passage..." Andrew rolled his eyes. "Fair enough." You chuckled. Then, something hit you...you couldn't tell if your daughter was kicking, or if someone threw a brick at you from the inside. "Something wrong, Y/N?" Andrew asked, noticing the slight grimace of discomfort on your face. "Nothing's wrong, babe...go see what's going on with your mother." You said, regaining your composure. "Okay...shout for me if something does go wrong, okay?" Andrew asked, clearly not buying it. "Okay." You said, somehow sensing he was onto you. "Okay. I love you." He said with a smile. "Love you too," You returned the smile, before continuing, "...Boys, do you wanna go with daddy?" You asked the twins. Connor nodded happily, while Owen simply said, "I stay." "Aw, baby..." You said, cuddling the small boy. Connor darted behind Andrew, taking his father's hand in his own as the two left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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