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Real Name - Avery Lola Rogers.

Nickname - Ava

Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Alive but not Awake | Forget

Ava's hazel-nut eyes snapped open in panic, she could feel the thick lining of sweat pouring down her face – her breathing was shallow as she felt no pain surging through her own body, only numbness. Rolling her numb head to the side she caught sight of dozens of surgical instruments and machines near where she was laying. Was she in a hospital? Did she actually manage to survive that fall? She thought to herself, blinking rapidly to rid the bleariness from her vision.

"Steve..." She whispered hoarsely, but her tongue felt like lead. Her words slurred as they flowed out of her mouth, "Bucky..." She got no reply, she felt tears sting her eyelids as she closed them to blink them away – needing to be strong no matter what. She willed for Steve and Bucky to come in at any moment, tell her everything would be okay and that she would be fine; but she didn't even know where she was or how she was alive. She couldn't remember how she got there; why could she remember falling from a train, why was she in a medical room? Where was everyone?

Ava felt slight relief rise up in her heart as she felt her body starting to come back to life, she noticed that her body felt tied to the table that she was currently lying on; but instantly she started to feel sick when she looked at her left arm. Her breathing quickened in panic and horror, her whole left arm looked like it had been ripped off – she wanted to puke but something was stopping her from doing so. Ava started to beg silently in her head; that all this show was just a dream, that she was somewhere in one of the base camps; safe and under a high density medicine that was causing her to hallucinate while being under.

"Steve!" She shouted, louder than before but feeling a tear fall on her paled cheek. "Bucky!" She heard footsteps coming towards her from outside the metal door connecting her room to a hallway. "I'm in here!" She cried, begging for someone to save her – she was pretty sure that whoever had her, were no friends of hers. She heard the lock of the door open, making her head tilt upwards slightly but not too far so her neck would be strained too much. Ava felt the makings of a huge headache coming on.

Ava felt her eyes widen in fear as she felt trapped, suddenly wishing she was still under whatever drugs that kept her asleep. Standing in the doorway was one of the men she despised the most, Dr. Zola. "Ah, Miss Avery Rogers." Dr. Zola spoke, his accent becoming prominent as his smirk widened at her discomfort. "Welcome back," He greeted, looking at Ava like she was a piece of meat, "You know, it wasn't nice of your brother and boyfriend to take you away so soon." He placed a thoughtful look on his face, still holding the menacing feeling of doom for Ava, "However, I feel as if it were the best choice – now we will be able to give you an extra ability to fill that missing arm of yours."

Ava gritted her teeth, wanting to punch the guy in the face – she had no idea what he did to her before Steve and Bucky got to her, but something didn't feel settling in her stomach, "What are you doing to me?!" She demanded, clenching her right fist as she got the feeling back in it, "Why am I here?"

Zola's smirk became wider, "You will be our greatest weapon, Miss Avery." He told her, he pressed a small red button on one of the side tables, "You will serve Hydra to the best of your ability's when we are done with the reconstruction."

"Only Steve and Bucky get to call me that, now let me go!" She yelled at him, trying to budge out of the binds that were holding her down but there was no use – there was no way she had enough energy to get out of there or even fight the weasel.

Zola tutted her with his tongue against the roof of his mouth, shaking his head in mock disappointment, "Oh, Avery. They won't be coming for you." Ava shook her head not believing him, "But, no matter. By the time we're finished with you, you'll want to kill them with more than pure vengeance." His chuckle sounded hollow and cold, like he knew there was nothing standing in the way. He would carry out his original plan for Ava Rogers and make damn sure that those two boys would pay for what they did to Hydra. This plan would succeed in the positive future of the world.

The metal door opened once again and 9 different people started to pile in. Ava's heart started to race, feeling dread and desperation of just wanting to go home to Bucky and her twin turn back up to a high level. Zola turned to them, "Let us proceed." The people started to file around Ava, who laid struggling in her current position.

"No..." Ava whispered as someone injected her with a clear blue liquid into her forearm, she felt ice fill her veins as her vision started to darken. She vaguely heard Zola say, "Goodbye, Miss Avery." His cold voice sounded miles away as Ava's eyes closed, her head flopping to the side – looking dead to the world again as the scientists began to work on their true weapon.


In a room, where there were lights were slightly dimmed, a young woman, around 27 years old laid upon a clean white bed wearing pitch black clothing that would soon be of use to her in her upcoming missions. Her luscious dark, dirt coloured hair was longer and darker than before, her dull hazel eyes shut as they held a viscous tint to it and her breathing was within the normal range of someone who was asleep. The woman's left arm was completely covered in metal as if it were an implant, there was a distinct red star stamped onto it, signifying that she was now fighting with Hydra. Her mind was blank and void of emotion within it, there was nothing in there from memories to recognitions, just nothing but knowledge and battle strategies – it was like there was a blank slate covered inside that head of hers, anything that had anything to do with personal knowledge was now gone.

A drop of water sounded somewhere within the room, there was a moment of silence before the woman's eyes opened with sharpness – eyeing the room with caution.

The Winter Soldier was alive and ready for duty.

While Avery Rogers was dead.

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