Fight for your Beliefs

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Alive but not Awake | Fight for your Beliefs

Bucky and Steve stood in front of a microphone that would announce their voices to the entire building, "Attention, all Shield Agents." Steve began, he glanced at Bucky – they had made a small script before but otherwise improvised the whole thing. They weren't professional so they didn't care much about how well it came out, only that it was effective – besides, Ava once told them that a true speech had to come from their heart and souls, and this one would.

Their plan was fairly simple but complicated too, they had to place small little memory disks into a slot of each of the three Helicarriers that were to be launched in the sky. They were going to be taking down Shield and Hydra together, for good. Nick Fury had finally given in, seeing their logic that something like this could happen again and they wouldn't have even known it. The plan was all up to the two super soldiers and Falcon to get those disks inserted into the Helicarrier consoles.

"This is James Barnes and Steve Rogers," Bucky continued after Steve, using his real name other than the nickname he had called his own since he was a little boy, "You've heard a lot about us over the past few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt us down." He nodded to Steve to continue.

Steve accepted, "But it's time you knew the truth," He paused, there was a moment of silence before he began to speak again – his voice confident and honest, "Shield wasn't what we thought it was – It's been taken over by Hydra!"

"Alexander Pierce as their leader." Bucky exclaimed, filling his voice with hate – he knew there was a bad feeling rolling off that man. He was probably the one who sent Ava onto them in the first place. "The Strike and Insight crew are Hydra as well; we don't know how many more there are but we know they're in the building right now."

"They could be right next to you," Steve spoke, he wouldn't be surprised if more than half the people in this building had no idea what was happening until now – some might not even believe them since they were considered 'bad people' now, but he was willing to bet that by the end of his and Bucky's speech, people will see the light in what was happening and help stop Hydra's plan before it took off. "They almost have what they want, absolute control."

"They shot the Director, Nick Fury." Bucky leaned closer to the mic, "It won't end there either and if you launch those Helicarriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way – unless we stop them."

"We know we're asking a lot," Steve knew that there were going to be many deaths today – but this was a war, one that they intended to win and go after Ava and bring her back to them before it was too late, "The price of freedom is high, it always has been and it's a price we're willing to pay." He shrugged, "If we're the only ones, then so be it." He looked at his best friend.

Bucky grinned, wanting to finish the speech, "But, we're willing to bet we're not." Now was the time their plans started.


Steve ran up to the console he was going to be sorting out, he held his shield to his side as he had to block himself from thousands of bullets that were coming his way. He took out the small disk from his pocket and locked it into the console, allowing Agent Hill to bring down everything from her computer down on the ground.


Falcon flew up to his station and repeated everything Steve did.


Winter strolled across the plane dock with her new bomb gun in her hand. Pierce had her memory wiped clean after yesterday's events, she had now become an emotionless being – Hydra thought it was too dangerous for her to feel anything this time, even the boiling hatred she once possessed towards the two super soldiers they had derived from her.

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