Bucky and Steve

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Alive but not Awake | Bucky and Steve

Bucky and Steve walked into the history museum; Smithsonian, which was only a half an hour motorcycle ride from Shield's main building. Both boys had their own bike's instead of having a car. The both of them like the freedom when they got to ride them. Ever since that day when Ava fell from that train, Bucky and Steve have never been exactly the same. They're still best friends; they'd do anything for each other but they would always be deeply reminded of the fun and loving chestnut haired girl that always brought out the bright side in them – you could say that their relationship has been strained for over 70 years now.

Steve and Bucky strolled around, side by side wearing dark jackets and hats; neither of them wanting to be seen or recognised as they walked past the WW2 section of the building. There were the different planes from WW2 strung up by the ceiling and there were hundreds of people walking around, gazing at them in awe.

Bucky grinned slightly, smacking the back of his hand lightly on Steve's chest noticing something, "Stevie." He spoke up, pointing in front of him. Right there, there were two large pictures that were nearly the same height of the room. One was of them was of Bucky and the other was of Steve. Steve looked up and had the same expression, neither he nor Bucky would have ever thought that they would be this famous in the future – but it wasn't because of them, it all happened because of the scientists and Ava; he and Bucky would have never become what they were today if it weren't for them.

Steve and Bucky slowly went over to one of the Captain America and Lieutenant America booths, the voice was talking about their lives. 'Two symbols to the nation,' The automatic voice spoke as the mechanical board beside it starts to show videos and pictures to go along with it, 'Two heroes to the world. The stories of Captain America and Lieutenant America are one of honour, bravery and sacrifice.' Bucky and Steve stood there with their hands in their pockets, looking at the display. 'Steve Rogers was denied enlistment because of poor health however his best friend Bucky Barnes got in on his first time. Both of them were chosen for a program, unique for the annals of the American warfare. One that would transform these two best friends into the very first super-soldiers.'

Bucky noticed the display board over to the side showing Steve's original height before the serum. 'Those were the days' He thought to himself, glumly. The only thoughts that kept going on in his head for weeks after they lost Ava was, 'What if they never took the serum? Would Ava still be alive?' But he stopped when Steve told him that Ava would have wanted them to carry on, to make her proud.

Steve's head turned away from the display to looking at a small boy who stood there staring at him and Bucky. Steve grinned, nudging Bucky and nodding over to where he was looking. Bucky looked confused for a moment, before the noticed the boy too. The child stood there gaping at them, his eyes widened in shock. Bucky placed a finger on his lips towards the boy, who slowly nodded coming to the conclusion that they were actually there.

A couple minutes later the two of them looked up to see the uniforms their team wore back in the day, even Ava's were there on the right side of Bucky and Steve's. Bucky turned around with a sigh, but stopped dead when he saw a whole section for Ava, "Steve!" He exclaimed, but his voice only came out as a little louder than a small whisper.

Steve frowned and turned to his friend, wondering what was wrong until he noticed what Bucky was staring at. His eyes widen when his gaze locked onto the next booth. There was a large black and white picture of Ava, there was also a small biography next to it as the automatic voice played through the words, 'Steve Roger's twin sister and Bucky Barnes love; Avery Rogers. Those three were inseparable on both the schoolyard and battlefield. Ava Rogers was one of the first women to ever go to war due to her connection to the two super-soldiers and her extensive weapon and strategy training before-hand.' Bucky and Steve watched as small short movie of Ava played, which was taken back in 1942-1945 'The female Rogers was the only commander to give her life for her country.'

A clip of Bucky holding Ava around the waist and smiling popped up, making Bucky himself swallow the tears that threatened to fall – she looked so carefree there, the video was filmed just before the war started, they were in a bar at the time with Steve trying to find him a date. Steve's eyes went downwards towards the floor in sadness and guilt when a video of him and Ava came up, they were laughing at something Bucky said as they wore their uniforms. In his own head, it was his fault his own twin fell, he should have gotten there faster – he always swore to protect her even though she was the oldest by a couple of minutes and no matter if he was Captain America at the time or not.

A while later Bucky and Steve sat side by side in one of the small screening rooms that were showing a short movie, both of them noticed Peggy come up on screen talking about the time after Steve and Bucky went missing. But, it was mostly about Steve because he and Peggy fancied each other, not as intimate as Ava and Bucky's relationship was but there was definitely something between the two of them. 'That was a difficult winter,' Peggy spoke, the film was made a while after Steve and Bucky had gone missing, 'A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line, Steve-' She paused to correct herself, 'Captain Rogers and Lieutenant Barnes. The both of them fought their way through a Hydra blockade that had pinned our allies down for months.' She looked down for a moment, needing to keep her emotions in check, 'The both of them saved Ava Rogers and over a thousand men that day. Including the man who would today, become my husband.' Peggy smiled slightly, but her heart lurched for Steve. 'It turns out that even after they died, they still change my life.'

Bucky looked at Steve beside him and sighed, seeing the heartbroken expression as his best friend looked at the small pocket watch that he always carried with him, inside it was an old photo of Peggy – luckily it had survived being in an ice popsicle for 70 years with them. "Hey," Bucky nudged Steve with his arm as both of them had their elbows on their knees. Steve looked up at him with a furrowed brow, "Go see her Stevie, she may not be as young as she was then but she's still alive." He encouraged him.

Steve smiled at his best friend, feeling a bit happier after seeing everything today. "Thanks Buck." Bucky rolled his eyes with a grin and pushed him off the seat, "Go on, Capsicle. Don't leave the lady waiting ... again."

Steve got up, "I'll see you back at the apartment." He nodded to Bucky before making his exit, clutching onto the pocket watch as he went.

Bucky just sat where he was, just staring at one of the pictures that were taken of his Ava back in 1943.

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