The End to Winter

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Alive but not Awake | The End to Winter

Winter strolled into the local museum; where stuff was supposed to be, that held everything to do with Barnes and Rogers and possibly herself too – the two people Hydra wanted her to eliminate may have all her answers within this one room. But Hydra was gone now, and so was Shield. She was free do to whatever she wanted but; what did she want?

She wanted to find out who she really was? Find out what had really happened to her this whole time – everything that those people made her forget and become an empty shell that was made to just follow orders.

Winter stood there, wearing a new pair of black denim jeans, a dark forest green tank top with a black jacket over her which covered her entire metal arm as she placed her hands into her pockets. Her hair was tied into a simple braid that fell over her left shoulder while a dark blue baseball cap sat on her head as it covered her face from the cameras inside the building.

Her eyes locked onto one of the museum booths, right there was a picture of her. It was in black and white but she could see that her hair colour had change to a darker colour now. There was no denying it anymore, Hydra had changed her – turned her into something that she probably didn't consent to since all her memories were lost. The name to the side of the picture was the exact one Barnes had called her back on the Helicarrier, 'Avery Lola Rogers' – he seemed to know her well, very well in fact - but she needed to do this alone. This was her problem, and hers alone.

Winter brought something out of her pocket with her human hand and held it to her face. In her hand was a small silver chain that held an engagement ring on it. The one Barnes had shown her before her anxiety got out of control and punched him into smithereens.

This ring was familiar to her – she felt connected to it.

The lights above shone against the jewel attached to the ring as her head lifted back up to the picture on the board, "Ava-" Winter breathed, realisation hitting her with full force – this was going to be a long journey.

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Daughtry - Witness - Captain America

If you guys have a video/song to suggest that you think fits with Avery and the gang, let me know!

Alive but not Awake || Bucky Barnes [1]Where stories live. Discover now