New Mission

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Alive but not Awake | New Mission

The Winter Solider sat on a single plastic chair beside a small wooden table in a sitting room, she was called by her boss for another couple of missions as she was taken out of her status once again – these missions were ones that he quoted 'You would love to get your hands on'. She had been working for Hydra for almost 70 years now; ever since they had rescued her from Captain America and Lieutenant America, Hydra told her that those two boys had destroyed her. Caused her to lose an arm while she was on a mission from them and from that day on - The Winter Solider swore to herself that they would pay no matter what.

The metal door opened making Winter's head shoot up from the floor, now eyeing the door just as she saw man in his mid 40's come in, his posture sharp and professional. She had seen him here before; his name was Alexander Pierce who was staying undercover in Shield. He didn't look like the best of men of his ages, he had wrinkles covering his entire body that showed more than his real age, he wore an expensive grey suit that clung tightly to his body as he moved and he had on a set of oval black trimmed glasses that were bigger than his actual eyes; his chestnut hair was combed back and styled so it made him look more professional.

"Winter Solider," He greeted, a vicious smile on his face that would have made someone shy away in an instant – but not for her. "It's nice to see you up again, have a nice sleep?"

Winter just looked at him expressionless, she didn't care for the little man – only the mission. "What's the mission?" She questioned, getting straight to the point.

Pierce sighed, but not disappointed, "Ah, yes!" He exclaimed, getting to why he had brought Winter back so soon after her previous mission, "There is some people that need eliminating, your specialty in fact."

Winter's mouth quirked in a small smirk, "Who?" She was better at eliminating a threat than anyone else at Hydra; mostly because of her upgrades and strong metal arm. The metal arm has been very useful to her in the past, it gave her more strength to knock someone out and her reflex abilities were heightened thanks to Dr. Zola and his team.

Pierce brought out an A4 size envelope that held the information needed, he took out the first picture and showed it to Winter, "This is Director Nick Fury, he's the first you need to get rid of. He's a danger to our mission, he needs to go." He told her as she took the photo. Winter took in the person to her mind, he looked about the same age as Alexander pierce but had a darker tone on his skin and his left eye held a black eye patch. Winter nodded, looking up, "Who's after him?"

Pierce smirked, "Captain America and Lieutenant America." He said bluntly, loving the tint of vengeance that showed up in her eyes as she looked at the picture of the two American hero's he gave her. "It's time to get your revenge, after director Fury is dead – I want you to kill these two if my operatives don't complete their task effectively." Winter looked at the pictures intently, observing them with hate. The left one was a dark blonde with a strong structure, she couldn't help but notice she looked rather like him except her hair; but the other one was the same in build and had darker hair, she had been told that both of them had undergone an experiment that made them around the same strength and stamina as herself. When she looked at them closely, especially the darker haired one and she swore a strong emotion swelled inside of her – love?

"I'm the back-up." Winter narrowed her eyes in accusation, shaking off her unidentified feelings but now looking slightly annoyed at the fact that she can't go head on and do the job herself. She was practically made for the mission!

Pierce sighed, nodding his head – looking a little disappointed too that she won't get first hand at the second mission, "Yes, we thought it would be best to give the boys a surprise," He grinned, looking into her deadly eyes, "I think they're going to be too good for my agents to kill, that's when you come in." Knowing that she did like to make an entrance before she ripped people apart.

Winter nodded, placing a larger smirk on her face, coming up with a plan, "They won't know what hit them." She commented, getting up from her seat as she placed the photos back on the table. She turned on her feet before walking into the next room, grabbing her gear and mission clothing – ready to get her revenge after 70 years.

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