ch two || the airport

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nicks pov

I called the boys to the living room when I got off the phone with y/n. I was already hearing the boys talk about her when she followed them on instagram. This is why I never really show pictures of her to them. Not that they're bad guys or anything, but none of them want serious relationships and I'll be damned if one of them hurts her.

All the boys were sitting there on their phones waiting for me to tell them whatever it is I'm going to tell them. 

"alright fellas" I said clapping my hands together and rubbing them. They looked up at me and put their phones away as I continued. "As you guys know y/n is coming to LA today and I want to thank you again for letting her stay here for a while in the extra room"

The boys smiled and nodded their heads. I kept going knowing this next part was going to annoy the hell out of them. "But no one is allowed to touch her. Don't even think about it."

Their smiles dropped and I hear them all groan except Austin who kept a smug smile "It's okay I already got a girl" I chuckled, Austin is one funny dude.

"But-" Zion started and I cut him off with a simple "nope."

"NICK, c'MONNN you don't want us to be happy?" Edwin said dramatically pleading "Nope." Is all I replied with, shaking my head.

"There are a million girls in your DM requests that'll be happy to accommodate your happiness," I said crossing my arms

"Yessir," Brandon said pulling his phone out, probably to text back this girl he's been 'secretively' talking to lately.

"That's what I like to hear Brandon. That's why I've chosen you, yes you, to drive with me to the airport later to pick y/n up." I said uncrossing my arms to check the time on my apple watch. Brandon nodded, Austin got up to finish the episode of Naruto he was watching in his room, and Edwin and Zion gave me (jokingly) dirty looks with a dramatic exit out of the living room.

I laughed and shook my head.


(5 1/2 hours later)

Brandon and I were at the airport waiting to see y/n. Her stuff has been shipped already to the house for a few days now so I knew she was only really going to have a suitcase or two. 

I finally saw her and pulled over to the curb and got out and gave her the biggest hug.

"Y/NNN I MISSED YOU" I said while squeezing her. 

"I missed you too Nick, but you're squeezing me." She said in a breathless voice. I let her go and she laughed. Brandon got out of the car.

"Hi, I'm Brandon. Nice to meet you, Nick has talked a lot about you" He said walking up to y/n. She went to give him a handshake but he shook his head. "We do hug around here. You're family already." He said smiling pulling y/n into a hug.

She hugged back and they both pulled away. "Well hello, Brandon. I really really appreciate that. This whole move thing has been a lot" she said looking relieved. 

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me. "I don't know about you guys but I am starving," I said. They both laughed and agreed.

B and I put the suitcases in the back and we drove to In-n-Out. I'm so happy my best friend is home.

a/n- This is going somewhere I promise!!! I just need to set the story up. <33

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