ch nine || we can do this

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your pov

I walked in pretty confidently but then felt nervous because I actually had to face the problem ahead of us.

"Sooo... what's up" Edwin said finally breaking the silence and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I-" I stopped myself trying to find my words, I took a deep breath and continued, "I think we might've jumped into this too prematurely. I mean yeah we talked all the time leading up to us making it 'official' but we only knew only been a week ya know... well I guess now two" Edwin did not break eye contact which made me feel more nervous. 

I continued "I just... I like you but I barely know you and I don't want this thing to ruin the relationship between you and Nick and Nick and me." Edwin's face didn't flinch, he didn't say anything so I did the thing again where I get nervous and starting talking fast. 

"It's just it was so easy for Austin to find out, I get we weren't being careful but still. We fucked up on day one of making it official. What would've happened if it was N-"

"I love drawing," Edwin said cutting me off. I gave him a weird look but I didn't say anything letting him go on.

"I always cook here because I miss my mom and it makes me feel close to her. I would cook with her all the time growing up." I felt my body get less tense as he kept going. 

"I love taking pictures on my Polaroid because memories that don't stay on my phone are the best ones. They feel more real. And there's only one of them."  I broke eyecontact looking at his wall of polaroids. I thought it was just an aesthetic but it meant more to him. 

He continued when my eyes met his again. "I have three siblings, and I miss them like hell every day. Two of them are younger than me and I hate that I can't watch them grow up first hand." He looked down, "But I can't give up because I want them to grow up with everything. I want them to grow up knowing they can be anything." I slowly made my way over to him and sat next to him. 

He looked up at me "I don't let many people in, most people only get the surface level of me. Even the boys only got the surface level of me for the first few months of living together." He stopped and caressed my face with his warm hand. "But for some reason with you... it's different. something about you."

He rubbed his thumb on my cheek, "I know it's soon, but I promise to give you my all and we'll figure out the Nick stuff later. I just know I don't want to give up on what could be everything."

after a few moments of silence I smiled, "we can do this."

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now