ch 17|| everything

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your pov

I felt my heart break in two when that door slammed. 

'no matter what, I will fight for you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I will never let you go. pinky promise.'

Edwin's words kept replaying in my head during the silence. The boys stood there unsure what to do. You could cut the tension with a knife. Brandon cleared his throat finally breaking the silence. "We'll let you guys uh... talk." 

The other boys nodded their head and Zion patted Edwin's back as he walked out of the room, to reassure him that it'll be okay.

Edwin and I just sat next to each other, I couldn't look at him but I felt his on me. I had a blank stare on my face. 

"He wins." is all I could get out.

"y/n. no. please." Edwin said, voice shaking.

"I can't let you give everything up. throw it all away. hurt the beanz. for me. I can't do that. Nick is serious." I said in a monotone voice, feeling numb physically and emotionally.

"y/n, you've become my everything. We promised. We pinky swore. you CAN'T walk away from me." Edwin said grabbing my hands. pleading for me to change my mind.

I took my hands back and found the strength to get up and walk to my room, locking the door behind me. I felt his eyes follow me as I was walking away, but not once did I look at Edwin. I couldn't look at him, it hurt too much.

After I locked the door I sat on the bed and just cried. Because I hurt Nick. Because I hurt Edwin. Because my world felt like it was crashing down. My numbness turned to pain and I just cried. 


hours later

I packed everything I could in a carryon and suitcase. I found a flight back to Jersey. I called my mom telling her that I was coming back home. She was really confused but happy that I was moving back. She didn't even question it.

Everything that didn't fit, I packed up in boxes I found in the back of my closet from when I moved in. I put a note on it saying "couldn't fit these things, just ship it to my house when you can."

I took a deep breath when I got a notification that my uber had arrived. Nick was still gone. Edwin was nowhere to be found. The other boys were hiding out in the garage studio. I didn't tell anyone that I was leaving. I left two notes on my bed, so they don't freak out like they did that one time. I took one last look at my room and walked out quietly, just in case.

The uber ride to the airport felt long but I made it. After getting through security I arrived at my gate just on time.

I got to my seat and turned my phone on airplane mode after texting my mom that I boarded. I put the hood of my hoodie over my face and closed my eyes just hoping to fall asleep so this plane ride can just go by quickly.

This is it. It's all over.

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now