ch 14 || brandon

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edwin's pov

y/n and I have been going pretty strong for the last two months of being together. But I can tell she's been kind of down lately. It's really starting to get to her that we've been hiding this from Nick. 

They're best friends. He's like her brother. And she hates lying to him. But we both know that if he found out he'd lose his freaking mind. Last night we were talking and she said and I quote "I feel like I have two chose between the two most important guys in my life right now." 

I needed to do something to make her feel better. I needed to make her smile again. I've been working on this song for her. It was her idea actually. 

I've been waiting for the perfect time to show her the song. I convinced Zion and Austin to get the boys out of the house, so tonight they were all going to a party and I faked sick. I told y/n not to go to the party with them since I had a surprise for her. It wasn't unusual for her to sit out parties so the boys didn't question it, well Nick and Brandon didn't. 

I was on the toilet faking food poisoning and the boys knocked on the door letting me know they were leaving. "bro you sure you're good? I can stay and take care of you" Nick said on the other side of the door. I got nervous and before I could respond I hear an angelic voice "Aw Nicholicious it's okay, I can help him out if he needs someone, go have fun." Y/n came through and saved the day.

"Thanks, NiCHoliCioUs" I said through the door laughing. "Yeaaahhh, I hate you guys. Bye E, feel better. Bye y/nickname make sure he doesn't die on the toilet. love you." Nick responded. I heard y/n call out bye before the front door shut. 

I swung the door open and gave y/n a kiss. "Go get ready for your surprise," I told her after I pulled away from the kiss. "But wait before you do," I ran to my room then back to her, handing her a gift bag "wear this." she took the bag from me.

"You are the sweetest boy in this whole world." she smiled and kissed me before going to her room to change.


I finished setting up the studio in the garage with candles everywhere and a picnic on the floor. It looked really romantic I'm so excited for y/n to see. I went inside the house and got ready and I met y/n in the livingroom. She looked perfect per usual.

 She looked perfect per usual

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(your outfit)

(edwins outfit)

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(edwins outfit)

"You look amazing princess," I said pulling her into a hug. "Thank you, baby," She said as she pulled away "soooo, what's this surprise?" I smiled at her.

"follow me." I grabbed her hand and led her to the side door of the garage. 

She looked so happy when she saw everything

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She looked so happy when she saw everything. I tried really hard to make things perfect.

We sat down on the blanket. "This isn't all. I wrote this song for you... I know how hard this whole thing has been for you... you know... having to hide this from Nick. But I want to let you know that no matter what, I will do anything and everything to fight for us. I love you with everything I have." Y/n smiled. "I love you too E." 

I stood up and led y/n to a chair next to the soundboard. I then set up a portable piano in front of her. I pressed a button that queued a backtrack of violins on the soundboard and went behind the piano and started playing and singing her the song I wrote her.

(imagine it's Edwin singing the whole time)

I saw tears forming in her eyes as the song was ending. I stepped away to the piano and gently grabbed y/n's face and gave her a soft and passionate kiss. 


Brandon's pov

I was getting tired pretty early at the party and just felt like working on music tonight. The only reason I went was because of Austin and Zion being so adamant on us going. I slipped out and got an Uber home. Before I entered the garage side door I heard Edwin singing a new song. I didn't wanna throw him off, so I waited for him to finish singing. 

When I heard the song end I walked in I was gonna compliment him on the song, it was dope as hell. But when I walked in I saw Edwin kissing a girl.

I cleared my throat so he knew I was here, who the heck was this kid kissing in the studio? We never bring girls here. 

Edwin quickly turned around looking stunned I started to laugh, but I quickly stopped when I saw who the girl was.

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