ch seven || austin

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 austin's pov

I woke up early as usual and made myself breakfast. Normally, Edwin wakes up early too so I made him some pancakes since he's usually making everyone else something to eat. I knew he'd be up so I go in the room. When I opened the door I saw something I definitely wasn't supposed to see.

"Oh sorry," I said quickly closing the door with my eyes wide. Did I really just see that? 

Two seconds later the door opened up and I felt Edwin's hand grab my arm and pull me in so quick that I almost drop the plate of pancake that I completely even forgot about.

edwin's pov

I woke y/n up with kisses and her eyes fluttered open. It was pretty early and not that I wanted her to leave but she needed to before everyone woke up and before Nick got home. She groaned and snuggled back into me "five more minutes" she whispered. I smile and wrap my arms tightly around her. How could I ever say no to her?

Next thing we know Austin busts in my room with a plate of pancakes, eyes wide as hell. He quickly apologizes and leaves. Y/n and I look at each other in panic. I quickly get up and drag him in the room. 

He looked so awkward. He didn't know what to say and neither did I. 

"You can't tell anyone Austin." is all I could mutter out in the quietest way possible to not wake up Brandon or Zion. He nodded and handed me the plate he was still holding.

"I didn't see anything... umm... I'm sorry I didn't make you any... I-" is all he said, he stopped himself. I grabbed the plate from him and smiled at him awkwardly "thank you Austin." He nodded again and dashed out of the room. Y/n didn't say anything. She didn't even really look at me. She kind of just walked out. I could tell she was still worried. 

I didn't know whether to go after her or give her her space.

Last night was our beginning, but was this morning the beginning of the end?

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now