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In n Out was so good, I got to know Brandon a little and he's literally the nicest guy I've ever met. Nick and I told him so many stories of us growing up and it felt so comfortable. This made me sooo anxious to meet the other guys, but like in a good way.

We finished eating and left to drive to the prettymuch house. The boys helped me get my suitcases and they led me inside. The three other members I haven't met yet were sitting in the living room watching the one with dreads play fortnight, laughing at him raging after getting killed.

I giggled to myself and they finally looked up at me, Brandon and Nick shuffled in behind me with my stuff. The three on the couch all looked flustered. The one who was playing put his controller down and they all got up one by one and introduced themselves to me.

"Hi I'm Austin." One of them said with a grin on his face

"I'm Zion," The dread-headed one said, dapping me up. "Yoooo she knows how to dap a nigga up. Yeah, she cool she cool" He said grinning plopping back down on the couch. I laughed, he's definitely goofy.

Finally, the cute Hispanic one walked up to me and grabbed my hand giving it a gentle kiss and looked up at me. "The best for last, I'm Edwin." I felt flustered and I felt my cheeks getting red.

"ooOooOOOoOOOoO" I heard Zion and Austin say in unison, "Nick lookin BIG mad," Zion said laughing pointing at Nick. I snapped my head over at Nick and he really did look upset. I took my hand back.

"Hi guys, nice to meet you all officially. I'm y/n" I said trying to cut the tension, suddenly feeling dumb. "I mean... you guys probably already knew that... Um..." I looked at Edwin and he looked like he had instant regret on his face.

Nick finally broke his silence, "Let me show you to your room y/nickname" He led me to my room. I was shook at how nice he decorated it.

(you can imagine having another room, but I thought this was cute and I like adding visuals)

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(you can imagine having another room, but I thought this was cute and I like adding visuals)

"Nick this is soooo nice" I said smiling so big. "thank you so much again for this, for everything. I have no idea what I would do without you." I said and he finally smiled back at me for the first time since the whole Edwin debacle that just happened.

"Anything for you, y/n. You're my best friend and this was nothing honestly. You deserve this and more." He said giving me a big bear hug. "I'll let you get settled in." He let go and walked out of the room.

I plopped down on my bed. I can't believe this is my life. Everything is perfect... I also can't believe Edwin kissed my hand like that, I mean it was probably not a big deal to him. He's probably just a flirty dude with everyone. I don't know... But now that I'm thinking about it, I can't stop smiling. 

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now