ch 16 || nick

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nick's pov

I woke up and looked at my phone that I left charging on my nightstand and it read 12:46pm. Last night was hella fun. I'm glad Z and Austin dragged us out and I slept in since we got back pretty late.

I rolled out of bed after responding to a few texts to shower and brush my teeth. I threw on some sweat pants and a plain white tee and went downstairs to make some pancakes.

Before I could even reach the kitchen I saw everyone huddled in the living room. They were talking lowly, it seemed like they were stressed. They didn't notice that i was there until I spoke. "Hey guys what's going on?"

Their heads quickly snapped up at me and they all looked nervous. What the hell is going on? Zion looked tired and I guess he just woke up not too long ago himself "bro we gotta talk."

"Okay?" I said confused and sitting facing everyone. Is this some intervention or something?

They all looked at y/n, and she took a deep breath before talking "listen nick. We have to tell you something but you have to promise not to freak out."

When she said that I felt my body instantly tense up. "Oh my god ARE YOU FUCKING PREGNANT?" Zion and Austin started laughing but Brandon who was standing behind them, slapped the back of their heads and they stopped laughing rubbing the back of their heads.

"NICK" y/n said in a stern voice "you have to promise." I tried to relax my body "Okay. I promise. But are you?" I said, needing confirmation.

"No, stupid." Y/n said clearly agitated at my assumption. Edwin spoke up "Nick..."

"What? Can you guys just spit it out? What's going on?" I said, starting to get annoyed. Brandon and Zion walked over to me and stood next to me. What the hell?

"I'm in love with y/n. We've been together for about... 2 months" Edwin finally said.

I froze. The room grew quiet. I felt anger rushing through my veins.

"you WHAT?" I shifted my body to stand up but I felt Zion and Brandon put their hands on my shoulder to prevent me from getting up. That's why they moved over here.

"Nick you promised." Y/n said with a worried look on her face. "Fuck a promise."

I quickly stood up, Adrenalin kicked in and it didn't matter how hard Zion and Brandon tried to hold me down. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You're not good enough for her. You never fucking will be. I've seen the type of girls you fuck around with. I've seen the way those relationships end. She's like my little sister and I'll be DAMNED if I let this shit side." Edwin put his head down after I said that.

"NICK STOP IT." Y/n stood up. "Nick he treats me right. He makes me happy. He's like nothing I've ever experienced. I love him. You're just going to have to accept that." She said standing up for her little 'boyfriend'.

I love Edwin I do. But this is crossing a line. And y/n lied to me. For two months. That hurts even more. And the fact that everyone knew and kept it from me? Fuck kinda brotherhood is that.

"I really don't have to accept shit. Matter a fact. You either break up, or I'm leaving prettymuch. You guys can fucking choose." I said coldly. Everyone's face dropped. I turned around, grabbed my car keys and wallet from key bowl and walked out slamming the door behind me.


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