ch 15 || bro

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brandon's pov

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME," y/n said, clearly frustrated. I was still kind of stunned, just standing at the door, not sure what I should do. Edwin turned around to y/n putting his hand on her shoulder.

"it's okay mamas, just breath," Edwin said in hopes that she'll calm down. He turned to me with pleading eyes, probably hoping I don't tell Nick. 

"Oh. Um. Don't worry about me saying anything..." I said feeling awkward wondering if anyone else knew because this is INSANE. I always had a feeling something was going on between them but I figured they were best friends or something. Edwin's body became less tense and Y/n just put her face in her hands. 

"But...  bro... I think you guys should tell Nick... he deserves to know." I continued. I started chewing my bottom lip out of awkwardness. "uh yeah... I'll leave y'all to it I guess." I walked out of the studio in our garage and went to my room, frustrated that I can't work on music tonight.

damn bro. this is crazy.

your pov

When I heard the door close I picked my head up from my hands and saw that B left. Just Edwin and I. Edwin plopped down on the couch next to me staring at the would-be picnic on the floor. 

Seconds felt like hours as both of us were trying to figure out what to say. What our next move is.

Then I said it. I said what I knew scared the hell out of us. 

"B's right."

Edwin looked up at me with concern in his eyes. "a-are you sure?"

I sighed in response and bit my lip. "all the boys know. they found out one way or another. it's a miracle we've hidden this for so long. it's a miracle Nick wasn't the one to walk in on us just now. We literally live under the same roof for God's sake." I continued. He just stared at me, taking in every word that came out of my mouth.

I stood up and walked towards the couch, sitting next to him and grabbing his hands gently. "baby, we can do this." I said, my voice feeling shaky. 

He let go of my hands, kissed my forehead, and pulled me. Hugging me tight. Like it's the last time he'll ever get a chance to hold me. Like the world is going to end at midnight. Like his life depended on it. He let go and held my face in his right hand, rubbing my cheek, and looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I felt my eyes get watery as he did these things, unsure of my own words. 

Edwin finally broke his silence, "Like I said tonight, no matter what, I will fight for you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I will never let you go. pinky promise." he let go of my face and held out his pinky. I locked my pinky with his. 

"I love you with every cell in my body y/full/name." he said pulling me back into a hug.

"I love you Edwin Joel Honoret."

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now