Finding Friends

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Marco's POV 

"Eclipsa!" I yell frantically as I run through Earthni "Ow!" I yell as I fall to the ground as I stood up I knew I found what I was looking for. "Tom, footprints and their size is changing it must be Globgore, hurry!" I ran deep into a forest when finally I heard someone's panting which was unusually loud. "Globgore? What are you doing in a forest" "I hid here to try and stop the humans from panicking some monsters came with me but many remain we need to get them out" "I know where's Eclipsa? We need her to negotiate peace with the humans" "She went looking for Moon" "she must be at Butterfly Castle" "Thanks Globgore try to get the monsters in this forest we need to maintain peace." "I'll try my best Marco" "Thanks" I said as I ran to Butterfly Castle. "There's the castle!" I heard Tom yell I ran faster knowing if this failed there would be much violence.  "Eclipsa!" "Eclipsa?" I heard a familiar voice say "Star!" where did you go I was so worried.

Stars POV 

"I don't remember I think I saw someone that said certain things" "Well your back that's what's important and you seem safe so your all good" "What are you doing in the castle anyway?" "Me and the Marcnifecent so far 2 have been trying to get Eclipsa to negotiate with the humans while we hold back the Septarians" "What the Septarians what are they doing?!"  "Right now they seem to be holding people hostage we need to hold the, off while Eclipsa negotiates with the humans and Globgore gets all the monsters hidden in the forest." "Marco! I completely forgot Mina and Manfred are trying to spread their hatred for monsters they were the ones who kidnapped me!" "Then we will have to stop them too" "Come on Star we should get Tom" "Ok" "Hey Tom I found Star she was kidnapped by Mina and Manfred" "That's great hey Star!" "Hi Tom" " Lets head back to the Monster Temple Eclipsa might have gone back there also it's getting pretty late" "Yeah your probably right Marco" I walked toward him and reached for his hand. "Let's go."

Marco's POV

"We have to go" I told the others quietly  "It's filled with Septarians we can head to my house quickly" "Wait Marco look that's Toffee" "Are you sure Star?" "It has to be he looks like he did in my moms tapestry." "But he was squished and if he didn't die how was Eclipsa freed." "I don't know Marco but we have to do something" "Ok let's head to my house and nobody go in my room.

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