Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters and My Hero Academia

"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

In a world where 80% of the population are born with some form of powers called Quirks there is one important lesson: 'All men are not created equal', this was a lesson I learned when I turned four. My best friend Katsuki Bakugo or Kacchan had just manifested his quirk, 'Explosion', such a powerful quirk stoked his pride as teachers and kids alike praised him for his power. At five years old my quirk was yet to manifest so my mother took me to see a doctor, apparently though I have a high Quirk Factor I had a 0.01% chance of ever manifesting a quirk. The drive home was filled with a chilling sombre attitude.

"Mum...can I still be a hero, you know without a quirk?" She didn't respond, not verbally anyway, instead she looked at me through the rear view mirror, her eyes swimming with tears on the brink of breaking down her face. I could tell what she was feeling, disappointment, not in me but in herself.


My legs are jelly, my breaths ragged and my skin scorched.

"Get back here you useless fuck!" Kacchan screams as he chases me through the alleys of Mustafu. I turn around a corner and collide into a fence right outside of Ace Chemicals factory. I stare at the Authorised Personnel Only sign as I hear the crackling of Kacchan's explosions closing in and get closer to my position. In a hasty decision I jump the fence and dash to the building hoping to find asylum in the factory. I find myself running along the catwalk above vats of unknown chemicals when the section in front of me dropped onto the concrete 10 meters down, that's when I hear him.

"Well Deku it looks like you've got no more room to run you useless shit." Kacchan all but sneers. "To think that you could be a hero when your such a bitch. You know instead of shitting yourself you could always just jump off and hope for a quirk in your next life." Kacchan punctuates the sentences with an explosion enhanced punch knocking me out. I wake up to the sound of metal creaking, suddenly a loud clang as the section underneath me collapsed as I plunged into a vat.

It was midnight when I arrived back at home and found mum past out on the couch with a worried expression resting on her face. I decide to take a shower to wash off the chemical sludge still soaking my clothes. The next day I woke up and noticed my skin paling slightly. I later roamed the shopping district looking for a something to pass the weekend, as I roam the streets and alleys I come to an underpass when a rumble shakes the ground. I turn around to be faced with a large gelatinous nightmare.

"A medium sized cloak, perfect." The sludge shoots forward towards me, it started to envelope me and attempted to force itself down my throat in an act to possess my body. As my vision begins to fade and blur I'm pretty sure I start to hallucinate because I think I saw All Might for a brief second.

"Young man please wake up, young man." I wake up to the hulking figure of All Might, I take in my surroundings and realise I'm still in the underpass with All Might and sludge villain stuffed in a soda bottle. With the sudden realisation that I'm in the presence of my idol, I must've started one of my trademark muttering streak since I was interrupted by All Might.

"Are you alright young man?" Cutting into my mutters I meet his gaze and only one thought enters my mind.

"Can I be a hero without a quirk?" His bright signature grin suddenly drops off his face.

"I believe not young man, there are too many risks associated with being a hero that someone without a quirk can't face and by doing so potentially risk civilians as well as your own life. It's good to dream kid but try to be more realistic. Now I have to leave and deliver this villain to the police station." As he jumped across the horizon I felt two sensations, the first being my dreams and hopes becoming crushed by my idol and the pinnacle of Hero Society the other sensation was a strange and unnatural bubbling in my lungs.

It was a sullen walk home, my thoughts were full of hate and rage. Who was All Might to strangle and kill my dreams, to tell me what I can and can't do, he doesn't know who I am. Once I get home I go straight to the kitchen to drown my sorrows in Cookies 'n' Cream when my mum walked into the kitchen and noticed my glum and depressed attitude.

"Izu honey is something wrong?" She start inquiring into my mood. When I didn't reply she continued on.

"Izuku is everything okay, did something happen today?" No response again.

"If something is wrong you know you can tell me, right?"


"I know." I heard mum whimper. My head snapped to her direction as I step towards her with rage rolling of my body.


"I knew about your bullying but didn't do anything because I thought you were handling it..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, for the past 10 years all the burns and bruises, the fractures and cuts, she saw them all and did nothing to help and try to stop the beatings. At this point I'm in my mums face, that's when it happened. First my skin paled to a few shades off snow white, my eyes start glowing green and my hair now neon green than finally that strange bubbling in my lungs reappeared. Suddenly a plume of green gas exited my mouth directly onto my mum. She suddenly started howling in laughter as her eyes widen in a bloodshot crazed stare while her face erupted in a manic smile. Within the next five minutes mum was dead on the floor with a terrifying smile. I looked down at my now deceased mother realising that I had just awoken my quirk, but at a price. I had traded my sanity for this new power. And I loved it.


After my mum's death I had to convince everyone that she instead had gone to visit my father in America and during the duration of her trip I was to be home schooled. It was incredibly easy since who would care about a useless Deku like myself. After that was sorted out I started researching and experimenting with my newly founded quirk, I named it 'Gas Leak' it seems to be a hyper-evolved version of my dad's 'Fire Breath'. While my dad could only breath fire, which is an ionised gas, I can breath out any gaseous substance once I have an understanding of the gas on an molecular level. As of now I am only aware of two known exceptions to this rule: one being already being able to breathe fire and two being the gas that killed mum, which I decided to call Joker Gas. Possible reasons of these exceptions are most likely due to two reason. I can breath fire since it was the original version of the quirk and I can breath Joker Gas most likely due to the chemical bath I took courtesy of Kacchan. This previous month has also seen me focusing a lot of time on planning what to do with my new powers, and only one thought has truly stuck with me 'chaos'. I will spread fear, panic, insanity and chaos through Japan, shattering the fragile superhuman society we live in and what better way to start by infiltrating the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan, UA Hero Academy. I'll dedicate the next nine months to training to my peak physical and quirk abilities so that when the time comes to tell the killing joke I'll be ready with my strongest punchline. Since the moment that I murdered my mum I realised that life was nothing but a joke and the one who tells the jokes gets everything. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is the story of how I became the Symbol of Chaos.  

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