Chapter 7

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV

!! Not sure if I mentioned this but as The Joker, Izuku can manipulate his gases properties and shape!!


The Joker was happy, well you couldn't tell from the outside but he could feel that as soon as he entered the Plaza everyone became on edge, what else would their reaction be when a mentally unstable, psychopathic serial killer appeared at a coordinated attack on Japan's top Hero Academy. The first one to react was Hand Fetish.

"Nomu attack this clown!" Suddenly the black bird behemoth dashed towards the Joker at an alarming speed, yet the confidence never left Joker's eyes. He leapt into the air and landed on the back of the speeding Nomu, anchoring himself to the beast's back with his knife. The Nomu started panicking after losing sight of the green villain running in circles and thrashing violently hoping to shake the purple clad pest off him. On one particularly violent shake Izuku allowed him to swing so he faced off with the beast and took his free hand, that had been building up an extremely lethal and fast acting dose of Joker Gas, and shoved it straight down the Nomu's throat and held it down inside its respiratory system for a solid five seconds before retracting his limb from the falling creature. As it hit the ground with a thud the being stop moving and laid there all while Hand Fetish kept calling at it, commanding for the felled beast to get back up, but nothing could survive the toxins floating around it blood and lungs.

"NO! HOW DID YOU BEAT MY NOMU! YOU-YOU MUST'VE CHEATED!" Hand charged at Izuku in what seems to be a tantrum with his arms outstretched but as he reached Joker he simply met the Hand Villain with a roundhouse to his face knocking the hand off his face to reveal a gnarled and pale face contorted with shock and anger. Yet as soon as the hand hit the ground so did his knees as he lunged for the hand muttering what seemed to be the word 'father'. Suddenly the doors at the entrance with the remaining students exploded off its hinges and went flying across the USJ coming to a halt at the Nomu corpse. The bulking figure of All Might appeared with a look of anger etched on to his usually cheerful features. Knowing now is not the time for their confrontation, Izuku surrounded himself in a large dome of non-lethal gas (even if it wouldn't effect anyway) seeing this All Might ran at the cloud fast enough to dissipate the cloud yet what he saw was not the infamous villain but a playing card splattered with blood, a Joker card.


After I escaped All Might I ended up going back to the cave in the Mountain Zone and changed back to Jakku, my cover story was that I was cornered in the cave by a few mutant quirk villains that scales resisted by flame attacks and had to use slow acting knock out gas on them. Luckily for me I wasn't interviewed by Naomasa, and yes I know who he is after all I know about every officer and hero on my task force, otherwise my cover would've bee blown and my schedule moved up rapidly. Another happy coincidence was that due to the attack I have Thursday to Sunday off from school and more time to focus on my new plan, see after my task force was created I did some research on the leading hero on my case and imagine my surprise when it was non other than one Shota Aizawa! My new plan consists of mentally destroying Shota, from kidnapping and torturing his loved ones all the way to giving the man paranoia, to the point that he'll be just as broken as me! I continue my plotting when all of a sudden a figure yanks me into an alley, the evening dusk's shadow veiled the identity of the perpetrator yet I could see the glint of knives and fangs? The red eyes bored into me before a wicked smile crosses my face, the figure lunges at me yet I dodge underneath the attacker, who judging from the body figure is a teen girl, sending her into my backpack. Its contents spill's including my Joker outfit, this captured the girls attention long enough for me to knock her out with a dose of nitrous oxide.


I had stumbled upon this beauty when I had to dump Mineta's body and now I have started turning it to a temporary HQ. I currently have my attacker strapped to an up right torture rack, looking at her I notice her pale skin and school girl outfit accompanied by her blonde twin buns. Slowly she regains consciousness and quickly gripped by fear as she trashes at the bonds, at this point I step out of the shadow wearing my Joker outfit minus my mask and look at her thoughtfully as I still think of what to do with her when she spoke up.

"OH WOW! It really is you! I thought it might have been dreaming but I really got to meet you!" She started squealing in admiration, damn she must be pretty fucked up if she was excited to meet me, I like it!

"Wow this is a nice setup ya got Mr J!" I look at her with a smirk as she examines the HQ when what seems to be a look of shock crossed her face.

"Oh! I forgot, hi I am Himiko Toga, your biggest fan!" I look at her incredulously till I voice my current thoughts,

"I have fans?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well I don't know about anyone else but I certainly am! I followed your first kills and even tried to get your attention by cutting smiles into my victims faces as well! And don't get me started on your City Square Massacre!"

"You know Himiko Toga, I'm starting to like you. Wanna hear a secret?" She replied with a child like smile and furiously nodding head.

"Well right now I am undercover at UA High plotting to kill All Might!"

"Le Gasp! That is awesome, you must be really powerful and skilful to get in and maintain your cover!"

"Well I like to think I'm pretty cool myself, you know Himiko Toga, it is quite lonesome and boring being a super villain by myself. It would be more fun having an, I don't know partner..." The look of absolute delight crossed Toga's face was a clear indication she was already in.

"But if you want to join me in my Crusade of Chaos you can't just be called 'Himiko Toga', no it has to be a fitting I got it! How about Harley Quinn?"

"I love it Mr J!" I let her down and gave her the rundown on my many plans and goals and maybe a rundown int the bed but that is a story for a different time."


Currently all the staff of UA were in a meeting discussing the attack, all excluding Shota who was still in hospital but didn't stop him from video chatting the meeting.

"Currently only three students have any mentionable wounds, all inflicted by The Joker, yet it is unknown if he is a member of this 'League of Villains' due to multiple testimonies of him attacking and killing others of their attack force and did not arrive through the warp gate meaning he breached through another security flaw." Nedzu finished his summarisation of the attack.

"It doesn't matter if he is or isn't a part of this League, what is important is he attacked our students and attempted to kill them!" Present Mic exclaimed. Most of the staff didn't react to this outburst since Present Mic and Midnight's behaviour and attitude had taken a turn for the worst after their traumatic experience at City Square, Nemuri was still in therapy after seeing some one with such a similar quirk kill thousands without remorse while she was helpless to assist. Present Mic's fuming temperament was curbed by Shota's stoic voice cutting in.

"Calm your horses Mic, as teacher and Pro Heroes we need to look after our students first before thinking about anything like revenge. I understand how you feel but as professionals we must keep our emotions out of this." Mic's response was a curt nod as he sat back down calmer in demeanour. "Yet his appearance was concerning especially his efficiency with dispatching the 'Nomu'."

"You are correct Shota, according to the boys at the lab this creature had Shock Absorption, Super Regeneration and the strength and speed to match All Might, yet was killed within a few minutes by Joker. This is most alarming news." Nedzu added onto Aizawa's comment but Shota spoke up once more.

"No, what the most alarming news is he seemed to be toying with the creature, as if the whole raid was nothing but a game to take amusement in, he truly is unstable yet calculating making him all the more dangerous." Suddenly each hero got a notification from the Association.

"To all Heroes, the villain known as The Joker is now the 10th most wanted person in Japan and is now classified as a rank S threat level."

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