Chapter 12

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I knew they would find it soon but not this soon! I text Toga updating the scenario. She was currently in the States taking out a one Hisashi Midoriya on a request of my own. With the heroes now knowing my civilian form it won't be long till they track me down, a month or two at the most, yet it seems I have to move my plans up faster, now just need to remember! I think it was the Kamino Ward.






"FINE I GUESS YOU WONT MIND I IF I PULL YOU FROM UA!" At that I went to check the mail. Let's see, bill, bill, oh a package, from the Kamino Ward?

"MUM THERE'S A PACKAGE FOR US!"I look to see mum already next to me, slowly unwrapping it my nose is assaulted with the smell of rotting flesh, opening it I s- what the fuck.


"I-inko?" Mum sobs at the horrific sit of the severed head pf Auntie Inko and Uncle Hisashi. I reach for my phone and call Aizawa Sensei.


This just went to a new level of fucked, I mean mailing severed heads? After tracing the package we had found it was sent from this house. As of right now all of the UA Staff and majority of the Top 10 heroes along with countless Police Officer lined the street. We were about to demand his cooperation when he just walked out hands in the air!


Yagi, Naomasa, Nedzu and I were in the interrogation chamber with the rest of the UA faculty and the Top 10 watching through the one way glass. Yet there was one more person in the chamber, Jakku Yumoa or The Joker who was currently handcuffed to the table.

"Alright Yumoa, first thing first did you kill Inko and Hisashi Midoriya?"

"Hm? Oh those two, yeah I killed them." One could feel the disdain running off his words.

"Ok next question, what did you do to Izuku Midoriya?"

"What did I do to Izuku? Nothing. The better question is what he did to Izuku." The room occupants were put on edge after Yumoa pointed at Yagi, showing he even knows All Might's secret.

"What do you mea-"

"No! This time I have a question for you," He ripped the handcuffs off with his natural strength and reached for his shirt pulling his shirt open, revealing a chiselled chest but also an array of scars and burn marks, most the size of basketballs. "Wanna know how I got these scars." No one replies. "When I was four I was told by a doctor that though my quirk factor was incredibly high, I had a 0.01% chance of ever actually getting a quirk leaving me for all purposes, quirkless. After it was made public, I couldn't even walk down the street without being sneered at and called trash. School was a nightmare. Every day I received beating after beating, followed by a healthy does of verbal abuse and topped of with everyone using my as a test dummy for their quirks. I asked for help, but the Teachers ignored me, some joined in while others openly encouraged attacks on me." Shocked, that was all I could manage at this point with mind racing and processing all the information. "The worst part was they all moved on with their lives normally, leavening me scarred and bleeding. One even made it to UA." When he mentioned this something in my mind clicked. Yet it seemed Naomasa was the first to recover the ability to speak.

"As appalling as that is I asked you a question, what did you do to Izu-"

"Sorry detective but I have a question and please make sure you use your quirk. Joker, what is your real name?"

"HAHAHAHA! I knew you were smart, it is an honour that you were my Taskforce leader. But to answer your question I am The Joker."

"What. Is. Your. Real. Name?"

"Very well, I am Jakku Yumoa."

"That's a lie."

"Ahh, sometimes I really hate that quirk of your Naomasa, FINE! My real name is Izuku Midoriya, son of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, also known as the mass murderer The Joker." Yagi looked like he was about to throw up, I felt like I was going to throw up.


"BEACAUE OF YOU! All I wanted to do was be a hero and save those with smile, the only reason I had lived long enough to meet you was because I wouldn't give up on my dreams, but when you told me no, and when my qurik's manifestation ended up killing my ignorant MOTHER I decided that I couldn't be the hero that saves people with a smile, I would become the Symbol of Chaos, a villain who would destroy the façade that is our superhuman society with a smile, I would become your antithesis All Might. And now that my mission is almost complete, I can safely say that things will never go back to the way they were, EVER, the public will never have blind faith in there protectors again, the heroes of the future will learn that they can never save everyone and soon the world will know the cycle, the cycle that is chaos and order. No matter how peaceful times are, no matter how just a king is, no matter how powerful heroes are, chaos will always return and with it a new society will be reborn from the previous' remains until that one too is destroyed, I am simply the harbinger of this one. Now I have another question for you all," He reaches in to his coat pocket and pulls out a dried severed hand? "Do any of you know where I got this?"

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