Chapter 13

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


Their faces all were stained with disgust at the sight of the severed hand until recognition quickly followed by fear graced Aizawa's features.

"That's right Aizawa, this is the prized possession of Shigaraki, also known as Tenko Shimura, the severed hand of his father and hence also the severed hand of Nana Shimura! And I wouldn't do anything Toshi, after all of none of the people viewing this no your secret do they? Now I don't know about you, but if I was a man child with a League of Villain and my favourite possession slash deceased father's severed hand, but I would want to take it back with extreme prejudice." Suddenly a bang rang through the station distracting everyone suddenly the door was smashed down by a six armed Nomu with bull horns but through and grabbed Naomasa and Aizawa, see my plan fall into action I threw the hand at the beast before dashing up to All Might while slipping a glass dagger from my sleeve and resting it against his injury.

"You're coming with me and don't even think about transforming, your body would expand sending your injury into the dagger, and we wouldn't want that would now would we?" The wall next to us explodes as a van rams through it, the driver none other than my lovely Harlequin, with the No. 1 Hero in hand I jump into the van leaving the Pros and Police to deal with the rampaging LOV.


Fuck! My head is killing me, huh! I look around after not being able to move my hands to see myself in the Midoriya Residence in front of my sits a steel chair with restraints and bolts, sitting and bleeding is a gaunt man with golden blonde hair and haunting blue eyes.

"Ah it seems sleeping beauty is awake, how was your dreams Kacchan? HAHAHAHA!!" A mad laugh rips through the ominous atmosphere.

"YUMOA! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YA DAMN BASTARD?" The clown walked into my vision with this damn smug smile, so condescending!

"I'm about to change the world. When the world sees their oh so precious Symbol of Peace in pieces, the mirage that is there safety, peace and hope will be shattered. For too long has All Might fooled the masses, making us all believe that nothing bad can ever happen as long as we smile, but when it does happen, when they really need the help of a hero no one is there. He has tricked us into a false sense of security, nay heroes and quirks have stripped us of our own mind, always having to rely on the heroes and lose the ability to stand up for themselves. And when someone would question these standards or go against the status quo, they are casted as villains and torn asunder my public and media opinion. See I am no Villain I am a symbol, The Symbol of Chaos, and I have come to bring a new era, a revolution and no matter what happens from here on nothing will ever go back to the way it was and if I die than so be it, may another rise and Shepard this new era with their hands for what to come is inevitable and trust me Kacchan it will be glorious and gory, for what is a few lives now in exchange for a new world?" Holy fuck, he is actually insane.


"Oh poor Kacchan, haven't you realised it yet?"

"Realised what? What are you yapping about clown?" He reached for his eyes and took out contact lenses to reveal, oh shit.

"D-d-deku?" Those emerald eyes, how could I not have figured it out. Huh they seem different almost...dull.

"What surprised Kacchan? Didn't expect I had the backbone? Well how pathetic am I now, the most wanted man in Japan, murder of thousands of innocents including my own parents and wielder of a powerful quirk? Am I still a Deku, am I human now?"

"What do you mean human now?" His eyes almost seem to crack.

"It means, am I your equal, not a punching bag, not a target for your abuse, not a useless Deku!" With his rage peaking he grabbed a knife and stabbed the blonde man in the thigh, his screams sickening as smoke wafts off his skin.

"Oh shut the fuck up All Might!" ALL MIGHT?

"Hmm, guess I forgot to tell you about him hey Kacchan, you could say this is his civilian form, Toshinori Yagi, the Symbol of Peace well for now." He leaves the room leaving All Might and myself alone.

"All Might, is that really you?"

"Forgive me young Bakugo, I would have rather you been left out of this mess I made."

"That damn bastard, no offence All Might but this isn't just your mess."

"What do you mean young Bakugo?"

"When we were children Izuku had no quirk, I treated him like trash, a second class citizen, heck probably like he was a dog. Every day I would go up to him beat him, abuse him, beat him some more than burn him to the point where he would be on the brink of passing out. Every day for 10 years." I felt water slide down my cheeks, well how ironic is that. The one time I feel sorry about what I did is the one time Deku is going to kill me. It seems someone else noticed.

"How touching, maybe if you had realised it earlier this would've been delayed a few generations."

"Don't you mean never happened?"

"Are you fucking deaf! This was always going to happen it was just a matter of circumstances, just a matter of time until someone else is scorned by the system and sees past the mirage themselves. In fact I have already showed these flaws countless of times over. Every single person that has lost a loved one during my Chaotic Crusades can blame one of two people, me or the heroes who weren't fast enough, strong enough to save their loved ones. But enough chit chat time to start rolling." I finally notice another presences in the room, a female holding a camera her face holding a twisted and disturbing smile mirroring that of Izuku's.


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