Chapter 10

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


The room was dimly lit, with a large round table placed in the middle crowded my shadow covered figures.

"This meeting is now in session, topic of discussion: how to deal with The Joker. After last nights brazen attack The Joker now has amassed a kill count of over 10,000 including all victims who are now permanently disabled due to his attacks. His insane attitude and careless abandon for human lives has earned this psychopath the Most Wanted title and a ranking of SS. His attacks and video's have also earned him a cult of fanatics all following in his insanity and have also participated in guerrilla attacks against low – mid tier heroes resulting in many deaths. So the floor is open for suggestions on how to defeat this menace."

"Well due to Joker moving his plan up faster than expected so I suggest we move our plan up as well, The Joker Taskforce had implanted a sleeper into the 'Clown Cult' to gather the information on Jokers Ops and future plans, by faking multiple attacks on behalf of our agent we can get him to earn Joker's trust and get us some inside information." Eraserhead, leader of The Joker Taskforce informs the meeting of heroes.

"Than what?" Endeavor inquired.

"What do you even mean by that, we arrest him obviously." Edgeshot shot back.

"But what of the victims and their families, they deserve justice!" Endeavour retorts.

"Indeed justice that is given through the courts and not lethal force!" All Might chimed in with a voice that demands respect.

Next to speak was Gang Orca. "NO! He is to dangerous to lock up let alone live. If we were to arrest him his fanatics would continue to attack heroes and continue his insanity!" Most of the heroes looked at him with pity and sympathy knowing some of his family was killed in the ensuing chaos and attacks from the Sports Festival.

"As riveting as this argument is, The Joker is to be arrested and capture alive where he will face the Japanese legal system where he will be forced to answer for his crimes! That is the final verdict of the Hero Association. Since there are no other suggestions we will go with Eraserheads idea."


Warm. The blankets cover the snuggling form of Toga and I. Since I met Toga I had a strange feeling in my gut, it turns out this mysterious feeling was 'love'. The sun rained down on us through the shutters disturbing my rest followed by a quick rap on the door. After donning some casual clothes I open my door and meet my right hand man, dark hair and burns and scars over his face with clothes that have different colours on the left and right, codename: Two Face, but to me he is simply Dabi.

"What is it Dabi?"

"Brought another one that has potential."

"Who is it?"

"31 year old Minato Kakashi, quirk Ocular Amaterasu allows him to ignite objects he looks at in a black flame that only goes out when he wants it to. He joined up with the Clowns just after the Sports Festivals and recently has begun to stage multiple attacks on mid-tier heroes leaving most unable to continue their work."

"Powerful quirk, strange that someone so powerful went under my radar for so long. Very well bring him in Dabi." Dabi went over to the door and opened revealing a mid-height man with a spiky mane of grey hair and a strange mask covering his lower face while his eyes were a pattern of black and red.

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