Chapter 2

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name


The last eight months were amazing. There is no better way what has happened with the timeframe. First thing first my physical training had paid off, and by training mean clearing polluted beaches, gone was the shrivelled useless Deku, now in his place I stood with bulging biceps and washboard abs. Secondly, my quirk training also did wonders. In fact one new skill I learned was the ability to release the gas I create through the pores in my skin, my favourite place to release gas is through my hands, I also learned some new gases as well: nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas, carbon dioxide, hydrogen bromide and sulphur dioxide. With these new gases my arsenal now has corrosive, toxic, knock out and suffocating gas along with my fire breath and Joker gas. With a month to spare I decided why not start spreading the chaos a little early, it was around 10pm when I walked into a practically empty formal wear store with the only other person being the store clerk. As I browsed the suits vests I saw one particular ensemble that called out to me, a purple trench coat with a purple waistcoat, white undershirt and neon green tie.

"Ah yes, this ensemble was inspired by an infamous comedian. It costs $698." The store clerk had sneaked up on me. Thinking it was overpriced, instead of giving him money I covered his mouth and gave him a healthy dose of Joker gas. As I leave the store in my new outfit the store is full of the clerks maniacal laughter as he slowly laughs himself to death. His next stop the hunting store.


I stood there staring at the expansive palace that is UA Hero Academy, my thoughts full of the chaos that I'll sow under the pretence of my false identity Jakku Yumoa. My plan to keep my villain alter ego Joker and Jakku different I'll have joker only use Joker gas and only through his skin while Jakku will only be able to breathe his attacks and obviously not be able to use my Joker gas. I had to give myself a bit of makeover the previous weeks in case Katsuki actually does make it in to UA, my usually bushy hair now replace with greasy locks all but sticking to my scalp, red contact lens and white face paint covering my freckles. After acing the written exams we were debriefed on the practical exams. When we arrived at the fake city I looked around at the other examinees, trying to pick apart their quirks. I noticed a tall kid with glasses and what seemed to be engines on his calves, as I dissected his quirk I was nigh oblivious to the stares I attracted to due to my pale appearance. My thoughts were obliterated by the scream of Present Mic announcing the start of the exam, I burst through the gates and started using my hydrogen bromide breath to corrode the robots as well as my fire breath to melt the other robots. Seven minutes into the exam I had racked up to 93 points, here I thought that the exam would at least push my limits, suddenly the earth begins to rumble I turn around and gaze at the behemoth that was the 0-pointer. This geared goliath shook the very earth at its movements, finally a challenge. I run against the flee crowd bolting to the mechanised monster, making sure no one can notice, I secrete hydroxide bromide from my palms creating handholds in the side of the colossus. I eventually make my to the head of the machine and release a roaring inferno of flames into it's head but nothing happened. That's when it hit me, no not the robot but an idea, one of the reasons that I can breathe fire is the fact that it is an ionised gas, so if I can super heat by fire breath even further than I should be able to release a bolt of plasma from my lungs, essentially breathe lightning. I calm my mind and start to feel my fire heating up my lungs to the point where even with my heat resistance I felt like my blood started boiling from the heat when I felt a new constant sensation of millions of zaps course through my respiratory systems. I open my jaw as the lightning lets out an ear shattering roar as a ginormous bolt rips through the head of the 0-pointers as the recoil of the shot sends me flying into the window of a skyscraper, I lose consciousness almost immediately.

I woke up in the UA Nurse's Office.

"Ah finally up sonny." I look around to see the diminutive frame of one Recovery Girl looking at me from the chair at my bedside.

"Um... what happened?" My voices croaks out probably from using lightning for the first time.

"Well you had a concussion and a few minor fractures from when you crashed in to the tower and surprisingly only a minor amount of quirk exhaustion. Looking at the footage it's just lucky that the recoil from your attack sent to backwards instead of a an early grave as a stain on the street." It seems that I'm going to have to practice on dialling down the input of my plasma breath otherwise I may end up blowing up half the city along myself if I was to go all out like that again.

"Well thank you, Miss Recovery Girl but I'll take my leave now." I decide to head back home and change into my Joker outfit.

'Time to go carve up some smile...hahahahaha.' My head full of maniacal thoughts of carving and butchering my victims.


"Well it seems we have quite the standouts this year in both the Recommendation Students and Entrance Exam Students." A small mouse dog looking hybrid speaks gaining the attention of all the current faculty and heroes. The creature brings up three profiles. The first of a stoic looking teen with heterochromatic hair and eyes with the most noticeable feature being a large scar over his left eye, the second of what seems to be a teen with a scowl sketched into his feature with red eyes and spiky blonde hair, the final profile belonged to a teen with sickly pale skin edging on to straight up white with greasy green shoulder length green and dark crimson eyes.

"Shoto Todoroki, son of Number Two Pro Hero Endeavour – Quirk 'Half Hot Half Cold', it allows Shoto to create fire from his left side and ice from his right side. Katsuki Bakugo – Quirk 'Explosion', it allows him to create explosion from his nitro glycerine like sweat. Finally Jakku Yumoa, Quirk 'Gas Leak" it allows Jakku to produce any gas in his lungs than exhale them in a breath attack also making him immune to all gas attacks." What first appears to be a zombie reads off the profiles, a closer inspection reveals not the undead just the severely sleep deprived. He continued on.

"Shoto got through from recommendation from his farther while Jakku and Katsuki are the two highest scoring students in the practical exam, both scoring 93 villain points, an impressive feat with both scoring exceptionally well on the written portion as well. However, Jakku was rewarded 50 rescue points after jumping up and defeating the 0-pointer before it could trample on another participant, Mina Ashido, who was trapped under debris from the 0-pointers initial attack. While Katsuki had no rescue points. This places Jakku in first in the practical exam with a total of 143 points and second place in the written portion with 99.5/100." The faculty gasped at this what kind of monster was this kid. In the corner of the room sat a skeletal looking man named Yagi Toshinori was rewatching the footage of the greenette seemingly jump in to save a random stranger.

'Could this kid be the one, my worthy successor?'

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