Chapter 3

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV

"Rescue Points? Wait there was someone trapped by the 0-pointer? Well since it put me in front of Kacchan I'll take it." I start talking to myself after I just watched my result hologram. Well UA, hope you're ready for the fun to begin. That night the Midoriya residence was full of the sweet melody of psychotic laughter.


I slam open the door to 1-A enter come in with a mad smile glued to my face as I strut over to the perfect desk, right behind Katsuki. My noisy entrance had caught the attention of Engine Boy since he turned away from scolding Katsuki to start scolding me.

"Please refrain from disrespecting school property, also if truly wish to be a hero try to take more respect in your appearance!" My manic smile drops off my face, no one comments on my appearance. The last person to do so was yet to be found. I start to release my killing intent subconsciously, soon almost all of the class are watching in fear.

"Let me stop you right there Engine Boy no one, and I mean NO one comments on my appearance! You got that buddy?" Engine Boy's face is frozen in petrified fear as is the rest of the class until a strange yellow caterpillar starts moving to the teachers desk. It suddenly opened to reveal Shota Aizawa.

"Ahem, good morning my name is Shota Aizawa I'm you Home Room teacher, put these on and meet me at Train Ground Beta in the next 1o minutes. What are you waiting for? Get going." And just like that each student grabbed a PE Uniform and sprinted of to Beta.

"UA is famous for the freedom they give the faculty when teaching their classes, instead of going to the pointless Orientation we are going to perform a Quirk Apprehension. Each student will participate in a set of tests which you can use your quirk for to aid your results. Oh one more thing, who ever places last will be expelled immediately for having no potential." Ooh I think I'll like this man since the entire class erupted in an a chaotic cacophony of disagreement and panic.

Test 1 – Ball Throw

Since I had the highest score in the entrance exam I was the first to go up, once it was revealed almost the entire class was taken back, thinking I was some sort of crazy delinquent (not me that's Kacchan). It was annoying trying to come up with a decent way to use my quirk, it would've been easier if I was ably to use my full power yet that could blow my cover so in the end I threw the ball upwards and as it started its decent I exhaled a cloud of hydrogen just in front of me and as soon as the ball got close to the gas I released some fire breath causing a large explosion sending the ball into the horizon. Aizawa's device goes off with a reading of '869 meters'.

50 Meters Dash

I was racing against Kacchan, man life really is a twisted joke, I confused the entire class by facing the wrong way at the starting line. As soon as Aizawa said go I released another hydrogen explosion propelling me over the line in three seconds flat.

Sideways Jumps, Push Ups, Grip Strength and Sit Ups

Due to my quirk having no way to improve my performance I scored average to above average due to my physical training.

Long Jump

For this test I released an explosion breath to propel my self upwards than released a lightning breath ,much to my class's surprise, using its recoil to clear the pit.

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