Chapter 8

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


I wake up seeing the suns early rays filtering through the boarded windows of the factory, damn last night was exhausting. I get up and get dressed for some quirk training (so just my shorts) Before I leave my newly furbished bedroom I turn around and look back at the best and the sheet clad form of Toga. It's been about two weeks since Toga ended up joining my Chaotic Crusade and during that time we may or may have not started a physical relationship with each other. In all honesty I can tell she loves me but with me being the emotionally stunted orphan villain I am, I don't really know how I feel about her, all I know is that whenever her face has that manic smile and blood dripping off her fangs as she cleans up her knives I get this warm tingly feeling in my chest, weird right? Anyway back to my training. I recently had a breakthrough with my quirk, I realised that if I could heat up some of my gases like my fire into lightning/plasma I could potentially do the opposite and make my gases exude freezing temperature. It turned out I could and ended up freezing the hobo out on the corner into solid ice by accident, oops. On a related on note due to the USJ incident Nedzu and co. decide that they were going to move up the spots festival date to the coming Friday, giving me a solid six days to come up with a new plan. One to debut my latest weapon, the 'Harley Quinn' while also embarrassing all of UA and the Hero Society as a whole after an up and coming villain attacked Japan's 'most secured' event. The only other thing that really happened was when yours truly became an S ranked villain! For those of you who don't know how villain ranking work here is a quick run through:

Rank D: Criminals that are charged with petty theft or assault under the influence of substances

Rank C: Criminals that are charged with theft and robbery or assault/aggravated assault

Rank B: Criminals that are charged with armed theft or manslaughter/murder or property damage

Rank A: Villains that are charged with rape, multiple murders (10-50), abduction and torturing

Rank S: Villains that are charged with mass murder (50+), murder of highly influential people or top 50 heroes

Rank SS: Villains that are charged of Genocide, Terror Attacks and a kill count higher than 4000

Rank SSS: Villains that are deemed a threat to society itself and a danger to all inhabitants of Earth

It is incredibly hard for a villain to me ranked S or higher and for a villain to debut and a month later be given the S rank so soon would be the equivalent of a hero fresh out of UA being added to the Top 10 Heroes just like that. My real inspirations are SSS ranked villains, I did some research and have learned there were only two people labelled as such a threat. The first one was illegible due to the file and most if not all information being redacted except for the file name: AFO. The other was the Villain Destro. A man who in the age where the quirkless out weighed the quirked, he fought the Status Quo that were creating laws restricting the usage of quirks and due to his radical thinking and fanatic followers he posed a threat to the constructs of society, and apparently he has the quirk to back it up but it was lost to history. I continued training for another three hours when I sat down for a break, my scarred form gleaming with marks and sweat shivered as I felt the lithe nude form of Toga on my back while her arms come over my shoulder and rest on my chest.

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