Chapter 5

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV

I am currently in my Joker get up crowned with a purple fedora, with school out for the week I had to go pick up some groceries, hey even villains need to eat! I looked through the cereal aisle passing over the All Might Bran and instead grabbed the Honey Puff Poppers checking the price tag. That's when I remembered I am broke. Hmph guess I better hit up the bank once I'm done here. I star releasing joker gas through my entire body and drop a calling card as I went around the store picking up my groceries as manic laughter fill the aisles and counters. I walk out of the store with my groceries stop at my apartment and pick up my latest piece of kit which in all honesty is just a purple flu mask with a ominous smile on it to help keep my identity secret, and head towards the bank slowly starting to build up my Joker gas. I swing open the doors as I waltz through the crowd, one by one dropping dead like laughing flies soon confusion rang through the bank just like the ever present laughter as the security guards started moving toward me. I positioned my hands into guns and shot out bullets of gas instantly affecting the guards, within a couple of minutes the bank was full of smiling corpses and a clown with a sack of cash waltzing to the door when I notice a phone on the floor dialling a number, oh shit that's the Hero Association's number. I turn back to the entrance to see what must be a hero, he was a large bulking man covered in scaly concrete like skin and the head of a rhinoceros and wore a skin tight yellow spandex suit.

"HALT evil doer for I am Rhinosasaur the Rhino Dino!" As soon as I stepped outside he charged me but in the last second I dodged his charge and he went smashing into a pillar, his horn hooked into the concrete immobilising him momentarily just long enough for me to climb up on his back and cover his nose while giving him a large dose of the good stuff. Within a few seconds what seemed could be a smile, maybe it was hard to tell on his rhinoceros features until he stopped moving and I could tell he was dead. Leaving another card on his limp body I got up with my sack and headed home and went to sleep.

"Breaking News – Two Hundred Dead including Pro Hero Rhinosasaur after Mustafu Convenience Store and Mustafu Bank were attacked by a villain, Police say this villain has struck before but mostly in small time alley attacks having killed at least thirty people since his first attack one month ago including former UA Student Mineta Minrou. All victims share a common symptom after death being a maniacal and spine-chilling smile and paled skin. The villain is being dubbed The Joker due to him leaving a Joker playing card at each murder scene. Police have yet to ascertain his appearance, but advise citizens to stay away from all suspicious people and call for help. In other news..."

Well would you look at that, I made the news. Hmm I wonder where I'm on in the Japan's Most Wanted List? Let me just get my laptop, ok now go on to the police website, lets see... now to search The Joker... 420th! Those mother/censored/. That is it! By Monday I will crack the top 100, no matter how many deaths, robberies and terrorists attacks, I'll be one of the most dangerous criminals in Japan. Let's see... OH I know I'll go and check on my old school. With my hat, mask and suit on I approach my school with hunting knife in hand and slice open the locks on the gate. A teacher quickly approaches me only to be gutted. I lean over his body and carve a smile into his face with my first kill out of the way I start producing as much Joker gas as soon as I can as I enter the school. With in a few minutes the gas had infiltrated the ventilation system spreading through the entire school like that! The entire class was soon erupting in mad laughter as I patrolled the hallways looking for any survivors, rewarding them with a knife to the throat and a large smile on their faces. Hmm, still no heroes. Lets see... what could I do to get their attention? Attacking a Pro Agency! Yeah lets see the closest agency is a small one belonging to the local Mustafu Hero Banshee (think the X-Men). As I approach the Agency three sidekicks appeared.

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