Chapter 14

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"Can I still be a hero?" – Talking

'Can I still be a hero?' - Thoughts

"Can I still be a hero?" – All Might's Muscle Form Talking

'One for All' – Quirk Name

"Can I still be a hero?" – News/TV


The Square was bustling, hundreds upon thousands of people cross through the centre of town. The population was on edge, how could they not be? Their happy lives had all been upturned after the 'debut' of the Joker. Some call him a terrorist while others a revolutionary, and some say he is simply the reckoning for Superhuman Society, the antithesis of All Might, a Symbol of Chaos. Yet none of these people were quiet ready for what was about to happen because on this day Japan, no the World was about to change, for better or worse? No one knew.

"GOOOD MORNING MUSTAFU!!" The crowd stop and turn to the Megatron looking over the square, only to gasp in shock and terror seeing the pale face that haunted countless peoples' dreams.

"Today is the day ladies and gentlemen. The day I finally wake you up from the dream you have all been living in, but first allow me to introduce myself. My name is Izuku Midoriya or better known as the Joker. This world is nothing but a façade, a lie! You believe in heroes, you trust that they will save the day but by doing so you disable yourselves from doing anything and when the you find yourselves in the need for a hero you do nothing but cry when no one comes to save you... PATHETIC! Not only does this world inspire false hope but is it run on a hierarchy of random luck. Those with powerful Emitter Quirks are praised while those with Mutant Quirks are shunned as 'non-human' and those who are Quirkless are treated like even worse. Yet you cheer on the heroes as they force their ideals on to you while slowly ebbing away your own opinions and emotions. Now I know my goal sounds hard, downright impossible to some of you, but look around. Approval rates for heroes at an all-time low, people suspicious of anyone and finally some people going as far as to openly stop heroes during their battles. But today I'll place the final nail in the coffin with two assistants." The crazed face disappeared as the camera moved to show two people. Bothe were chained and strapped to seats, one was Bakugo Katsuki a UA student while the other was a scraggly and gaunt man with blonde hair.

"May I introduce Bakugo Katsuki and Yagi Toshinori! Now let's talk about me assistants today. First up is Bakugo Katsuki, the reason I exist. As children he bullied and tortured me for being Quirkless since my own Quirk was dormant. He ran me down every day and burned and scarred me, everyone knew about his actions and either chose to ignore them or join in on making my life miserable. Teachers, parents, peers... they all scarred me and in return I scarred them... killed them. Now Toshinori here, well he is quite the character. See he is actually the civilian form of a hero, not just any hero but the civilian form of ALL MIGHT! The Symbol of Peace, the number one Hero is nothing more than a decrepit old man who gave me my goal on life. See after an exceptionally brutal session with Katsuki I was attacked by a Sludge Villain, I was amazed and relieved when I was saved by my idol All Might but when I asked him if I could be a hero he told me that without any power it was best to give up on my dream. Later that night my mother confessed that she knew of my bullying and beatings and turned a blind eye for ten years, I activated my Quirk that same night and killed her with it. Gas Leak allows me to produce any gas or gas chemical compound and then release it through my pores or mouth. After a recent chemical bath at the hands of Katsuki I created a new gas I called Joker Gas, a poisonous gas that has the side effect of making the victim laugh uncontrollably as they slowly die. This is how I killed my mother, realising what I had done I decided that if the world was going to reject me then I might as well make the world feel rejected as well. So I began my crusade to shatter the façade that is Hero Society. Where those with powerful Quirks get money for beating those who are less fortunate, those born with disadvantages and forced into a life of crime to survive. This is the society we truly live in, and this is the society that I will destroy." The camera was settled down on something as Joker made his way to Bakugo.

"This brings back memories hey Kacchan. Though this time it seems the roles have reversed." Removing his glove Joker encased his hand in fire before covering the spiky blonde's mouth causing the boy to squirm and scream in pain.

"What's wrong Toshinori? Aren't you going to save your student? Or are you too afraid to die then help him?" Joker removed his hand to reveal that Bakugo's flesh had all but been burned away and revealed the muscles and ligament hiding beneath his skin.

"Oh don't cry Kacchan, I'm sorry if it hurts but please bear with it a bit more for me." He positioned his hand so his index and middle were next to Bakugo's left eye as it was coated in lightning. With no warning he started gouging the eye as the lightning sizzled and burned away at the organ.

"Save him All Might. Save him. You're hero right? SO SAVE HIM!" With a violent pulling motion Joker pulled out the charred eyeball from its socket.

"What's wrong Toshi? Everyone is watching yet you sit there and worry about your life over his? Do you perhaps think he deserves or are you too much of a bitch to do anything? Your actions seem very unheroic, in fact I can feel the people's negative emotions from here. They hate you for not saving him, just like I do for you not saving me Toshi." The camera showed tears beginning to fall down the Number 1 Hero's face.

"That's what she called you right? Nana Shimura, your mentor and teacher, would be so disappointed in you wouldn't she? She told you to keep smiling no matter what and now here you sit too much of a coward to do anything." Joker approached the youngest blonde pulling a knife from his vest.

"Kacchan, remember when you first awoke your Quirk? You were so happy and everyone told you were destined to be a hero, funny that by doing so you created a villain." The pale green clad figure began hacking at the blonde's hands as blood splattered on his clothes. Bakugo couldn't even scream seeing as how his mouth was all but useless. The only audible sounds were Joker's laughter and All Might screaming for him to stop. After a minute Joker walled over to All Might before placing something on his lap. The severed hand of Katsuki Bakugo.

"Once I take his other hand it will be impossible for Bakugo to use hi Quirk ever again, but you could stop me All Might, so what will it be?" Steam began rising of the gaunt man but nothing much until Joker stabbed the knife through Bakugo's hand and into the chair's arm. The Older blonde suddenly began steaming as his body grew into All Might, only to stop and cough up blood as something pierced his lowed torso. It was later discovered that All Might's cause of death was that there was a dagger strapped to the same chair as the Hero and when he transformed he forced the dagger further into him before it stabbed through his remaining stomach and left lung causing him to drown and bleed out.

"There you have it folks, All Might dead, hero student maimed and hundreds dead." The crowd was confused until the room the camera was in was engulfed in flames and explosions before the building holding up the Megatron was also engulfed in flames and fell onto the innocents below crushing their bodies like their spirit had just been.


I was crying. I knew that his plan was always going to end with his death but... I looked back down at the object I held.

'+' was the only marking on it. My other hand came to rest on my stomach as I continued to watch the TV in the hotel room Izuku had booked for me.

"After another attack today it was confirmed that among the deaths Bakugo Katsuki, Toshinori Yagi and Izuku Midoriya were found dead as well. No official statement has been made by the Japanese Government or The Hero Association. The world is at an impasse itself. Some wanting to celebrate the death of the now infamous Joker while others mourn the Symbol of Peace. One thing is for certain and that was that Joker was right about one thing, the world is forever changed."

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