Howdy Partner

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Walking to school today, Jesse would NOT stop bothering me about Banana. Really though it's not that big of a deal.

"Hey, you know we're doing square dancing in gym. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get to dance with Banana," he said.

"I'm hoping," turning red in the face of just hearing her name.

"Gym is the first period today," Jesse elbows me in the shoulders.

"Knowing my luck I'll dance with Stinky Staci," she was a very rude person (and smells terrible).

"I heard she hasn't showered in a year," Jesse plugged his nose.

"And she wonders why a stink cloud follows her around," using a little bit of sass.

Jesse burst out laughing at that comment and so did I.

"Good one bro," he gives me a high five as we walk into the building. "I see something that starts with a b."

Looking over to see Banana standing with Arlo. Those two are inseparable. The girl version of Jesse and I really. Other than the fact they have grace, and we don't.

"Hi, Jesse and Little-man," Banana waves at us.

"H-h-el-lo-o-w," stuttering out.

"He means, hi," Jesse makes me keep walking with him.

"Way to be settle on your feelings," Jesse smacks me on the back of my forehead.

"Jesse?" hitting him in his arm. "What was that for?"

"You completely embarrassed yourself!" he turned bright red. "Banana thinks you're autistic now."

"Autism is nothing to joke about," pointing my finger at him like I am his mother.

"Just stating what you looked like," Jesse shrugged.

"At least she talked to me," looking down at my slides. "First."

"Anything is a start for you," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walk into first period.

Gym is a highly-- unnecessary class the state makes us take. No kid in their right mind-- likes gym. It's good to get exercise but not in the middle of a hot sweaty gym.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's your first class and since I'm lazy," the fat old gym teacher says (his name was Carlton). "We're doing square dancing!"

Everyone in the class groaned though-- no one wants to square dance in middle school. It's a pointless activity (like speedball or mat ball).

"Get a partner and get dancing! No one is stopping until I get my McDonald's.."

Looking around to find a girl by the name of, Banana, I notice she is talking to someone... and that someone was my best friend, Jesse.

My nose was all out of joint since he was stealing my girl from me! And the only one left was Staci. My bad luck was still here, and this was the worst one.

Why would he steal Banana? After our square dancing was over-- I go over and talk to Jesse, Banana, Arlo, and Arlo's rich boyfriend.

"Gross," putting on hand sanitizer.

"Who was your partner?" Jesse asks.

"Stinky Staci," rubbing it all over my arms as well.

"God bless your soul," Banana laughs.

"It already was," laughs Jesse back. "He wouldn't be alive."

"True," Arlo looks over to her outsider boyfriend. "Anyone know French?"

"Why?" I ask rubbing it on my neck now.

"So I can talk to my boyfriend," she smiles over to him.

"How did you even meet?" Jesse asks.

"We were at a political party," Banana and Arlo's dad's both are politicians. "And we met and fell in love."

"With the money?" Jesse turns and asks Arlo.

"Is it even love if money isn't involved?" she sassily asks.

"And how old is he?" I ask since he looks like he could be out of college.

"Older than the seventh grade," Arlo shakes her head.

"Amy way you two are invited to sit with Arlo and me at lunch,'' Banana cuts Arlo off.

"Sure," Jesse smiles at me.

Was the dance a plan for him? Or do we like the same girl?

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