Light Up The Night

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Time for the dance *yay*. Ever since Jesse stole my girl and asked her to the dance-- my life seems meaningless. Lost my crush and my bro in weeks. But I have a right to be mad at him, he took my hope away.

I'm still mad at Jesse, but we're walking over to the dance with Arlo, her boyfriend, and Banana. It's going to be awkward not having a date. Only other option was taking Broom-Hilda and that's a no-- I'd rather take my mom (Little-mam). My father's name is Big Daddy. We come from a long line of interesting names. The oddest being Caption Wiggle-waggle-bussing. None are normal names from off the street. I guess it's okay one having a unique name... but it's never on Christmas ornaments... and that makes me mad. And guess whose parents named them Little-man. People say they should have named me Fang-boy.

My teeth are super sharp. I even cut my lip most of the time on them. But it's only the top of my mouth. And it sometimes sticks out... yes, super embarrassing. Everyone asks if I'm straight out of "Twilight".

"You look awesome pookiebear," my Gam says. Her name is literally Gam, short for Gamcracker.

"Thanks," trying to leave before my mom comes with cameras.

"Little-man!" mother yells coming in with her huge poofy dress.

"You look like a train ran you over," rolling my eyes.

"Pookiebear that's very mean," Gamcracker eats her cookies.

"What should I wear then?" she asks confused.

"Not that," it was a huge dress that looked like she was from the 1800s. "You look like Queen Elizabeth The First."

"Well she was my role model," my mother huffs out of the room.

"Off with your head," whispering so no one could hear.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

It had to be Jesse and the others-- after all, I'm ten minutes late. Opening the door to escape the chaos-- that is sadly my house.

"Sorry, my mom was talking," telling all of them as we begin the walk.

"It's fine," Banana responds.

"Yeah," Jesse paused. "All good."

"But anyway," Arlo smiled. "It's our first dance!"

"And you're going with a dude who is ten years older," Banana laughs. "And is French."

"Age ain't nothing but a number," Arlo feels the need to remind us.

"That number makes you rich?" Jesse adds to the conversation.

"Correct," she pauses. "At least Jesse understands. Unlike Banana."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes. "You okay Little-man?"

"Fine," not really since I can't take Banana to the dance as I wanted too, but Jesse beat me to the punch.

"You just seemed quiet," Banana replies.

"No," lying because I'm the only one without a date and be embarrassing.

Walking the rest of the way not speaking a peep while the others chatter away. Lost deep into thought wondering why Jesse chose her-- when I wanted her badly. There were others out there more like him. Banana was the only girl I've ever had feelings for.

But something urges me to look down at my wrist watch, and it reads 8:30. And the dance started at 7:30. It only goes for another half an hour.

"Guys?" I speak for the first time in a little bit.

"What?" asks Jesse.

"The dance started an hour ago," looking to see their smiles turn to frowns in about a second.

"I guess we waited longer at your house," Arlo says disappointed.

"Sorry guys," frowning with the rest of them.

"We still have thirty more minutes," Banana starts to jog. "If all of us jog we can make it faster!"

"I like the way you're thinking!" Jesse Goat starts to pick up the pace-- as does the rest of us.

We make it to the dance fifteen minutes before it ends. Not the best way to spend your night full of fun-- but fifteen minutes should work.

A slow dance song plays as soon as we get it. Of course, I have no date. And you look weird if you slow dance with nothing. Sitting down on the bench-- a short girl who was smaller than me, glasses bigger than her face, braces, and wires sticking out every which way, super thin hair it looks like she's balding, and huge amounts of pimples scattered all across her face. It was no other than Broom-Hilda.

"Munchkin we're going to dance," her long witch nails pull me up and we get into a slow dance stance.

It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. I'd rather dance with my dead dog. My first dance was with Broom-Hilda.

Just her looking at me makes me want to take a dozen showers. Dirty. The skin feels dirty. Like bugs will grow on you. And possibly give you fleas.

We, unfortunately, dance for the whole song. And officially feel like a greaser. A peasant from olden times. I'm everyone's trash that they're just going to throw away.

"So you like me back," you can see how oily her skin is... it's like a waterfall. I'm pretty sure it dripped on my shoe.

"What gave you the sign?" looking super disgusted at her.

"Sugar you don't dress up like that for anyone," looking over to Banana after Broom-Hilda said that. "And it's for me."

"No," shaking my head since she's gross.

"What?" B.H lets go and steps back.

"Broom-Hilda you're gross and," pausing to stop look at Banana and Jesse. "Nobody will ever date you."

"Take that back," she shouted.

"Sorry," sarcastically saying. "I can't lie."

"You'll be sorry," she starts to charge at me.

Somehow the sticky mess was able to hurl me into the air. The punch cart was my pillow on the sliding adventure-- but was that a mistake to stop it. The red fruit punch went flying into the air. Going across the gymnasium. And just my luck splattered all over Banana's yellow dress.

"AH!" Banana yells looking straight at me. "Is this some sort of dumb joke?"
"Banana," trying to get her to not leave the dance floor.

"Good going," Arlo runs up to me and slaps me right across the face.

"Tell her I'm sorry," but Arlo just kept walking.

Jesse gives me a shake on the head before leaving as well. But I didn't do it on purpose!

Just as I thought the night couldn't get any worse, I bent down to grab a black bracelet Arlo left. Apparently, my belt wasn't on good enough. Then my pants fell down to my ankles. Everyone in the gymnasium saw the not needed to be seen.

All I could think, I chose a bad day to where my dinosaur undies. 

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