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AFTER A TWO day ride from the White City, Elamir and her brother finally arrived in the beautiful Elven kingdom of Rivendell

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AFTER A TWO day ride from the White City, Elamir and her brother finally arrived in the beautiful Elven kingdom of Rivendell. Riding through the stone archway, entering the city, Elamir was greeted by the falling of leaves and the sweet smell of flowers. She looked around in wonder, for she had only heard of the great city of Imladris in legends and her studies.

Pushing the strands of hair that had fallen before her face behind her ears, she slid off the back of her horse, running her fingers through its mane. A gorgeous elven woman made her way towards the two travelers with a friendly smile.

"Welcome, Boromir and Elamir of Gondor," she said in a soft but clear voice.

Elamir raised her free hand to rest across her chest, bowing her head slightly to show respect. She looked up to see the elf nod in her direction, before gesturing to an elvish man beside her, "Callon will take your horses to the stables. Follow me."

The man, Callon, walked towards the two travelers gracefully, gently raising his hands and taking the reins of their horses in each. Elamir pressed a soft kiss to the nose of her horse and allowed the man to take him away.

The elvish woman who greeted them lead them to the heart of Rivendell, where the beautifully built architecture graced the Elvish landscapes before them. Intricately carved and meticulously crafted, the wonders of Rivendell were unmatched. The woman walked through the archways and doors to the halls where the guests would stay.

"Here are your spaces. There are two empty rooms beside each other here. I hope you two find comfort in our halls, and please... rest," she said with a kind smile gracing her face.

"Hantaldë (Thank you)," Elamir muttered with a grin on her face. The woman gave a small nod and turned to leave the siblings be. Elamir turned to her brother, "Can you believe we're really here, brother? This is the place Mithrandir would tell us stories of!"

She turned and walked into her room, spinning, trying to catch a glimpse of every corner of the room. She made her way to the wardrobe in the corner and opened it with a gasp. She reached inside to pull out a gorgeous silver gown, embroidered with shining thread and lacy fabric. She held it against her chest and turned to Boromir, "Oh, it's beautiful!"

Boromir watched his sister with a smile before turning to leave the room, "Change, and we shall take a look around, sister. The sun is setting."

As he shut the door softly, Elamir carefully peeled off her riding outfit and clothed in the soft garb of the grey elves. The fabric felt cool against her skin and flowed across her body in the most wonderful way. Her auburn hair fell across her shoulders in small waves, clashing with her white and silver dress beautifully. When she was ready, she exited her room, only to find her brother missing, no longer waiting outside her door.

Elamir walked out the door, her head turning left to right, searching for Boromir. When she found no sign of him, she began to walk through the wondrous halls of the Elvish kingdom, admiring the works of art on the walls and the petals of flowers below her feet. It was such a stark contrast from her home of Gondor, where white was the only color one could see. This was a vibrant place, full of brilliant hues. There was a gentle breeze, blowing Elamir's gown and sending the leaves into a frenzy.

After a short walk down the halls, she found a beautiful door to the gallery of Rivendell just barely cracked open. From inside, she could hear steps rapidly coming towards her. She jumped back as her brother pushed through the door and walked past her, shaken.

"Boromir? What's wrong?" She called after him, concerned.

"Nothing," he answered gruffly, not bothering to look at her. Elamir stared after her brother for a moment, her brows furrowed, before she turned back to the door leading to the gallery. She pushed the door with an open palm placed on the cool, dark wood. Moonlight streamed through the openings in the ceiling, one beam shining on the legendary statue she saw before her.

A man was crouched near the foot of the statue with the hilt of the Sword of Elendil in his grasp. Not noticing the young woman enter the room, he stood from his position with the shard in his hand, gently setting it back in its rightful place on the statue. He stood there, staring at the carved woman for a moment before Elamir took a step forward, breaking him out of his reverie.

"Goheno nin, lanye mendë captaldë (I am sorry, I did not mean to startle you)," she whispered, lowering her head slightly.

The man did not respond, only nodded his head in understanding. His eyes lingered on the red headed woman with her head bowed, his eyes tracing her face as she raised her head. Realizing that she was no elf, he stepped forward.

"Pedig edhellen, anat nalyë ala eldarin (You speak elvish, but you are no elf)," He spoke softly, peering curiously at the woman.

Elamir's blue eyes traced the man's face. He stared back with equal shock, his pale blue eyes glowing in the moonlight as he spoke. Elamir stepped closer, setting her left hand on the smooth wood of the railing beside her, tracing the patterns in the material, "Sairinanve Mithrandir yá nan nessa. Taitharo ilu istan (I studied with Gandalf when I was younger. He taught me everything I know)."

He nodded in understanding, sitting back down on the bench he sat on not moments before. He gestured to the door she entered through, "Was that your brother?"

Elamir chuckled softly, looking down at her feet. Strands of fiery hair fell before her eyes as she responded, "How did you know?"

The man's lips turned upwards in a small smile as he replied, "Samaldë inco aran (You have the same nobility)."

Elamir looked at him with a soft smile. She crossed her arms across her chest as she leaned on the railing, "I assume that you have lived here long? Long enough to learn the language, I suppose."

"I lived here for a time in my youth, but I was asked to return by Gandalf the Grey. We are here on common purpose, my lady," He spoke softly, leaning back in his seat.

"I see," Elamir responded, uncrossing her arms and setting them beside her.

"You are Elamir, Daughter of Denathor, are you not? Protector of Gondor?" The man asked in curiosity.

Elamir released a breath of air as she looked anywhere but the man before her, "Indeed. And what do they call you, mellonan (my friend)?"

The man's head turned to the side with a smile as he thought. He turned back to see Elamir waiting expectantly. He shifted in his chair and finally spoke, "The ones who do not know me well... They call me 'Strider'."

"And what of those who know you well?" Elamir answered smoothly, grinning.

"You shall have to find that out for yourself," he replied quietly, a small smile gracing his lips.

Elamir pushed herself off of the railing, a knowing look upon her face, "I suppose I will. Losto vae, Strider (Good night, Strider)."

"Abarad (Until tomorrow)," the man of shadows responded, looking after the woman as she exited the room, her elvish robes flowing behind her.

Elamir made her way through the long corridors, to her brother's room. She raised her hand, striking the wood softly twice, "Brother?" She paused a moment before knocking once more, "Boromir, open the door."

There was no reply. She sighed, stepping away from the door that her brother hid behind, turning towards her own room. After she opened and shut the door, Elamir set herself in the soft, silk, handcrafted sheets of the elves, falling into a deep slumber that would last until the next morning.

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