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THE MINES OF MORIA held a certain darkness within their halls

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THE MINES OF MORIA held a certain darkness within their halls. There was an air of malcontent in every draft that blew through the shadows. Elamir never thought she would be facing the personified form of that evil in the chamber of Balin, son of Fundin. Orcs flooded the room faster than the Fellowship could believe, their twisted weapons raised high above their heads. Elamir quickly realized that a bow would be of no use in such proximity, so she threw it over her shoulder and unsheathed her sword just in time to block a blow from one of the Moria orcs. She quickly pushed its blade away and swiped a long slash across its armor-clad stomach.

The hobbits let out battle cries and rushed forward to meet the foes with valor. Gimli let his axe fly against the orcs with unrestrained anger, and hurt. The more nimble worrier, Legolas, shot his arrows with inhuman speed. Aragorn and Boromir fought with strength against the orcs. Together, the Fellowship could win. Elamir felt her arms grow accustomed to the repetitive feeling of blocking, and slashing, and stabbing. She had fought many battles against orcs in her life, but these were different. These were orcs that had brooded in darkness and basked in evil for many long years.

She had slayed more than she could count when a new enemy arrived. Heavy footsteps approached the doorway, and Elamir turned just in time to see a massive cave troll burst through. Stone flew through the air as the entrance was far too small- the beast barreled in to exterminate the vermin that had penetrated their walls. Elamir's jaw dropped at the sight. Distracted, she narrowly missed an orc's strike to her head, and she impaled it with her Gondorian sword without hesitation. The troll roared, its baritone growl echoing off every stone slab in the chaotic room.

Legolas let an arrow fly into its shoulder and it barely moved. It's rage grew even stronger, however, and it raised its great mace high in the air. Samwise let out a battle cry and ran beneath the beast to dodge the blow. Elamir's eyes widened as she caught his action from the corner of her eye.

"Sam!" she yelled as she stabbed another orc through the stomach.

Sam was scuffling away on the fifthly ground as the troll lumbered towards him. He was trapped. The troll raised its immense foot off of the ground, ready to flatten him with ease. Elamir rushed forward through the battle and slashed the troll's ankles with a grunt. The beast let out an angered cry and turned to find the perpetrator. Elamir took hold of Sam's arm and pulled him to his feet. They stared up at the monster, wondering what it would do next. But before it could harm them, it was pulled backward by an unnoticeable force. Aragorn and Boromir had taken hold of its chain and were yanking it away from its prey.

Elamir panted heavily as she watched the two men struggle with the beast. Her hands held Sam close to her. But... her heart stopped when the troll took its chain and whipped it around the room, taking her brother with it. Boromir flew through the air and slammed into the stone wall, stunned. Orcs went in for the kill. Elamir pushed Sam to safety and looked deep into his scared eyes, saying everything she needed to say. Stay safe. She immediately bolted towards her brother, killing everything in her path to ensure his safety. Boromir sat up from the ground, slowly regaining consciousness. An orc stood above him, unsheathing its dagger.

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