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THE URUK-HAI FOUGHT WITH MALICE. Their lumbering stature and thick metal weaponry were forces to be reckoned with. Elamir felt her muscles burn beneath the weight of their blows, but still... she fought on. Never had she engaged in a battle such as this— one so brutal and desperate. The Uruks flooded the grassy field and attacked the two warriors on every side. Their instincts came first; thought followed after. Elamir blocked a twisted sword with her Gondorian blade, pushed it away, and slit the beast's throat with ease.

Aragorn had traveled up the ancient ruins of Amon Hen in an effort to lead Saruman's beasts away. Elamir remained on the ground, fending off what she could. She swung her sword through two Uruks' legs and only moved on to the next when they were safely immobilized on the grassy plain. She fought without question, and her long years of training served her well— it prepared her for this exact moment. Her skills mattered more than ever in the battle between good and evil. The darkness had already taken her brother's good heart, and she wouldn't let it take any more from her so easily.

An Uruk took hold of her cloak from behind, so Elamir spun around and used all of her strength to swing her blade through the villain's stocky neck. It cut clean through, and she barely flinched as the black blood splashed across her cheek. In the close distance, she heard the leader of the pack calling to find the halflings. Saruman must have discovered where the Ring was held and sent his new creations to retrieve it for him. Elamir did not know where the four Hobbits were, but she saw the Uruks  venturing into the forest and quickly followed after.

"Elendil!" Aragorn shouted from beyond Elamir's sight.

She whirled around just in time to see him leap from his spot on top of the ruins and plunge into the sea of Saruman's ghouls. She fought the smile that curled upon her lips, and was soon brought back to reality as an Uruk lifted its blade... ready to bring it down upon her. Elamir quickly drew her own sword up to meet it and stabbed the beast through the opening between its breastplate and armor. She let out a grunt of effort as she pulled back and moved on to the next assailant.

Legolas and Gimli soon joined in the battle. They approached from the North— letting their arrows and axes fly into the Uruks before them. Elamir rushed forward to stab another enemy through the stomach, lowering her eyes as the monster let out a guttural cry and drew its last breaths. As she backed away, a hand took hold of her arm. Its touch was soft, yet she quickly spun around... only to be met with the bright blue eyes of her comrade. Aragorn looked at her in question with tousled hair falling before his face, as if asking her whether she was okay. She breathed heavily and nodded in response.

"Aragorn, Elamir— go!" Legolas exclaimed before firing an arrow through two Uruks.

Elamir tiredly nodded at the Elf and gestured behind Aragorn. A lumbering pack of Uruk-hai approached the two. The warriors gathered their bearings, raised their swords, and rallied onward.

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