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Sasuke sat on Mio, holding her arms above her head. "I win". He smirked proud.

Mio, wasn't as satisfied. She leaned up, neck tensing and spat in his face. Her arms pushed against his hold and for a moment he hesitated, taken aback by her action.

Still it wasn't enough and she remained trapped in his hold. Shifting he removed a hand to wipe his face.

This happened alot. She would get to heated and rash causing her to lose. It was one of the things  the old bag, Danzo would hound her for. Yet still her temper kept flairing.

He stared at her, glaring almost. Yet, the longer he looked at her, the less angry he felt. Soon he found himself standing up and even reaching a hand out to help her up.

Mio stared at him. She wanted to hate him and part of her deffietly did, but something toxic about the Uchiha made her like being in his presence. This attachment was dangerous.

She grabbed his hand, standing up, they stood only a foot apart. The ravenette yanked his hand, pulling him into her. So close their foreheads grazed.

"I'm going to win next time" with that she lightly knocked her head against his.

He pushed away, chuckling. "Whatever".

"Let's go home".

He nodded and they walked back in silence.

The morning of Chunin exams Mio found herself standing in the doorway of their shared kitchen. A mostly empty plate was held in her hands. Only minutes before it had held a whole  steaming omlete.

She was clad in black. A dark cropped turtleneck and tight black leggings. It had become a habit of hers since the root to wear tighter clothing. Not for looks, but instead advantage. Afterall it prevented the risk of getting caught by an enemy.

Her hair was also newly cut. Her dark strands just grazed her shoulder now. It seemed to look good on her, better than long hair ever did. Though the sheot length made her hair into slightly curled spikes.

"You ready?" Sasuke asked, he put a few more shuriken in his pouch.

Mio nodded, placing the last bite of omlete in her mouth. It had become a habit since she started living there for Sasuke to cook for her. The root never taught her that skill.

Sometimes Sasuke would even take the time to teach her a dish or two. It was almost as if they were couple. . .

She sighed and placed her plate in the sink before heading to the door. Locking it behind himself, Sasuke followed her out. It was a quiet walk to the examination building.

When the duo arrived they were met with Sakura and Naruto by the doors.

"Ready?" Naruto asked excited.

Mio nodded before following him into the building. The group had a little extra time, but still not enough to dallydale.

They only made it a little ways in before being stopped by another group. To be more specific, a boy in skin tight, green spandex.

"Hey who are you?" The boy approached Sakura with widened eyes and thick eyebrows.

"Ah, Sakura" she awkwardly shifted, avoiding eye contact.

"Please be my girlfriend! I vow to always protect you!"

"No" Sakura backed away, hiding behind Mio.

Heartbroken the boy leaned back, an arm outstretched over his eyes. A dramatic sigh breezed out from between his lips.

"Hey" Mio spouted sourly, "let us through".

The boy straightened back up with a hardened expression. "Only if the famous Uchiha will fight me".

Mio felt sour. She was an Uchiha too, not that anyone cared to ask.

A girl stood behind the bushy browed boy. Her hair strung in two buns. "Come on Lee, we dont want any trouble".

Still, the boy- Lee- disregarded his teammates comment and continued the stare daringly at Sasuke.

"Fine" the Uchiha sighed.

Mio shook her head, "you can do that, but I'm going to the exam room. Have fun". She wasn't willing to waste her time on petty fights.

She hated that. Wasting time. She hated almost everything.


I have extra chapters written so I get to publish them!

Hope you enjoyed it, welcome to the exams!

I love all votes, reads and comments, this is unedited 🥰

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