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Mio's hand slipped forward, catching the kunai and pulling it from the stone. Traces of Obito's warmth still resided on the hilt.

Slowly, almost cautiously the woman stood, straightening her spine and raising her head. A breath drew in from her lips before pushing out again.

It was Clear the ravenette was at a disadvantage, barley healed eyes, a wrung throat and lingering soreness from the battle with Danzo. It was also ever so clear that Madara knew that.

Perhaps he knew already she was a capable kunoichi. Maybe he wanted to push her to the absolute limits, or maybe he just wanted her dead.

Obito stood silently, waiting patiently for Mio's advance. It was fair to say the male was bubbling with excitement, fingers twitching at his side.

Mio shook her head, clearing away unnessecary thoughts. The woman lurched forward, slightly crouched and kunai gripped tightly.

Her palm was slick with sweat, fear coursed within her veins, but excitement equally so.

Kicking off Mio jumped into the air, ducking into a roll and sliding against the smooth flooring. It was dark, everything was shadowed and the kunoichi could only make out the faint circle of Madara's mask.

'You can win. You can win. You can win' the phrase reeled within her min.

With a anxious gasp Mio reached out, hands curling around Obito's ankle. She slid in between his parted legs, shooting up and pulling his foot out from underneath him.

Though, as she stood her hands only seemed to surf through the mans appendage leaving her empty handed.

The ravenette spun around, unaware of his location.

From behind Obito's hands grabbed onto her jaw, pulling her head back she her eyes could stare up to him.

"Is that all you've got sweetheart?" His voice was taunting, dying out with a teasing chuckle.

Mio growled, esophagus burning. "Don't call me that!" Angered the kunoichi yanked her head back, twirling with a baring fist, but he was already gone.

Obito laughed, appearing once again infront of her face, "make me". His words were low whisperes nipping at her ears.

The ravenette's chest rose with a breath, it blew into a growing sphere of fire with rolled down the room.

Unphased Obito spun around, unharmed. He jumped around the room, teasing her. His mask was blurr of orange surfing around.

Mio, straightened her stance, tossing the kunai to the ground- she wouldn't need it anymore. Obito again, waited patiently for her attacks to come watching as the kunoichi breathed deeply.

She was not the same insolent kid who let her emotions rule her life. No, Mio was smarter than that now, she tried to regain her calm.

Still, no matter how she tried the licking flames of anger refused to burn out. They ticked her heart, edging her forth with darkened eyes.

Mio leapt forward, forming handsighs as she landed, chasing the masked man. From her mouth slithered a flaming dragon, the breath roared swirling and racing towards Madara.

The masked man nodded at her skill, flipping to the left around the lurching beast and ducking to the ground as it twisted over head. The hem of his coat smoked, slightly singed.

"Good try" Obito bellowed as he stood back up, brushing the ash from his clothed. The dragon had died, burning out into whisps of dying embers. The mans shoes clicked on the floor as neared her ever so slightly.

He could see it, the kunoichi was almost there, her full potential.

"What else do you have?" He questioned his voice deep and teasing echoing of the walls and into the ears.

Mio smirked, her eyes flared into the crimson shade of the sharingan. A bit of blood licked down from the sockets from the unhealed orbs and even if the womans vision was still blurred her senses seemed heightened.

Her tounge shot out, wetting her dried lips "well" she played along her voice dry and raspy "I've got one last thing up my sleeve".

The girl hunched over, whisps of steam floating up from her nostrils as a a stream of molten lava ran from her mouth.

Mio stated darling at Madara's hazy figure, the magma trapping him and edging dangerously close to his toes.

With a hiss the man jumped back quickly, slashing into the molten liquid and jumping again. With a skid Obito rolled to his back on the clean floor the soles of his feet sizzling.

He- to say the least- did not expect that.

Mio coughed, the insides of her throat and mouth raw and unhappy as the last drops of the glowing substance fell from her tounge.

A shean of sweat covered the kunoichi's skin as she fell to her knees tired. Gasping breaths wheezed in and out as her chest rose and fell.

Obito stood, ignoring his pain and warped over the decayed ground to appear next to the woman.

His hand gripped the raven locks which curled around her face and the man tugged, forcing Mio to gaze at him

"Congratulations" Obito bellowed his voice muffled from behind his mask, "you've earned your life for another day".

Before she could reply he dropped her hair, watching as the woman collapsed worn out. Obito was impressed and that was a rarity.


Thanks for reading lovelies ♡♡♡

I love all of you and I hope you're having a good day!

I've been thinking of making a Naruto various one shots book becuase fluff, any interest lovelies?

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