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"Real of fake"

"Real of fake"

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Mio's mind had been preoccupied for a while. For atleast a week, yet probably closer to two.

It all started when Sasuke started training with Kakashi for the last portion of the Chunin exams. She was training too, mostly with ninjutsu becuase that was her least favorite aspect of fighting.

The kunoichi loved hand to hand combat. Being up close and personal with the enemy, looking them in the eye with every hit or kick or slice. That was true battle.

Yet as she stood in the Uchiha training grounds with dust covered clothes and sweat smeared skin Mio had come across an epiphany.

The way her mind was always drawn away from the training post and towards her teammate. The way her heart seemed to speed up. She felt something.

Although that feeling wasn't dignified to her it was a leech that was unkillable- and she had tried to kill it.

"Sasuke" she spoke. As usually her words were rash, course and rough.

He looked to meet her gaze, the pan he was scrubbing in the sink left to soak. "Hn?"

"I feel this thing" Mio's hand moved to touched her heart, "and it wont go away". A slight tinge of red birthed on her face.

Sasuke furrowed his brows, piecing together her words.

"And" the ravenette continued, "I only feel it when I think of you" she paused before continuing to ramble on. "I just know that I like being near you and I don't like it when you're away". Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she looked to the floor.

A devilish look had crossed the usual stoic males face, "you like me".

"What? Shut up"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, turning back the pot he was previously washing. "I feel the same way doofus". He almost couldn't look at her. Feelings sucked.

"What does that mean?" She leaned forwards against the table, anticipating his response.

Sasuke shrugged, "we like eachother".

"Okay" she huffed annoyed, "what does that mean?"

"Well people usually date I guess"

Mio looked to the window, it was dark outside. Her finger scratched at her leg, tearing away. What was she getting herself into? "I don't want labels, they are heavy- they are weaknesses". Her voice was low, almost emotionless.

"How about this" he spoke, laying the pot on the counter and draining the sink. Sasuke turned to look at her a hard look on his face. "I'll be your home- you can always come back to me and I'll always be here".

"Home" Mio repeated, the word felt like fire on her tounge. She nodded, resting her chin on her palm. It felt right in an unexplainable sort of way.

"Welcome home" Sasuke muttered with a chuckle.

He lifted away from the counter walking over to Mio who remained sat at the table. His hand lifted to rest on the top of her head, her hair was soft. Then, with a drawn sigh the Uchiha continued past to his bedroom retiring for the night.

Leaving Mio in shadows. Her head lent down to rest on the wooden tabletop and her hand moving the ruffle through the hair he touched.

An undeniable blush bloomed on her face.


Ima try to make longer chapters 🙈

Major love advancement this chapter though 👏👏

And I have to say major plans for this books sequel have been set. Honestly I'm hype.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, I love all votes  reads and comments ♡

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