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*-_☆ Spirt

*-_☆ Spirt

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Mio was a warrior. Warriors had pride. The sort where every battle was fought putting their life on the line. After all, it is only then that one can fight the strongest.

The third stage of the genin exams were no exception. If anything the ravenette was fighting looser than she should.

The way she didn't move to doge most cutting gusts and instead stubbornly hit them head on.

Mio was stupid.

Even so the kunoichi would never change her hard headed ways. That was her ninja way.

It had been several minutes, close to a half hour. Durring this time both of the ninja girls tottered with a balance of power. The blonde sending forth a series of wind powered attacks and Mio retaliating with her fire jutsus.

"Face me head on, or not at all!" The ravenette called. She sat one one leg, curled into a ball with the other leg barred against the wind. A strong blade of air passed over her head.

Then, Mio rolled left, jumping to her feet and rushing to the blonde. Temari, no long how the battle progressed still seemed to look poised, presentable. Her opponent not so much.

The ravenette looked like a hyena and acted just as much so.

The older girl shut her large fan with the snap of her bloodied fingers. It was now a large, heavy and blunt wepon. Though none of those things seemed to deter her opponent.

Once she was close enough Temari sung her fan, smashing Mio in her nose.

The ravenette stumbled back, not bothering to hold her nose as it gushed blood. Instead the Kunoichi took a deep breath, ducking and swiping her leg to knock the blonde down.

Tamari feel heavy, dust rising above her. All air had been locked from her lungs. The girl was left gasping like a fist out of water.

Her opponent left no room for recovery, sitting on her midriff to pin her down.

"You've lost" the ravenette slurred, her eyes as sort of hollow grey. With the draw back of her fist a chakra launched punch would knock out the sand ninja.

Blood dripped from the younger girls chin. Falling into dribbles on Temari's chest. That nose had already been broken too many times to count. As a result a sort of crooked bend formed.

As a form of revenge Mio reached her hand forward to grab the girls nose, snapping it right. Payback.

Then, unlike most battles the ravenette stood up and walked away. Not all battles were ment to end in blood and this one had yet too.

One day they would fight again, it was fate, Mio could feel it in her veins.

With a staggered walk she moved to exit the ring, but the girl didn't make it far. Not a few feet away from Temari and the kunoichi had collapsed unconcious.

A crew medical ninja flooded in, picking up both girls before exiting. Soon, the instructor entered, ready to start the next round.

Above, in the overlooking balcony Sasuke had gradually moved to rest against the railing. The battle had him on edge, Mio's fighting style was too rash it made him worry.

"What do you think of her?" Beside him, the silver haired sensei spoke. Lazily he lent on the railing.

There was a moment of hesitance before the Uchiha spoke. "She is special". A rare complement. He shifted to glance up at the jonin.

Kakashi sighed, looking out to the blood stained ring with hooded eyes. "Be careful, do you really know who Mio is?" Although his words were slow and lazy, they held a heavy tone.

"I know who she is" Sasuke glared, offended. Though even as he said those words even her could hear how fake they were.

Truth be told he knew nothing of her, bot even her last name.

"Well" Kakashi slapped a heavy hand on his students back, looking forwards. "It's time for your match- good kuck".

Sasuke looked forward, Gaara already stood within the ring. The red haired boy looked different, unhinged. Still, the Uchiha was more than confident in his victory.


So important topic today: this books sequel!

I dont know if I've talked about it before, but I do plan on doing a Shippuden sequel, which I already have plans for and have briefly started.

I'm honestly, unexplainable excited! This book will be ending a short while after the chūnin exams btw.

Anyways, this is unedited ❤ love yall

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