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"𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧"

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"𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧". Mio sat on a bar stool next to her blond bomber friend. A bottle of sake stood between them and a mostly empty one at that.

As she spoke the kunoichi had risen her arms in a power pose. Flexing her biceps.

"You're already strong" Deidara waved dismissively with a flimsy hand.

"Yaaaaaa" she slurred pushing her face towards him, "but I'm not strong enough!" Mio wined her tone rising.

Before she could register the advancement Deidara had closed the space between them. Capturing her lips in a drunken (and sloppy) kiss.

A second later the kunoichi pulled away, a hand rising to touch her face, a rare blush rose to her cheeks. The feeling of warmth had yet to leave her lips. That was nice.

"Thank you" she smiled placing a heavy hand on his shoulder. "That was nice" she nodded.

He sweat dropped, turning back to his cup and looking into the liquid.

"Deidara" Mio called. The ravenette's hands moved to grasp his shoulders pulling his lips onto hers when the ninja turned to face her.

It was short. Her hands rising to push through his silky hair, tangling in the lengths. Inching closer to the very edge of the stool where her leg extended out to keep her from falling.

All Deidara could feel were her lips on his. They were soft in an unnatural way. He didn't want to stop.

With a sigh his crush pulled back, leaning against the counter. Her face was flushed a deep red.

Being the lesser drunk of the two the blonde bomber laid the aquadiate amount of money on the counter before leading them out into the streets. It was dark, equally as dark to the night Sasuke left Konoha.

Yet a handful of years later the moon still favored the ravenette the same. She was highlighted in a silver glow, claiming her place in the universe with the stars.

"If you had to choose between the moon and the sun, which would it be?" Mio's arm was slung around his sholder, his around her waist. They stumbled slowly to the hot spring hotel

Deidara's grip on her side increased as she began to slip down. "The moon" he spoke after hesitance, concentrating on keeping them both up right.

With a sigh the blonde finally gave up sitting her down on the grassy road side before blowing down himself.

"Why" she asked airily, paying back. The grass pricked at her bare legs.

"It's my light in the darkness" he smirked throwing her a wink, "just like you".

Mio laughed holding a hand to her mouth. Quickly it died down leaving them in silence.

"4 years ago on this day the only person I loved left me". Airly the kunoichi spoke, heavy heartedly. It was the alcohol speaking for her, loose touged and emotional, unlike her usual self.

For a brief moment Deidara looked at her. The way her loose coat ran like water down her skin and the way her cohorts and top hugged her tight.

"I'll be your sun" he compassionately spoke. Mind hazy, but still he hoped in the morning they would remeber the transpiring events.

Confused she lifted herself to rest on her elbows, a halo of light washing down her exposed skin. "Sun?"

"Yea" he started. "You're the sun and in the moon, we leave every day but return the next always meeting eachother in passing". The blonde's fingers twitched, edging closer the the kunoichi's.

"I like that".

"I promise Mio, I'll always come back to you".

Dazed she laid back again, eyes locking onto the moon. Heart beating stong as warmth flooded through her veins. It was a euphoric feeling.

Deidara stared at her sadly. He would have to leave for the Akatsuki once she fell asleep. Though, even worse their whole conversation could be lost within that nights drunken haze.

All the blonde could do was pray she didn't forget.


Guess what the next chapter has? Sasuke.

Thanks for reading this is unedited, hope you're having a good spooky season♡

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