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Ramona was on the plains of Wakanda sniffing around. Steve, Natasha, and Sam just left for a mission that T'Challa assigned. Ramona didn't mind, Bucky was here still trying to get those awful words out of his mind, Shuri was doing her best but it was a slow process. Ramona would rarely leave his pod for long, she was a little confuse as to why he would sometime be out then go right back into the his frozen sleep. Ramona was always there whenever they took him out, Bucky would spend some time with her before he would be put back under. Shuri didn't want to keep freezing and unfreezing him very often, she would only test those words once every six months just to see how the process was coming.  Ramona loved those moments when he was out and playing with her, of course the love was the best.

Ramona was smelling around when a small rabbit hopped across the land, Ramona ears perked as she spotted the critter. Ramona crouched down eyes on the prize, the local people see the colorful animal and laugh while pointing knowing that the chase wouldn't end well. W'Kabi was watching with a smile on his face, the colorful beast was always a comic among the people, not only with her strange appearance but also with her antics. Ramona leaped up chasing after the rabbit, the rabbit of course was use to smarter animals, it knew how to always out smart a dog. The rabbit would zig-zag around making tight turns while going around in circles, Ramona was meeting the movement flawlessly. She would snap at the rabbit trying to catch it, Ramona caught the critter but the rabbit made a tight turn causing Ramona to receive a mouthful of fur. The rabbit seem to have enough of the dog, and sped off into its home underground, Ramona followed sticking her muzzle in the hole only to get bit by the little mammal. Ramona whined shaking her head, she gave the hole a growl before moving on. W'Kabi laugh as she approached, "Don't worry, one day you will catch him." W'Kabi said petting the dog on the head. The rest of the village backed away when the show was over laughing among themselves about the American dog.

Ramona enjoyed life in Wakanda, it was free of pollution, wide open spaces for her to run at full speed, and enough animals to chase. When Ramona first arrive at the farming village that was a ruse for outsiders, she spotted a huge horned animal with white war paint on it. Ramona never encountered such a beast, she began to sniff it when the creature charged at her making Ramona run away with her tail between her legs, after the two species got use to each other a friendship was forged between them. Every since then, W'Kabi have been fascinated with the American Beast. Ramona walked around the village shaking her fur, today was another hot day in Wakanda, sometimes Ramona would play with the village children but today she just wanted to get out of the heat. "Until next time beast!" One of the villagers shouted as Ramona left them behind. The villagers at first was afraid of the strange looking dog, never before have they encountered such a strange looking creature. T'Challa and Steve reassure them that Ramona was just a gentle giant. 

Ramona made it inside the compound making her way to Shuri lab. People would greet her with pets from time to time, Ramona enjoyed the attention as she continue her journey. Ramona was walking slowly taking her time, Ramona made her way to Shuri lab spotting the Princess in her usual seat working on who know what. Ramona put her nose underneath Shuri arm putting her head on her lap, "Not now girl, I need to make sure this suit is ready for brotha when he become King." Shuri said pushing Ramona head out the way, not once taking her eyes off the microscope as she was placing Vibranium along the fabric. Ramona whined deciding to lay down beside her licking her paw, hearing the familiar clinks and clanks of Shuri tools. Since Ramona became Shuri charge when Steve left to help T'Challa, she began to test Ramona. When T'Challa told her about the dog tearing his suit, Shuri was fascinated on how Ramona was able to tear the Black Panther suit. Steve told them that she was experimented on but don't know why or what the old vet did to her. Shuri had a suspension that Ramona may have some small hint of Vibranium in her system, not a lot of things can penetrate her suits. Shuri would allow Ramona to test her new designs by biting it, Shuri would also collect data from Ramona bite to see what happen to her back in the 40's.

Everyone in Wakanda heard about Ramona and her strength and speed thanks to T'Challa reports, even with all of that the dog seem to know how to control herself. The Dora Milaje, the Kings warriors wasn't trusting of the newcomers nor the dog, they felt if the dog can destroy the Black Panther suit then it was a threat to their country. The debate was strong, most of the elders wanted the dog to be executed at once, Shuri, and T'Challa had to reassure and prove to the elders that Ramona was only defending her owner and nothing else. Ramona was put on heavy watch for the first six months of her being there, Steve made sure to keep her close and leashed when ever they leave his room. When Ramona six months monitoring was over, Ramona proved to just be a normal dog with great strengths and speed. The elders lighten up on her seeing that she really was just a dog and not big of a threat that they first believed. 

Ramona let out a yawn placing her head down on her front paws, she was listening to everything that was going on around her, she cut her eyes in the direction where Bucky was being held. Shuri put a dog bed in the area for her, Ramona would sleep there every night just to be close to her Bucky. Shuri really liked the dog, she was smart, smarter then what people give her credit for. Shuri invented a treat contraption that allowed Ramona to get a treat if she could figure out the puzzles that Shuri programed in. Shuri had to pick up the gadget because Ramona was beginning to gain weight, and Bucky wasn't to happy with that. Ramona let out a huff looking up at the princess, Shuri felt the dog multi-colored eyes on her. "I'm sorry girl, I must get this done, I promise we will play later ok." Shuri said petting Ramona on her back then going back to work. Ramona stood up seeing  she couldn't get Shuri to play, she walked out the lab looking for T'Challa. She spotted him as he was getting ready to rescue Nakia and to bring her to his coronation, "Hey girl, how you doing." T'Challa said bending down with his hand out. Ramona wagged her tail, she forgave T'Challa after receiving lots of good table scraps. T'Challa laugh as Ramona rolled on her back asking for belly rubs. "Good girl, I need to hurry before Okoye get mad at me for being late....again." T'Challa said standing up gathering his things.

Ramona followed behind him wagging her tail along the way, "Oh no, no. You are not coming. Sgt. Barnes would really kill me if something happen to you." T'Challa said grabbing Ramona collar stopping her from entering the jet that Okoye was getting ready. "Why not bring her along. I think she will help greatly if you freeze when seeing Her." Okoye joked smiling at her prince. T'Challa gave Okoye a look, "I don't freeze when I see her." T'Challa said as he pulled Ramona away from the jet, "I think it would be fine brotha, plus I can get great research from her, for when you become King, a new suit would be ready to hopefully withstand her bite." Shuri said walking out holding out a device to put on Ramona collar. T'Challa rolled his eyes at his sister and his warrior, "You two will be the death of me. Both of you will explain to Sgt. Barnes if something happen to her." T'Challa gave in allowing Ramona to go with them on the rescue mission. "She help take out Tony Stark robot machine. This will be nothing for her, plus she jumped out of planes before doing the war." Shuri said petting Ramona head giving her a kiss, "You be good, and keep my brotha safe when he freezes." Shuri said sharing a look with Okoye as both ladies giggled quietly, she clamp her small device on Ramona collar. Ramona barked giving the princess a lick, T'Challa glared at the ladies around him.

A/N: I'm so excited to bring Ramona back! I've decided to just continue her story along with Bucky for as long as Marvel Studios allow the Winter Solider to be included in the MCU. Plus you all love her and her journey so i'm happy to continue it for you guys. Thank you so much to everyone that have voted, followed, commented and to the people that are just reading the story. I hope you enjoy this next journey. Thank you :)

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