The Hidden Truth

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"Now I know Sgt. Barnes is going to kill me." T'Challa said as he wrapped Ramona paw to help heal the damage. Shuri packed a bead that will help fix her body, T'Challa was never more grateful for his sister then at that moment to make a bead that can help a k-9. "Don't worry, he will never know." Okoye said as she rub Ramona head to keep her calm, T'Challa was done wrapping then standing up, "No course not, this will stay between us." T'Challa said giving the ladies a look, all agreeing to keep Ramona injuries a secret that they will take to their grave. "Agent Ross is interrogating Klaue today, let's go see what is happening." Nakia said standing up grabbing her belongings. Ramona stood up shaking her fur feeling better already, T'Challa clipped her leash on her collar, "Easy girl, don't rush it, it will take some time before your injury will heal." T'Challa said to the dog, feeling silly to having a conversation with her. Ramona walked slowly beside him as the went  inside their car to get to the interrogation. T'Challa handed Nakia Ramona leash, "Stay with her, me and Okoye will go inside with Klaue." T'Challa said, Nakia nod her head watching as the duo walked inside.

Nakia and Ramona was in the front of the Korean police station with the officer that was in charge of keeping watch. Nakia was in the window along with Ramona watching the cars passby, Nakia was lazily petting Ramona on her head, Ramona was enjoying the love closing her eyes in relaxation. Her paw was getting better by the minute, it was to the point she can put light pressure on it. Nakia began to notice the same cleaning van making circles around the police station, she stop petting Ramona causing the spoil dog to whine, nudging her hand for more love. Nakia went to look at the surveillance footage noticing a small glitch happening, "Come Ramona." Nakia said running in the back to warn the others that something isn't right, Ramona ran behind her, Nakia raised her hands as weapons was pointed at her, "Something is happen out back-" Nakia was interrupted by a strong explosion, next thing everyone heard was gun shoots and Klaue sounding way to happy about it. A man in an ancient mask came blazing in not really aiming at anyone, he then threw a smoke bomb. T'Challa acted fast covering it with his body then running after the man, Ramona went after to join the chase, the masked man was still shooting at T'Challa who suit was absorbing each round. Ramona ran a head catching the mans ankle, the masked man shouted shooting Ramona and T'Challa with a strong blast causing both of them to be blown back. The man quickly hopped on the van giving T'Challa a salute. Ramona stood up shaking her fur, then ran to the entrance of the ally barking at the retreating van, T'Challa finally got his wits together and was about to run after the van when Okoye came running out saying something happen with Nakia.

T'Challa ran back into the building relived that Nakia was ok, but Agent Ross was done. "He took a bullet for me." Nakia explained as they looked at the bullet wound that Ross received right in his spine. Ramona ran back in staring at everyone and smelling blood, "We can help him, if we take him with us." Nakia said looking to her King. "Give me a Kimoyo Bead." T'Challa asked, Nakia handed him one to put in Ross wound. "This should stabilize him for now." T'Challa said, Ross passed out thanks to the relief and shock. Ramona walked over to him sniffing him, "No Ramona." Nakia said grabbing her collar, "Give him to us, we can save him." T'Challa said to a female Agent. They agreed to allow the King to take him. Nakia was grateful, while Okoye wasn't so sure. 

"Our mission was to bring back Klaue, we failed. This man is a foreign intelligence operative. How are we going to explain this." Okoye said trying to be the voice of reason, "He took a bullet for me." Nakia said thinking that was enough justification, "That was his choice." Okoye said still not fully convince. "So now we are just supposed to let him die?" Nakia argue. T'Challa had enough on his mind then thinking about politics, he was still trying to understand how an outsider have the same ring as his father and uncle, being that only two rings was ever made to be passed down to royal blood. T'Challa had enough, "As King it is your duty-" Okoye started when T'Challa interrupt her, "I am well of aware of my duty general. I cannot just let him die knowing we can help him." T'Challa said. Ramona was laying on her bed staying out of the negative energy that was swirling the aircraft. "Where are we taking him?" Okoye asked. 

Ramona was leading the trio to Shuri lab as Ross was floating in between them, Ramona wagged her tail seeing Shuri then ran to greet her. "Hey big girl, nice to see you too." Shuri said with a smile petting Ramona, then she pulled back the blanket that was hiding Ross identity, "Great another white boy for us to fix. This will be fun." Shuri smiled at her brother getting ready for work. Ramona went to her water dish as the other waited for Shuri to finish healing Ross. Ramona went to the area where Bucky was smelling around, this was her own ritual when ever she left for an extended period of time. Ramona, happy that Bucky was ok and the area was clear, laid in her bed getting ready to play with her toys when she heard footsteps entering the lab, then hearing W'Kabi voice talking with T'Challa. Shuri then walked over to her, "Come here girl, let me check out your paw." Shuri commanded grabbing Ramona collar leading her to a table. "Is she ok?" Nakia asked rubbing Ramona under her neck distracting her as Shuri removed her bandage. Shuri looked to her paw seeing that everything was healing nicely, "She's ok, in another hour or so she will be back to normal." Shuri reassured, Ramona gave her a kiss on the cheek causing the Princess to laugh, "You're welcome." Shuri said letting down the table. Ramona hopped off shaking her fur looking at the two ladies then walking off back to Bucky. "I think for now, this is enough missions for her. I promised Sgt. Barnes and Captain Rogers I would watch over her. I don't want to let them down." Shuri said as both her and Nakia watch Ramona walk back to Bucky. "I understand. Thank you Princess, good night." Nakia bowed as she left the lab. Shuri went back to monitor Agent Ross, telling one of her colleagues to change his clothes to something more comfortable.

T'Challa was walking around in deep thought after hearing the truth from Zuri about why the masked man had the same ring as his father and late uncle. Hearing what his father choose to do, to a young boy after taking his own brother life was to mind blowing for T'Challa to handle. He always thought his father was a righteous man, a fair man, hearing that he abandoned a young boy, his own nephew, his cousin, just to hold up a lie was just baffling. T'Challa leaned against a railing taking deep breaths, he felt anger and confusion all balling up in his stomach. He then felt a wet nose nudge his hand, T'Challa jumped at the sensation then looked down seeing Ramona next to him. T'Challa swear that dog was a ghost sometimes, "Hey girl." T'Challa said then went back to looking out the window in front of him. Ramona leaned her head against his thigh, T'Challa absentmindedly rub her head, "I don't know what to do girl. It's like I don't know my own father any more." T'Challa whispered to her. "I, can't understand why he made that call." T'Challa then bend down hugging Ramona around her neck. Ramona licked his ear staying put as T'Challa hugged her tighter. "What kind of man do that. Is this what being King means, welling to kill and leave your own family just to maintain a lie." T'Challa rambled. Ramona stayed quiet allowing the man to us her for comfort like she's done plenty of times for others. T'Challa continue to hug Ramona for the reminder of the night, he didn't sleep just continue to think about the truth that's been hidden all these years. Zuri was right, sometime hearing the truth is unbearable.

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